For this project I created a password-generator so that I could always have a secure password for any account I need to open. It enables me to make a password from 8-128 characters with UPPERCASE, lowercase, numerical, and special characters.
I had trouble with the JavaScript in general and would like to work on getting better at that. When a character amount outside of the parameters for character length was entered followed by a character amount within the parameters, the password generator would give a password with the initial amount of characters. This was fixed when a classmate pointed out that I had forgotten to put a return on line 23.
I tried to include a button to copy the password so it could easily be used where the password is needed, but was unable to get it to work properly; it copied and pasted the password once, but that was it.
The following is a screenshot of the webpage: label
The following is the live webpage:
Shawn Tschoepe and Roye Bustan were very helpful in making this project successful.