The PrepareXHR class is a basic and convenient wrapper around a XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object.
Example usage:
var xhr = new PrepareXHR({
url: '/filemanager/',
params: {
action: 'refresh',
path: JSON.stringify(['/', 'some', 'dir']),
xsrftoken: 'asdfasdf'
onsuccess: function(e) {
onerror: function(e) {
Category: Constructor
- options - An object of options to use to initialize the class.
Returns: A Javascript function hierarchy.
This function sets up a new PrepareXHR class instance.
The options object accepts these options:
- method - An optional string containing a HTTP method to use for the request.
- url - A string containing the URL to use. Must be XHR-compatible (e.g. CORS headers or same domain).
- headers - An optional object containing key-value pairs of custom HTTP headers to send.
- params - An optional object or array or FormData instance containing POST parameters to send. Not compatible with the body option.
- body - An optional string containing the body of the request to send. Not compatible with the params option.
- onsuccess - An optional callback function that is run if the request completes successfully.
- onerror - An optional callback function that is run if the request fails.
- onload - An optional callback function that is run if the request completes successfully.
- onabort - An optional callback function that is run if the request is aborted.
- onloadstart - An optional callback function that is run when the request starts.
- onprogress - An optional callback function that is periodically run as the response data arrives.
- ontimeout - An optional callback function that is run if the request times out.
- onloadend - An optional callback function that is run when the request ends (regardless if it succeeds or not).
Category: Variable
This variable is the internal-ish XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object instance.
Category: Events
- type - A string containing the XHR event type to listen to.
- listener - A callback function to call when the XHR event fires.
- options - A boolean or an object containing standard event listener options.
Returns: Nothing.
This function adds an event listener to the XHR object instance upload/request event handlers.
Category: Events
- type - A string containing the XHR event type to stop listening to.
- listener - A callback function to remove.
- options - A boolean or an object containing standard event listener options.
Returns: Nothing.
This function removes an event listener from the XHR object instance upload/request event handlers.
Category: Events
- type - A string containing the XHR event type to listen to.
- listener - A callback function to call when the XHR event fires.
- options - A boolean or an object containing standard event listener options.
Returns: Nothing.
This function adds an event listener to the XHR object instance response event handlers.
Category: Events
- type - A string containing the XHR event type to stop listening to.
- listener - A callback function to remove.
- options - A boolean or an object containing standard event listener options.
Returns: Nothing.
This function removes an event listener from the XHR object instance response event handlers.
Category: HTTP information
Parameters: None.
Returns: A string containing the HTTP method to use.
This function returns the calculated HTTP method to use based on the input constructor options object.
Category: Actions
Parameters: None.
Returns: A value that can be passed to Send()
This function prepares the XHR body to send. It is automatically called if Send() is not passed anything.
Category: Actions
- xhrbody - Undefined or a value compatible with
Returns: Nothing.
This function starts sending an asynchronous request to the server. If xhrbody
is not defined, this function calls PrepareBody()
to generate the value to send.
Category: Actions
Parameters: None.
Returns: Nothing.
This function aborts a request/upload/response in progress.
Category: Destructor
Parameters: None.
Returns: Nothing.
This function destroys the PrepareXHR instance.