Kludge is an idiomatic Kotlin API for GLFW, Vulkan, and Dear ImGUI. Focuses on ease-of-use and high performance.
Powered by LWJGL 3.
Most likely to be useful for engineering and scientific applications, but also possibly video games.
See the Hello Kludge project for demos.
Kludge is in a medium-to-early stage of development.
The API is becoming more and more stable, but expect breaking changes to happen occasionally.
Only the mostly commonly-used surface of the underlying APIs have been exposed so far. Work towards exposing more underlying API features is ongoing and mainly driven by the couple of applications that depend on Kludge.
Dear ImGUI support is working now, with pre-built binaries provided by the Kludge-ImGUI project. Currently, binaries for the following platforms are included with Kludge:
- Linux x86_64
- Windows x86_64
- Mac OSX
The native code is portable, so other platforms can be supported by simply building Kludge-ImGUI on those platforms. Contributions welcome!
Other ImGUI wrappers for the JVM aready exist (like jimgui), but none of the wrappers I tried seemed to easily support the Vulkan backend for ImGUI.
Kludge is available on Maven Central. Add it to your Gradle gradle.build.kts
dependencies {