The examples below include the regulation described by the sign, as well as sample GeoJSON coordinates and location properties.
No stopping is allowed by anyone at any time. Example location information is included.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "324af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 51.6,
"shstLocationEnd": 55.6,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "59463",
"derivedFrom": ["b2045", "d0294"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Madison Ave"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "no standing",
"priorityCategory": "no standing",
"images": [
No one may park during snow emergencies. Example location information is included.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "324af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 29.9,
"shstLocationEnd": 34.1,
"sideOfStreet": "left",
"objectId": "49202",
"derivedFrom": ["ks045", "q9372"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Parkdale St"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "no parking",
"priorityCategory": "snow emergency zone"
"timeSpans": [
"designatedPeriod": {
"name": "snow emergency",
"apply": "only during"
"images": [
Parking is limited to two hours between 8am and 8pm Monday through Saturday. Payment at multi-space meter is required.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "324af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 40,
"shstLocationEnd": 60,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "2945",
"derivedFrom": ["kj045", "o9372"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Mission St"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "parking",
"priorityCategory": "paid parking",
"payment": true
"timeSpans": [
"daysOfWeek": {
"days": ["mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa"]
"timesOfDay": [
{"from": "08:00", "to": "20:00"}
"devices": ["meter"]
"images": [
Only Enterprise CarShare vehicles may park. All others are prohibited at all times (this is implied and does not need to be specified).
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "908af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 14.7,
"shstLocationEnd": 19.0,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "40163s",
"derivedFrom": ["wo3045", "ty7649"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Reed Ave"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "parking",
"priorityCategory": "parking"
"userClasses" : [
"classes": ["car share"],
"subclasses": ["Enterprise"]
"images": [
No parking allowed between 6am and 8am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month between April 1st and November 30th of every year.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "923af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 5,
"shstLocationEnd": 90,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "d59463",
"derivedFrom": ["sign-7369", "sign-1045"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Brookline St"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "no parking",
"priorityCategory": "street cleaning"
"timeSpans": [
"effectiveDates": [
{"from": "04-01", "to": "11-30"}
"daysOfWeek": {
"days": ["We"],
"occurrencesInMonth": ["2nd", "4th"]
"timesOfDay": [
{"from": "06:00", "to": "08:00"}
"images": [
All vehicles except permitted construction vehicles are prohibited from standing between 7am and 4pm on April 9th, 2018.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "224af8ba918d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 20.3,
"shstLocationEnd": 25.8,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "d59463",
"derivedFrom": ["sign-9769", "sign-2045"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Madison Ave"
"regulations": [
// defines a parking zone for construction vehicles:
"rule": {
"activity": "parking",
"priorityCategory": "construction"
"userClasses" : [
"classes": ["construction"]
"timeSpans": [
"effectiveDates": [
{"from": "2018-04-09", "to": "2018-04-09"}
"timesOfDay": [
{"from": "07:00", "to": "16:00"}
// defines a no standing zone for all other vehicles:
"rule": {
"activity": "standing",
"reason": "construction"
"userClasses" : [
"classes": ["construction"]
"timeSpans": [
"effectiveDates": {
"from": "2018-04-09","to": "2018-04-09"
"timesOfDay": [
{"from": "07:00", "to": "16:00"}
"images": [
Parking allowed only for resident permit holders Monday through Saturday, except holidays.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "993dj8ba408d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 5,
"shstLocationEnd": 100,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "190-349s",
"derivedFrom": ["w0434", "q9404"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Bond St"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "parking",
"priorityCategory": "restricted parking"
"userClasses" : [
"classes": ["permit"],
"timeSpans": [
"daysOfWeek": {
"days": ["mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa"]
"designatedPeriods": [
{"name": "holidays", "apply": "except during"}
"images": [
No parking for Kardashians at any time. Let's pretend this sign is not yet in place, but proposed for consideration.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"location": {
"shstRefId": "993dj8ba408d9a2921b1fe6f9723d729",
"shstLocationStart": 5,
"shstLocationEnd": 100,
"sideOfStreet": "right",
"objectId": "190-349s",
"derivedFrom": ["w0434", "q9404"],
"assetType": "sign",
"streetName": "Celebrity St",
"status": "proposed"
"regulations": [
"rule": {
"activity": "no parking",
"priorityCategory": "no parking",
"userClasses" : [
"classes": ["Kardashians"],
"images": [