A tool for converting ethereum
and cosmos addresses
into cyber
- You need to build the tool. Run:
go build -o cyber ./
If it goes right, you can see it after building the binary tool cyber
in the current repo
For converting cosmos
addresses into cyber
copy the previously prepared cosmos.csv
file from ../cosmos_gift_tool/data/cosmos.csv
to the current repo
cp ../cosmos_gift_tool/data/cosmos.csv cosmos.csv
./cyber convert-cosmos-batch cosmos.csv ./cosmos.csv --acc-prefix=cyber
It should take 2 minutes. The new cosmos.csv
file will replace the old one in the current repo. The data structure is now cyberaddress, cosmosbalances
For converting ethereum
addresses into cyber
copy the previously prepared ethereum.csv
file from ../ethereum_gift_tool/data/ethereum.csv
to the current repo
cp ../ethereum_gift_tool/data/ethereum.csv ethereum.csv
Also, you will need the ethereum
public keys for converting. If you have alredy synced parity
node (synced at least to 8080808
blocks), you can just copy eth-pubkeys
to the current directory. Otherwise you need to collect them.
./cyber collect-ethereum-keys --node-url=http://localhost:8546 --threads=10
This script connects to a web3 client and pulls transaction data from the blockchain. In particular, it extracts r,v,s signature components of each transaction, and calculates the secp256k1 public key associated with the Ethereum account that has created the transaction. The collected data is stored in LevelDb as current sub-folder "eth-pubkeys".
Then, you're redy for converting. Run:
./cyber convert-ethereum-batch ethereum.csv eth-pubkeys --acc-prefix=cyber
The process should take 2 minutes. The new ethereum.csv
file will replace the old one in the current repo. The data structure is now cyberaddress, ethereumbalances
This tool converts the validator rewards file, from cybervaloper address
into cyber.
Copy the previously prepared validators.csv
file from ../lifetime_rewards_tool/data/notebool/validators.csv
to the current repo
cp ../lifetime_rewards_tool/data/notebool/validators.csv validators.csv
./cyber convert-cosmos-batch validators.csv ./validators.csv --acc-prefix=cyber
It should take a few seconds. The new validators.csv
file will replace the old one in the current repo. The data structure is now cyberaddress, cyberbalance