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File metadata and controls

1532 lines (1242 loc) · 46.2 KB

EOS: Core Computing System

(provide 'eos-core)

Bootstrapping the Emacs environment

To start with emacs, we need a ~/.emacs.d/init.el file that can be loaded. This file will be tangled to a file called eos-core.el which will be installed as the starting module in init.el loaded by Emacs.

Helper Methods

These are shell script helpers, a cache warming function that’ll automatically get added to, and some functions that’ll need to be sourced in from other scripts.
test -f /etc/os-release && . /etc/os-release
[[ $ID = "debian" ]] && sudo apt-get update
[[ $ID = "fedora" ]] && sudo dnf makecache
function deb-install () {
    test -f /etc/os-release && . /etc/os-release
    [[ $ID = "debian" ]] && sudo apt-get install $@
function rpm-install () {
    test -f /etc/os-release && . /etc/os-release
    [[ $ID = "fedora" ]] && sudo dnf install $@

EOS Core Configuration Setup

Let’s start with some personal information about me:
(setq user-full-name "Lee Hinman"
      user-mail-address "")

Always, always, prefer UTF-8, anything else is insanity

(set-charset-priority 'unicode)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-process-coding-system '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix))

Turn on syntax highlighting for all buffers:

(global-font-lock-mode t)

Raise the maximum number of logs in the *Messages* buffer:

(setq message-log-max 16384)

We don’t really need to garbage collect as frequently as Emacs would like to by default, so set the threshold up higher:

(defvar eos/default-gc-threshold (* 20 1024 1024)
  "Default `gc-cons-threshold' after startup")

;; Set to `t' to display GC messages
(setq garbage-collection-messages nil)

;; 100mb during startup
(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 100 1024 1024))

;; set back to default after startup finishes
(add-hook 'after-init-hook
          (lambda ()
            (message "Resetting garbage collection..")
            (setq gc-cons-threshold eos/default-gc-threshold)))

(defun eos/minibuffer-setup-hook ()
  (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 100 1024 1024)))

(defun eos/minibuffer-exit-hook ()
  (setq gc-cons-threshold eos/default-gc-threshold))

(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'eos/minibuffer-setup-hook)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook #'eos/minibuffer-exit-hook)

Wait a bit longer than the default (0.5 seconds) before assuming Emacs is idle

(setq idle-update-delay 2)

line-number-mode displays the current line number in the mode line, however it stops doing that in buffers when encountering at least one overly long line and displays two question marks instead. This is pretty unhelpful, the only workaround I’ve been able to find was to increase line-number-display-width to a substantially higher value.

(setq line-number-display-limit-width 10000)

Make gnutls a bit safer, the default is an absurdly low 256

(setq gnutls-min-prime-bits 4096)

When I select a region and start typing, just delete the region automatically. This ends up working great with expand-region

(delete-selection-mode 1)

Don’t warn me about large files unless they’re at least 25mb:

(setq large-file-warning-threshold (* 25 1024 1024))

If you change buffer, or focus, disable the current buffer’s mark:

(transient-mark-mode 1)

Don’t indicate empty lines or the end of a buffer with visual marks (the lines are cleaned up automatically anyway)

(setq-default indicate-empty-lines nil)
(setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries nil)

Turn off all kinds of modes, I don’t need the menu bar, or the tool bar:

(when (functionp 'menu-bar-mode)
  (menu-bar-mode -1))
(when (functionp 'set-scroll-bar-mode)
  (set-scroll-bar-mode 'nil))
(when (functionp 'mouse-wheel-mode)
  (mouse-wheel-mode -1))
(when (functionp 'tooltip-mode)
  (tooltip-mode -1))
(when (functionp 'tool-bar-mode)
  (tool-bar-mode -1))
(when (functionp 'blink-cursor-mode)
  (blink-cursor-mode -1))

Don’t beep. Just don’t. Also, don’t show the startup message, I know Emacs is starting.

(setq ring-bell-function (lambda ()))
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)

Why would you not want to know lines/columns in your mode-line?

(line-number-mode 1)
(column-number-mode 1)

Ignore case when using completion for file names:

(setq read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t)

Nobody likes to have to type “yes” to questions, so change it to just hitting the y key to confirm:

(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

Confirm before killing emacs, but only on graphical sessions

(when (window-system)
  (setq confirm-kill-emacs 'yes-or-no-p))

It’s much easier to move around lines based on how they are displayed, rather than the actual line. This helps a ton with long log file lines that may be wrapped:

(setq line-move-visual t)

Hide the mouse while typing:

(setq make-pointer-invisible t)

Set up the fill-column to 100 characters and set tab width to 2

(setq-default fill-column 100)
(setq-default default-tab-width 2)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

Fix some weird color escape sequences

(setq system-uses-terminfo nil)

Resolve symlinks:

(setq-default find-file-visit-truename t)

Require a newline at the end of files:

(setq require-final-newline t)

Uniquify buffers, using angle brackets, so you get foo and foo<2>:

(use-package uniquify
  (setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward))

Search (and search/replace) using regex by default, since that’s usually what I want to do:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'isearch-forward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-r") 'isearch-backward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-%") 'query-replace-regexp)
;; This is usually bound to `C-M-l', but that locks the screen on linux, so bind
;; it to something I can use
(global-set-key (kbd "M-L") 'reposition-window)

Just kill this buffer, don’t prompt me. I’ll use helm if I want to kill a different buffer

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x k") #'kill-this-buffer)

Single space still ends a sentence:

(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)

Split windows a bit better (don’t split horizontally, I have a widescreen :P)

(setq split-height-threshold nil)
(setq split-width-threshold 180)

Make sure auto automatically rescan for imenu changes:

(set-default 'imenu-auto-rescan t)

Seed the random number generator:

(random t)

Switch to unified diffs by default:

(setq diff-switches "-u")

Use either auto-fill or visual fill mode in text buffers:

If, rather than auto-fill I want to use visual fill, I use visual fill column to wrap at the regular fill column when visual-fill-mode is turned on.

;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-visual-line-mode)

(use-package diminish
  :init (diminish 'auto-fill-function ""))

(use-package visual-fill-column
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook #'visual-fill-column-mode)
  (setq split-window-preferred-function 'visual-fill-column-split-window-sensibly)
  (advice-add 'text-scale-adjust :after #'visual-fill-column-adjust))

Set the internal calculator not to go to scientific form quite so quickly:

(setq calc-display-sci-low -5)

Bury the *scratch* buffer, never kill it:

(defadvice kill-buffer (around kill-buffer-around-advice activate)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (ad-get-arg 0)))
    (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")

These are some settings for version control stuff.

Start a server if not running, but a only for gui-only:

;; Lame, server has bad autoloads :(
(require 'server nil t)
(use-package server
  :if window-system
  (when (not (server-running-p server-name))

Prettify all the symbols, if available (an Emacs 24.4 feature):

(when (boundp 'global-prettify-symbols-mode)
  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (push '("lambda" . ) prettify-symbols-alist)))
  (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (push '("fn" . ) prettify-symbols-alist)))
  (global-prettify-symbols-mode +1))

Emacs (foolishly) defaults to adding the --insecure flag. It also supports the (incredibly broken) SSL version 3. What are you thinking Emacs!?!

Here I set it back to a sane value:

(setq tls-program
      ;; Defaults:
      ;; '("gnutls-cli --insecure -p %p %h"
      ;;   "gnutls-cli --insecure -p %p %h --protocols ssl3"
      ;;   "openssl s_client -connect %h:%p -no_ssl2 -ign_eof")
      '(;;"gnutls-cli -p %p %h"
        "openssl s_client -connect %h:%p -no_ssl2 -no_ssl3 -ign_eof"))

Desktop Save Mode[fn:18:] is the session management system for Emacs; it holds state of open buffers and session variables across instantiation of Emacs, which is super useful in mobile setups like laptops which reboot a lot. To make startup sane, I’m choosing to eagerly restore the 10 most recently used buffers on startup, and then in Idle the system will restore the remaining buffers.

I’ve recently disabled this, because I enjoy starting clean when I restart Emacs, so it’s nice to have the option if desired..

Desktop+ will automatically save the desktop when Emacs exits

;; Disabled for now
;; (desktop-save-mode 1)
;; load all values eagerly
(setq desktop-restore-eager 10)
;; Don't save TRAMP, ftp, or "KILL" buffers
(setq desktop-files-not-to-save "\\(^/[^/:]*:\\|(ftp)$\\|KILL\\)")
;; Don't restore different frames, only restore the one frame
(setq desktop-restore-frames nil)

(use-package desktop+
  :ensure t
  :disabled t
  (defun eos/load-default-desktop ()
    "Load the default EOS desktop, assuming one has been saved
with the name `default'."
    (desktop+-load "default")
    (message "Loaded \"default\" desktop."))

  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'eos/load-default-desktop))

By default, my machine drops me in to a *scratch* buffer. Originally designed to be an lisp playground that you could dive right in to on start up, it’s sort of eclipsed that for me in to a general purpose buffer, where I will put things like elisp I am prototyping or playtesting, small snippets of code that I want to use in dayjob, etc. But when you kill emacs, or it dies, that buffer disappears. This code will save the Scratch buffer every minute and restores it on Emacs startup.

(defun save-persistent-scratch ()
  "Write the contents of *scratch* to the file name
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")
    (write-region (point-min) (point-max) "~/.emacs.d/persistent-scratch")))

(defun load-persistent-scratch ()
  "Load the contents of `persistent-scratch-file-name' into the
  scratch buffer, clearing its contents first."
  (if (file-exists-p "~/.emacs-persistent-scratch")
      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*")
        (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
        (insert-file-contents "~/.emacs.d/persistent-scratch"))))

;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'load-persistent-scratch)
;; (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'save-persistent-scratch)

I restart emacs a lot, and it is nice to have the history of things like M-x saved across those sessions. savehist mode gives us that.

;; (require 'savehist)
;; (setq savehist-file (concat user-emacs-directory "savehist"))
;; (savehist-mode 1)
;; (setq savehist-save-minibuffer-history 1)
;; (setq savehist-additional-variables
;;       '(kill-ring
;;         search-ring
;;         regexp-search-ring))
(save-place-mode 1)
;; (setq-default save-place t)

Toggle line wrapping with C-x C-l

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-l") #'toggle-truncate-lines)

Set up keeping track of recent files, up to 2000 of them.

If emacs has been idle for 10 minutes, clean up the recent files. Also save the list of recent files every 5 minutes.

(setq recentf-max-saved-items 300
      recentf-exclude '("/auto-install/" ".recentf" "/repos/" "/elpa/"
                        "\\.mime-example" "\\.ido.last" "COMMIT_EDITMSG"
                        ".gz" "~$" "/tmp/" "/ssh:" "/sudo:" "/scp:")
      recentf-auto-cleanup 600)

;; Enable when running interactively
(when (not noninteractive) (recentf-mode 1))

(defun recentf-save-list ()
  "Save the recent list.
Load the list from the file specified by `recentf-save-file',
merge the changes of your current session, and save it back to
the file."
  (let ((instance-list (cl-copy-list recentf-list)))
    (recentf-merge-with-default-list instance-list)

(defun recentf-merge-with-default-list (other-list)
  "Add all items from `other-list' to `recentf-list'."
  (dolist (oitem other-list)
    ;; add-to-list already checks for equal'ity
    (add-to-list 'recentf-list oitem)))

(defun recentf-write-list-to-file ()
  "Write the recent files list to file.
Uses `recentf-list' as the list and `recentf-save-file' as the
file to write to."
  (condition-case error
        (set-buffer-file-coding-system recentf-save-file-coding-system)
        (insert (format recentf-save-file-header (current-time-string)))
        (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-list recentf-max-saved-items)
        (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-filter-changer-current)
        (insert "\n \n;;; Local Variables:\n"
                (format ";;; coding: %s\n" recentf-save-file-coding-system)
                ";;; End:\n")
        (write-file (expand-file-name recentf-save-file))
        (when recentf-save-file-modes
          (set-file-modes recentf-save-file recentf-save-file-modes))
     (warn "recentf mode: %s" (error-message-string error)))))

Change the clipboard settings to better integrate into Linux:

(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
;; Treat clipboard input as UTF-8 string first; compound text next, etc.
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))

All restoring window placement with Emacs’ built-in winner-mode

(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'winner-mode)

Save whatever’s in the current (system) clipboard before replacing it with the Emacs’ text.

(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)

Settings for what to do with temporary files. I like to put them all in ~/.emacs_backups if it exists, which puts them in a single place instead of littering everywhere.

;; delete-auto-save-files
(setq delete-auto-save-files t)
;; Create the directory for backups if it doesn't exist
(when (not (file-exists-p "~/.emacs_backups"))
  (make-directory "~/.emacs_backups"))

(setq-default backup-directory-alist
              '((".*" . "~/.emacs_backups")))
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
      '((".*" "~/.emacs_backups/" t)))

;; delete old backups silently
(setq delete-old-versions t)

Need to make sure the directory exists in the initializing shell script, so this goes into

mkdir -p ~/.emacs_backups

Before saving a buffer, cleans up whitespace only for the lines that I have touched. I used to have:

(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'delete-trailing-whitespace)

But this ends up deleting a looot of whitespace in my work codebase ಠ_ಠ, so now I use ws-butler.

(use-package ws-butler
  :ensure t
  :diminish ws-butler-mode
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'ws-butler-mode)
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'ws-butler-mode)
  (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'ws-butler-mode))

On the other hand, auto-indenting can be really handy.

(use-package auto-indent-mode
  :ensure t)

Let’s configure some popup rules, so buffers don’t take over the whole workspace when they are popped up. I do this with Popwin

(use-package popwin
  :ensure t
  :disabled t ;; doesn't work well in emacs 26
  :commands popwin-mode
  :init (popwin-mode 1)
    (defvar popwin:special-display-config-backup popwin:special-display-config)
    (setq display-buffer-function 'popwin:display-buffer
          popwin:popup-window-height 20)

    ;; remove compilation-mode from popwin, I want a full window
    (setq popwin:special-display-config
          (remove '(compilation-mode :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config))

    ;; basic
    (push '("*Help*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*Pp Eval Output*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; dictionaly
    (push '("*dict*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*sdic*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; popwin for slime
    (push '(slime-repl-mode :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; man
    (push '(Man-mode :stick t :height 20) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; Elisp
    (push '("*ielm*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*eshell pop*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; python
    (push '("*Python*"   :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*Python Help*" :stick t :height 20) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*jedi:doc*" :stick t :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; Haskell
    (push '("*haskell*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)
    (push '("*GHC Info*") popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; git-gutter
    (push '("*git-gutter:diff*" :width 0.5 :stick t)

    (push '("*Occur*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; prodigy
    (push '("*prodigy*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; org-mode
    (push '("*Org tags*" :stick t :height 30)

    ;; Completions
    (push '("*Completions*" :stick t :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; ggtags
    (push '("*ggtags-global*" :stick t :noselect t :height 30) popwin:special-display-config)

    ;; async shell commands
    (push '("*Async Shell Command*" :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

    (push '(" *undo-tree*" :width 0.3 :position right) popwin:special-display-config)

    (global-set-key (kbd "C-h e") 'popwin:messages)))

Undo-tree allows me to have sane undo defaults, as well as being able to visualize it in ascii art if needed.

(use-package undo-tree
  :ensure t
  :init (global-undo-tree-mode t)
  :defer t
  :diminish ""
    (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history nil)
    (define-key undo-tree-map (kbd "C-x u") 'undo-tree-visualize)
    (define-key undo-tree-map (kbd "C-/") 'undo-tree-undo)))

Usually M-SPC is bound to just-one-space, but shrink-whitespace is actually a better alternative because it can shrink space between lines.

Thanks to for the link to this package.

(use-package shrink-whitespace
  :ensure t
  :bind ("M-SPC" . shrink-whitespace))

Extended bookmarks, which I’ve started used for dired buffers and so on. I always have a bookmark for my Downloads folder as well as some TRAMP bookmarks for my webserver, in case I want to manually copy things around.

(use-package bookmark+
  :load-path "site-lisp/bookmark+"
  :demand t
  :init (setq bmkp-replace-EWW-keys-flag t)
  (setq bookmark-version-control t
        ;; auto-save bookmarks
        bookmark-save-flag 1))

Anzu shows the number of search hits in the modeline, which is handy.

It can also be used for a “refactor-like” thing similar to query-replace.

(use-package anzu
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :bind ("M-%" . anzu-query-replace-regexp)
    (use-package thingatpt)
    (setq anzu-mode-lighter ""
          ;; spaceline already takes care of this
          anzu-cons-mode-line-p nil)
    (set-face-attribute 'anzu-mode-line nil :foreground "yellow")))

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'anzu-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'anzu-mode)

Also, add a thing for yanking the entire symbol into the query while searching:

(defun isearch-yank-symbol ()
  (isearch-yank-internal (lambda () (forward-symbol 1) (point))))

(define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-M-w") #'isearch-yank-symbol)

Automagically resizes the windows to be the golden ratio (1.618), nice when using a big font size and I need more eshell space

(use-package golden-ratio
  :ensure t
  :diminish golden-ratio-mode
  :defer t
  (add-hook 'ediff-before-setup-windows-hook (lambda () (golden-ratio-mode -1)))
  (add-hook 'ediff-quit-hook (lambda () (golden-ratio-mode 1)))
  ;; Default is 1.0, but I find this adjust just slightly less, which is nice
  (setq golden-ratio-adjust-factor .9)

  (defun eos/helm-alive-p ()
    (if (boundp 'helm-alive-p)
        (symbol-value 'helm-alive-p)))
  (defun eos/ispell-running-p ()
    (and (boundp 'ispell-choices-buffer)
         (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer)))

  ;; Inhibit helm and ispell buffers
  (setq golden-ratio-inhibit-functions '(eos/helm-alive-p eos/ispell-running-p))

  (setq golden-ratio-exclude-buffer-regexp '("\\`\\*[Hh]elm.*\\*\\'")
        golden-ratio-exclude-buffer-names '("*Org Select*")
        golden-ratio-exclude-modes '(messages-buffer-mode
        golden-ratio-recenter t))

Add a generic cleanup method that can be called everywhere, bound to C-c i:

(defun untabify-buffer ()
  (untabify (point-min) (point-max)))

(defun indent-buffer ()
  (indent-region (point-min) (point-max)))

(defvar bad-cleanup-modes '(python-mode yaml-mode)
  "List of modes where `cleanup-buffer' should not be used")

(defun cleanup-buffer ()
  "Perform a bunch of operations on the whitespace content of a
buffer. If the buffer is one of the `bad-cleanup-modes' then no
re-indenting and un-tabification is done."
  (unless (member major-mode bad-cleanup-modes)

;; Perform general cleanup.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c i") #'cleanup-buffer)

Read-only viewing of files is quite useful. Keybindings for paging through stuff in a less/vim manner.

Make sure you install mupdf for the best quality PDFs on Linux and OSX. (brew install mupdf on osx)

deb-install mupdf
rpm-install mupdf
(use-package view
  :defer 15
  (defun View-goto-line-last (&optional line)
    "goto last line"
    (interactive "P")
    (goto-line (line-number-at-pos (point-max))))

  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "e") 'View-scroll-half-page-forward)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "u") 'View-scroll-half-page-backward)

  ;; less like
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "N") 'View-search-last-regexp-backward)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "?") 'View-search-regexp-backward?)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "g") 'View-goto-line)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "G") 'View-goto-line-last)
  ;; vi/w3m like
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "h") 'backward-char)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "j") 'next-line)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "k") 'previous-line)
  (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "l") 'forward-char))

(use-package doc-view
  (define-key doc-view-mode-map (kbd "j")
  (define-key doc-view-mode-map (kbd "k")
  ;; use 'q' to kill the buffer, not just hide it
  (define-key doc-view-mode-map (kbd "q")

(defun eos/turn-on-viewing-mode ()
  "Turn on the viewing mode, to make looking through logs easier"
  (view-mode 1)
  (when (fboundp 'eos/turn-on-hl-line)

I also use the ‘pdf-tools’ package, which is really nice for viewing PDF files. The only real caveat for it is that it requires you to do the M-x pdf-tools-install every time the package is updated, to actually build the tool that it uses.

(use-package pdf-tools
  :ensure t
  :when window-system
  :init (pdf-tools-install)
  (setq pdf-view-resize-factor 1.1))

Expand region is useful it’s insane.

(use-package expand-region
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :bind (("C-c e" . er/expand-region)
         ("C-M-@" . er/contract-region)))

Mulitple cursors is like rectangular selection/insertion but on steroids

(use-package multiple-cursors
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-S-c C-S-c" . mc/edit-lines)
         ("C->" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
         ("C-<" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
         ("C-c C-<" . mc/mark-all-like-this)))

VLF lets me handle things like 2gb files gracefully, which is good, because sometimes I need to look at someone’s 5gb log file.

(use-package vlf-setup
  :ensure vlf
  :init (require 'vlf-setup))

I use M-x proced a lot to get a top-like (or htop-like) display of processes, kill them and all that, when I do, I want it to auto-update

(setq-default proced-auto-update-flag t)
(setq-default proced-auto-update-interval 5)
(add-hook 'proced-mode-hook 'eos/turn-on-hl-line)

I don’t really need bi-directional display, so let’s speed up long lines

(setq-default bidi-display-reordering nil)

Don’t bother saving things to the kill-ring twice, remove duplicates

(setq kill-do-not-save-duplicates t)

Preserve the window location when opening things

(setq switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point t)

Use a sane re-builder syntax so I don’t have to have crazy escapes, see:

(setq reb-re-syntax 'string)

Set up the site-lisp directory so that things can be loaded from there if applicable

(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp")
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp"))

Ignore case when performing completion

(setq completion-ignore-case t
      read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t)

I occasionally use rgrep to search through code, and it can be pretty handy to be able to refactor the name of a method or something by making the *grep* buffer writable, that’s what wgrep does.

(use-package wgrep
  :ensure t
  :init (require 'wgrep))

Increase the auto-revert timer from its default of 5 seconds to a more reasonable value

(setq auto-revert-interval 10)

Various Highlighting of words

Sometimes I just want words to be highlighted. I’ve decided to use overlays for this, and ov.el in particular.

(use-package ov
  :ensure t
  :commands (ov-match ov-set)

  (defun eos/add-buffer-hl-overlays ()
    ;; Highlight dakrone everywhere you see it
    (ov-set (ov-match "dakrone") '(face '(:foreground "blue" :weight bold))))

  (defun eos/add-file-hl-overlays ()
    ;; Only when less than 100k characters
    (when (< (buffer-size) 100000)

  (add-hook 'find-file-hook #'eos/add-file-hl-overlays)
  (add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode #'eos/add-buffer-hl-overlays))

GPG and gpg-agent (as well as SSH agent)

I use gpg-agent [fn:30:] as an ssh agent.

(defun tsp/gpg-version ()
  "Return the version of gpg as a string"
      (shell-command (concat epg-gpg-program " --version") (current-buffer))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (string-match "gpg (GnuPG) \\(.*\\)" (buffer-string))
       (match-string 1)))))

Before we start, let’s install a nice little tool for setting up ssh-agent and gpg-agent, keychain

deb-install keychain
rpm-install keychain

And make sure bash uses it

eval $(keychain --noask --eval --agents gpg,ssh -Q id_rsa)

Let’s make sure that all the GPG things we need are installed, and GPG-Agent is configured to enable the SSH agent support.

rpm-install gnupg2 gnupg2-smime
deb-install gnupg2
echo enable-ssh-support >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
ln -sfv $PWD/out/gpg.conf ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
default-key 3ACECAE0


auto-key-locate keyserver cert pka
keyserver hkp://

list-options no-show-photos show-uid-validity no-show-unusable-uids no-show-unusable-subkeys show-keyring show-policy-urls show-notations show-keyserver-urls show-sig-expire
verify-options show-uid-validity
keyid-format 0xlong

personal-digest-preferences SHA512
personal-cipher-preferences AES256 AES192 AES
cert-digest-algo SHA512
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed

s2k-cipher-algo AES256
s2k-digest-algo SHA512
s2k-mode 3
s2k-count 65011712

completes-needed 2
marginals-needed 5
max-cert-depth 7
min-cert-level 2

I use gpg2 everywhere, including in Emacs.

(setq epg-gpg-program "gpg2")

OS-specific settings


(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)

  ;; Whether to use GTK tooltips or emacs ones
  ;; (setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil)
  (setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t)

  (defun tsp/max-fullscreen ()

  ;; fullscreen
  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'tsp/max-fullscreen)

  (setq dired-listing-switches "-lFaGh1v --group-directories-first")

  ;; suspend-frame isn't working on Linux?
  (global-unset-key (kbd "C-z"))
  (global-unset-key (kbd "C-x C-z")))


(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (setq ns-use-native-fullscreen nil)
  ;; brew install coreutils
  (if (executable-find "gls")
        (setq insert-directory-program "gls")
        (setq dired-listing-switches "-lFaGh1v --group-directories-first"))
    (setq dired-listing-switches "-ahlF"))
  (defun copy-from-osx ()
    "Handle copy/paste intelligently on osx."
    (let ((pbpaste (purecopy "/usr/bin/pbpaste")))
      (if (and (eq system-type 'darwin)
               (file-exists-p pbpaste))
          (let ((tramp-mode nil)
                (default-directory "~"))
            (shell-command-to-string pbpaste)))))

  (defun paste-to-osx (text &optional push)
    (let ((process-connection-type nil))
      (let ((proc (start-process "pbcopy" "*Messages*" "/usr/bin/pbcopy")))
        (process-send-string proc text)
        (process-send-eof proc))))
  (setq interprogram-cut-function 'paste-to-osx
        interprogram-paste-function 'copy-from-osx)

  (defun move-file-to-trash (file)
    "Use `trash' to move FILE to the system trash.
When using Homebrew, install it using \"brew install trash\"."
    (call-process (executable-find "trash")
                  nil 0 nil

Sometimes I use the OSX emacs-mac port: , which has a whole other set of issues, so this is special handling of it…

(when (eq window-system 'mac)

  (defun eos/max-fullscreen ()
    (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen 'fullboth))

  ;; fullscreen
  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'eos/max-fullscreen)
  ;; use alt as hyper
  (setq mac-option-modifier 'meta)
  ;; use command as meta
  (setq mac-command-modifier 'hyper))

Spell check and flyspell settings

I use Hunspell and Aspell checking spelling, ignoring words under 3 characters and running very quickly. My personal word dictionary is at ~/.flydict.

While I used to use Hunspell, I’ve gone back to aspell because it’s a bit easier to get up and running with.

;; Standard location of personal dictionary
(setq ispell-personal-dictionary "~/.flydict")

;; Mostly taken from
(when (executable-find "aspell")
  (setq ispell-program-name (executable-find "aspell"))
  (setq ispell-extra-args
        (list "--sug-mode=fast" ;; ultra|fast|normal|bad-spellers

;; hunspell
(when (executable-find "hunspell")
  (setq ispell-program-name (executable-find "hunspell"))
  (setq ispell-extra-args '("-d en_US"
                            "-p ~/.flydict")))

(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("[^\000-\377]+"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '(":\\(PROPERTIES\\|LOGBOOK\\):" . ":END:"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("#\\+BEGIN_SRC" . "#\\+END_SRC"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE" . "#\\+END_EXAMPLE"))

In most non-programming modes, M-. can be used to spellcheck the word (otherwise it would jump to the definition)

(use-package flyspell
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :diminish ""
  ;; So previously, I used to do this:
  ;;(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'flyspell-prog-mode)

  ;; start with it turned off
  (setq eos/programming-spellcheck nil)

  (use-package shut-up :ensure t)
  (defun eos/flyspell-buffer-quietly ()
    (when eos/programming-spellcheck
      (save-excursion (shut-up (flyspell-buffer)))))

  ;; But, the problem then is that you get spell checking as you go, instead,
  ;; I think I'd rather have the buffer spellchecked when it's saved, and still
  ;; be able to go through the errors
  (defun eos/turn-on-programming-spellcheck ()
    (flyspell-mode -1)
    (when (not (and (boundp 'org-src-mode)
      ;; Tell the local buffer it's safe to flyspell this after save
      (setq-local eos/programming-spellcheck t)
      ;; Automatically becomes local
      (setq flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate
      ;; C-, is normally set in flyspell mode, but since we're not turning it on,
      ;; we still need to be able to hit it, so bind it locally
      (local-set-key (kbd "C-,") 'flyspell-goto-next-error)))
  ;; Turned off right now, as I'm still tweaking this
  ;;(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'eos/flyspell-buffer-quietly)
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'eos/turn-on-programming-spellcheck)
  (define-key flyspell-mode-map (kbd "C-.") 'company-complete))

Here’s a helper method for creating a projectile project for the current directory (I use this when inspecting diagnostics tarballs)

(defun eos/make-projectile ()
  "Make the current dired directory a projectile project"
  (shell-command (format "touch %s.projectile" (dired-current-directory))))

Binding the EOS mega-map with Hydra

I’m used to not be a fan of hydra, mostly because I don’t need popups for every little thing under the sun. However, I lately decided I wanted a unified interface to the parts of EOS.

(use-package hydra :ensure t)

(defhydra eos/hydra-toggle-map nil
_d_: debug-on-error             _+_: monitor jack in
_D_: debug-on-quit              _-_: monitor jack out
_f_: fixed/variable width mode  _0_: monitor reset
_F_: auto-fill-mode             _R_: code reading mode
_l_: toggle-truncate-lines      _c_: color-identifiers-mode
_h_: hl-line-mode               _a_: auto-fill-mode
_r_: read-only-mode
_v_: viewing-mode
_n_: narrow-or-widen-dwim
_g_: golden-ratio-mode
_q_: quit
  ("a" auto-fill-mode :exit t)
  ("c" color-identifiers-mode :exit t)
  ("d" toggle-debug-on-error :exit t)
  ("D" toggle-debug-on-quit :exit t)
  ("g" golden-ratio-mode :exit t)
  ("f" variable-pitch-mode :exit t)
  ("F" auto-fill-mode :exit t)
  ("l" toggle-truncate-lines :exit t)
  ("r" read-only-mode :exit t)
  ;; This gets turned on/off unconditionally (not the eos/turn-on-hl-line-mode)
  ("h" hl-line-mode :exit t)
  ("v" eos/turn-on-viewing-mode :exit t)
  ("n" eos/narrow-or-widen-dwim :exit t)
  ("+" eos/monitor-jack-in :exit t)
  ("-" eos/monitor-jack-out :exit t)
  ("0" eos/monitor-reset :exit t)
  ("R" eos/code-reading-mode :exit t)
  ("q" nil :exit t))

(defhydra eos/hydra-next-error nil
  "Error Selection"
  ("`" next-error "next")
  ("j" next-error "next" :bind nil)

  ("n" next-error "next" :bind nil)
  ("k" previous-error "previous" :bind nil)
  ("p" previous-error "previous" :bind nil)
  ("l" flycheck-list-errors "list-errors" :exit t)
  ("q" nil "quit" :color red))

(defhydra eos/hydra-macro
   (when defining-kbd-macro
     (kmacro-end-macro 1)))
  ^Create-Cycle^   ^Basic^           ^Insert^        ^Save^         ^Edit^
     ^_k_^           [_e_] execute    [_n_] insert    [_b_] name      [_'_] previous
     ^^↑^^           [_d_] delete     [_t_] set       [_K_] key       [_,_] last
 ( ←   → )       [_o_] edit       [_a_] add       [_x_] register
     ^^↓^^           [_r_] region     [_f_] format    [_B_] defun
     ^_j_^           [_m_] step
    ^^   ^^          [_s_] swap
  ("(" kmacro-start-macro :color blue)
  (")" kmacro-end-or-call-macro-repeat)
  ("k" kmacro-cycle-ring-previous)
  ("j" kmacro-cycle-ring-next)
  ("r" apply-macro-to-region-lines)
  ("d" kmacro-delete-ring-head)
  ("e" kmacro-end-or-call-macro-repeat)
  ("o" kmacro-edit-macro-repeat)
  ("m" kmacro-step-edit-macro)
  ("s" kmacro-swap-ring)
  ("n" kmacro-insert-counter)
  ("t" kmacro-set-counter)
  ("a" kmacro-add-counter)
  ("f" kmacro-set-format)
  ("b" kmacro-name-last-macro)
  ("K" kmacro-bind-to-key)
  ("B" insert-kbd-macro)
  ("x" kmacro-to-register)
  ("'" kmacro-edit-macro)
  ("," edit-kbd-macro)
  ("q" nil :color blue))

Here’s a Hydra for information about the system (and emacs) that I stole from a different user:

(defhydra eos/hydra-about-emacs ()
    About Emacs                                                        [_q_] quit
    PID:             %s(emacs-pid)
    Uptime:          %s(emacs-uptime)
    Init time:       %s(emacs-init-time)
    Directory:       %s(identity user-emacs-directory)
    Invoked from:    %s(concat invocation-directory invocation-name)
    Version:         %s(identity emacs-version)

    User Info
    User name:       %s(user-full-name)
    Login (real):    %s(user-login-name) (%s(user-real-login-name))
      UID (real):    %s(user-uid) (%s(user-real-uid))
      GID (real):    %s(group-gid) (%s(group-real-gid))
    Mail address:    %s(identity user-mail-address)

    System Info
    System name:     %s(system-name)
    System type:     %s(identity system-type)
    System config:   %s(identity system-configuration)
  ("q" nil nil))

And finally, the main EOS Hydra for entry:

(defhydra eos/hydra nil
  [_a_] Org Agenda       [_E_] ERC       [_m_] Mail      [_._] Make dired project
  [_t_] Toggle map       [_T_] Twitter   [_M_] Music
  [_s_] Skeletons        [_P_] Prodigy   [_g_] Gnus
  [_p_] Proced           [_W_] Weather   [(] Macros
  [_c_] Multi-compile    [_R_] RSS       [`] Errors
  [_d_] Downloads        [_D_] Debbugs   [_C_] ES-CC
  [_b_] Project's Eshell [_S_] Smerge    [_B_] Bookmarks
  [_+_] Start profiling  [_-_] End profiling and report
  [_q_] quit

  ("`" eos/hydra-next-error/body :exit t)
  ("(" eos/hydra-macro/body :exit t)
  ("a" (org-agenda nil " ") :exit t)
  ("b" eos/popup-project-eshell :exit t)
  ("A" eos/hydra-about-emacs/body :exit t)
  ("t" eos/hydra-toggle-map/body :exit t)
  ("T" eos/start-or-jump-to-twitter :exit t)
  ("g" gnus :exit t)
  ("d" eos/popup-downloads :exit t)
  ("D" debbugs-gnu :exit t)
  ("B" helm-bookmarks :exit t)
  ("C" es-command-center :exit t)
  ("m" eos/switch-to-mail :exit t)
  ("." eos/make-projectile :exit t)
  ("M" eos/hydra-mpd/body :exit t)
  ("c" multi-compile-run :exit t)
  ("E" (when (y-or-n-p "Really start ERC?") (start-erc)) :exit t)
  ("R" elfeed :exit t)
  ("s" eos/hydra-skeleton/body :exit t)
  ("S" eos/hydra-smerge/body :exit t)
  ("+" (profiler-start 'cpu) :exit t)
  ("-" (progn (profiler-report) (profiler-stop)) :exit t)
  ("p" proced :exit t)
  ("P" prodigy :exit t)
  ("W" wttrin :exit t)
  ("q" nil :exit t))

;; Bind the main EOS hydra to M-t
(global-set-key (kbd "M-t") 'eos/hydra/body)
(defun eos/start-profiler ()
  (profiler-start 'cpu))
(defun eos/stop-profiler ()

(global-set-key (kbd "<f8>") #'eos/start-profiler)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f9>") #'eos/stop-profiler)

Multiple Emacs Perspectives with Eyebrowse

Eyebrowse is a great package for workspaces in Emacs.
(use-package eyebrowse
  :ensure t
  (defun eos/create-eyebrowse-setup ()
    "Create a default window config, if none is present"
    (when (not (eyebrowse--window-config-present-p 4))
      ;; there's probably a better way to do this, creating four workspaces
  (setq eyebrowse-wrap-around t
        eyebrowse-new-workspace t
        eyebrowse-mode-line-separator " ")
  (eyebrowse-mode 1)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-'") 'eyebrowse-next-window-config)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-\"") 'eyebrowse-prev-window-config)
  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'eos/create-eyebrowse-setup))

Automatically saving files

I’ve experimented a bit with the different auto-save features that Emacs has, super-save, auto-save-mode, and auto-save-mode-enhanced. They can be nice, but they also have a bit of downsides…

(use-package auto-save-buffers-enhanced
  :ensure t
  :disabled t
  :init (auto-save-buffers-enhanced t)
  (setq auto-save-buffers-enhanced-interval 3.0
        ;; Don't auto-save org source popups
        auto-save-buffers-enhanced-exclude-regexps '("Org Src")
        ;; Save things quietly
        auto-save-buffers-enhanced-quiet-save-p t))

Handling excessively long lines

(when (require 'so-long nil :noerror)
  ;; 750 columns means it's too long! (default is 250)
  (setq so-long-threshold 750)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'paren-face-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'electric-indent-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'electric-pair-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'electric-layout-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'idle-highlight-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'show-paren-mode)
  (add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes 'git-gutter-mode)

  (defun eos/so-long-hook () "Used in `so-long-hook'.")

  (add-hook 'so-long-hook #'eos/so-long-hook))