A-IM |
Acceptable instance-manipulations for the request. |
feed |
Accept |
Media type(s) that is/are acceptable for the response. |
text/html |
Accept-Charset |
Character sets that are acceptable. |
utf-8 |
Accept-Datetime |
Acceptable version in time. |
Thu, 31 May 2007 20:35:00 GMT |
Accept-Encoding |
List of acceptable encodings. |
gzip, deflate |
Accept-Language |
List of acceptable human languages for response. |
en-US |
Access-Control-Request-Method |
Initiates a request for cross-origin resource sharing with Origin. |
Access-Control-Request-Headers |
same as above |
origin, x-requested-with |
Authorization |
Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. |
Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ= |
Cache-Control |
Used to specify directives that must be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request-response chain. |
no-cache |
Connection |
Control options for the current connection and list of hop-by-hop request fields. [HTTP/2] |
keep-alive |
Content-Length |
The length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes). |
348 |
Content-MD5 |
A Base64-encoded binary MD5 sum of the content of the request body. |
Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ== |
Content-Type |
The Media type of the body of the request (used with POST and PUT requests). |
application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Cookie |
An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie. |
$Version=1; Skin=new; |
Date |
The date and time (RFC 7231) at which the message was originated. |
Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT |
Expect |
Indicates that particular server behaviors are required by the client. |
100-continue |
Forwarded |
Disclose original information of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy. |
for=;proto=http;by= |
From |
The email address of the user making the request. |
user@example.com |
Host |
The domain name of the server (for virtual hosting), and the TCP port number (may be omitted if the port is the standard port for the service requested) on which the server is listening. |
en.wikipedia.org:8080 |
HTTP2-Settings |
A request that upgrades from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 MUST include exactly one HTTP2-Setting header field. This one is a connection-specific header field that includes parameters that govern the HTTP/2 connection, provided in anticipation of the server accepting the request to upgrade. |
token64 |
If-Match |
Only perform the action if the client supplied entity matches the same entity on the server. This is mainly for methods like PUT to only update a resource if it has not been modified since the user last updated it. |
"737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" |
If-Modified-Since |
Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged. |
Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT |
If-None-Match |
Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged. |
"737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" |
If-Range |
If the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing; otherwise, send me the entire new entity. |
"737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" |
If-Unmodified-Since |
Only send the response if the entity has not been modified since a specific time. |
Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT |
Max-Forwards |
Limit the number of times the message can be forwarded through proxies or gateways. |
10 |
Origin |
Initiates a request for cross-origin resource sharing (asks server for Access-Control-* response fields). |
http://www.example-social-network.com |
Pragma |
Implementation-specific fields that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
no-cache |
Proxy-Authorization |
Authorization credentials for connecting to a proxy. |
Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== |
Range |
Request only part of an entity. Bytes are numbered from 0. |
bytes=500-999 |
Referer [sic] |
This is the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page |
TE |
The transfer encodings the user agent is willing to accept: the same values as for the response header field Transfer-Encoding can be used, plus the "trailers" value (related to the "chunked" transfer method) to notify the server it expects to receive additional fields in the trailer after the last, zero-sized, chunk. [HTTP/2: only trailers is supported] |
trailers, deflate |
Trailer |
The Trailer general field value indicates that the given set of header fields is present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer coding. |
Max-Forwards |
Transfer-Encoding |
The form of encoding used to safely transfer the entity to the user: chunked , compress , deflate , gzip , or identity . [HTTP/2] |
chunked |
User-Agent |
The user agent string of the user agent. |
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0 |
Upgrade |
Ask the server to upgrade to another protocol. [HTTP/2] |
h2c, HTTPS/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11, websocket |
Via |
Informs the server of proxies through which the request was sent. |
1.0 fred, 1.1 example.com (Apache/1.1) |
Warning |
A general warning about possible problems with the entity body. |
199 Miscellaneous warning |