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About the IMDb Dataset

IMDb makes data available for download via their website.

Getting the Data and Making it Usable

We provide a makefile to help download and prepare the data for use with the provided Malloy models. The IMDB Data is available as TSV files. For efficiency of querying, we will transform data into parquet format with DuckDB.

Required Tools

Please install the tools below.

  • wget or curl - to fetch the data from the server
  • duckdb CLI to convert the data to parquet files. Note: Don't use the Homebrew build as it does not have the parquet extension built in.


Run make to download and prepare the data.

Model Notes

The movies source filters only to films with > 10,000 ratings.

Queries in imdb.malloy

by_title - title, start year, and number of ratings received, ordered by number of ratings.

by_year - the number of titles produced per year

by_name - for each person, the overall number of ratings on titles they were in, and the count of titles.

by_job_category - job category by number of titles

by_genre - for each genre, the count of titles, and percent of all titles that are this genre. Note that a film may have multiple genres.

by_character - number of titles for each character name

by_year_and_genre - for each year, the number of titles plus by_genre nested to show the breakdown by genre.

About Additional Analyses

movie_queries: a collection of interested queries against the base imdb.malloy model.

movie_filters: a set of queries intended to filter other queries (see movie_dashboard)--each produces the unique identifiers (tconst) of movies to be used in the filter.

movie_dashboard: the movies_plus source adds an image and url link to the base model, then defines a titles_dashboard query which can be filtered as desired. For example, spielberg_dashboard uses a filtered query from movie_filters.malloy to pull back information on all Spielberg movies.

movie_complex: an aptly named collection of more complex queries building on definitions in the above files.



nconst primaryName birthYear deathYear primaryProfession knownForTitles
nm0000001 Fred Astaire 1899 1987 soundtrack,actor,miscellaneous tt0031983,tt0053137,tt0072308,tt0050419
nm0000002 Lauren Bacall 1924 2014 actress,soundtrack tt0117057,tt0038355,tt0037382,tt0071877
nm0000003 Brigitte Bardot 1934 \N actress,soundtrack,music_department tt0049189,tt0056404,tt0057345,tt0054452
nm0000004 John Belushi 1949 1982 actor,soundtrack,writer tt0077975,tt0078723,tt0080455,tt0072562
nm0000005 Ingmar Bergman 1918 2007 writer,director,actor tt0050976,tt0060827,tt0050986,tt0083922


tconst isAdult originalTitle primaryTitle startYear endYear runtimeMinutes
tt0000012 0 L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat The Arrival of a Train 1,896 1
tt0000439 0 The Great Train Robbery The Great Train Robbery 1,903 11
tt0000417 0 Le voyage dans la lune A Trip to the Moon 1,902 13
tt0004972 0 The Birth of a Nation The Birth of a Nation 1,915 195
tt0006864 0 Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages Intolerance 1,916 163


A mapping table between people and titles, principals shows the principal cast/crew for titles

tconst ordering nconst category job
tt0000001 1 nm1588970 self \N
tt0000001 2 nm0005690 director \N
tt0000001 3 nm0374658 cinematographer director of photography
tt0000002 1 nm0721526 director \N
tt0000002 2 nm1335271 composer \N