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Releases: danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit


02 Sep 08:10
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This release adds:

  • A DismissableView view protocol that simplifies dismissing views programatically.
  • A KeyboardAvoiding modifier and view extension.
  • A MultilineTextView that wraps a UITextView.


02 Sep 08:10
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This release adds:

  • An AlertContext that simplifies working with alerts.
  • A SheetContext that simplifies working with modal sheets.
  • A QrCodeGenerator and a StandardQrCodeGenerator implementation.


02 Sep 08:10
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This release adds:

  • An ImagePicker that can be used to present a UIImagePickerController.
  • An FilePicker that can be used to present a UIDocumentPickerViewController.
  • An ShareSheet that can be used to present a UIActivityViewController.
  • An UserDefaultsPersisted property wrapper that lets you persist data to UserDefaults.


30 Mar 13:24
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This release changes the View geometry extensions and replaces bindGeometry(to: ...) with:

  • bindSafeAreaInsets(to: ...)
  • bindSize(to: ...)

You can use them like this:

@State private var size: CGSize = .zero
@State private var size: CGSize = .zero $height) { $0.size.height }


30 Mar 13:24
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This release makes the podspec is updated to require Swift 5.2.


26 Mar 15:59
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This release adds a new geometry View extension:

  • bindGeometry(to: ...) lets you bind any CGFloat geometry value for a view.

The extension injects a GeometryReader and provides values to the provided binding.


19 Mar 23:57
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This release adds some new toast features:

  • ToastContext is an observable object can be used to manage a view's toast.
  • ToastStyle is a new struct that contains all available styles for a toast.

This release makes some small api changes:

  • The SwipeGesture initializer has been made public.
  • Toast now uses ToastStyle instead of separate style properties.
  • The Toast extensions now require you to specify a background.
  • The text-based Toast extension automatically centers the text.


10 Mar 16:20
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This release adds new style structs:

  • CornerRadiusStyle style can be used to specify corner radii.
  • FontStyle style can be used to specify custom fonts.
  • ShadowStyle style can be used to specify drop shadow styles.

These view modifiers simplifies using these styles:

  • cornerRadius(_ style:) can be used to apply a CornerRadiusStyle.
  • font(_ style: FontStyle) can be used to apply a FontStyle.
  • font(name:, style:, weight:) can also be used to apply custom fonts.
  • shadow(_ style:) can be used to apply a ShadowStyle.

The release also adds new view extensions:

  • blur(...) simplifies using the system blur styles that are specified in this library.
  • border(content:,width:,cornerRadius:) can be used to apply borders with a certain content (e.g., width and corner radius.


10 Mar 16:16
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This is the very first release of SwiftUIKit. It contains a bunch of features, which are described in the readme.