This is a website down checker which supports running check requests in paralel and can be installed on a development board.
Main features:
- Running requests in parallel
- Each webpage from the checklist has a max timeout and a optionally regex list to check
- Supports sending failed data to
- Has text to speech capabilities to verbally report the problem (optionally)
- Supports raspberry pi and C.H.I.P. development board integration having the ability to toggle a pin on and off. This can be usefull if you want to implement a physical alarm like a strobe light or a horn
- Email alerts with the report
- any machine or development board like Raspberry Pi, C.H.I.P, etc
- java 8 to run
- gradle to build
- [optional] install festival (for text to speech capabilities):
- Cofiguration (optional), In you can configure:
The thingspeak api key. You can make a free account here and find out more.
command: thingspeak.api.key=the_key_provided_by_thingspeak -
How much time will the GPIO pin be active command: gpio.pinHoldTime=nr_of_seconds_to_hold_gpio_active
mail.username, mail.password represending credential for email authentification on gmail
mail.notifiedAddress representing the email address that will receive the alers
- Build the project:
gradle build
- Run it:
java -jar -f /path_to_cloned_repo/build/libs/websitechecker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/website-list.txt [--gpio-chip CSID0] [-va] [--gpio-pi pin_nr_on_pi] [--email-alert]
- "/path/to/website-list.txt" is a path to a simple text file containing website check rules
- website check rules consists in a enumeration of websites each on a new line along with the milliseconds to wait for the site response. The separator is space
- "--gpio-chip" enable triggering gpio pin on C.H.I.P. development board on pin "CDID0"
- "-va" enable voice alert
- "--email-alert" enable email alert, the email configuration must be set in
website check rules from the "/path/to/website-list.txt"
- each line contains one rule
- first argument is the webpage
- second argument is the timeout in milliseconds
- the next arguments are regex rules to check if they are matched in the webpage content, if they aren't matched the url is considered as "down"
example: 1500 .*Learn.* .*Git.* 5050
The example above checks if responds under 1500 ms and does contains the words "Learn" and "Git" and the website responds in 5050 ms.
- [optional] set it to run as a cron job using crontab
The example below sets the checker to run every minute and to log output on "/path_to_log_file":
crontab -e
# now write in crontab
* * * * * java -jar /path_to_cloned_repo/build/libs/websitechecker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -f /path/to/website-list.txt [--gpio-chip CSID0] [-va] [--gpio-pi pin_nr_on_pi] [--email-alert] /path_to_log_file
Using event listeners.
The event is called "com.danionescu.event.FinishedCheckingEvent" and it's launched after all the website list has been crawled. It contains information about the failure / succes of each website to provide a 200 OK status.
By making a listener to this event for example: com.danionescu.listener.FooListener you will receive the event your method that is marked with "@EventListener"
Code example:
public void onFinishedChecking(FinishedCheckingEvent finishedCheckingEvent) {
//your code here
Currently we have the following event listeners:
- Submitting the check status to thingspeak (succes/failure)
- Speak a verbal alert (with voice)
- Trigger a pin for C.H.I.P. development board if configured
- Trigger a pin for raspberry pi development board if configured
- Send an email alert