imtile is a Python toolbox for slicing-up 3D images into sub-images (tiles). Matrices into sub-matrices. Furthermore, it can reconstruct the image back from the tiles. Basically same as image_slicer but for 3D images.
So far, the functionality is very very basic and not tested much. There are some libraries available for this, but I wanted something super simple and fast. This is it, just three functions altogether and it works in seconds.
from imtile import im2tiles, tiles2im
image_data = ... # load a 3D image
tiles = im2tiles(image_data, tile_shape, **kwargs)
# Slices the 3D image_data [x,y,z] into tiles sized tile_shape [i,j,k]
# out: [n_tiles, i,j,k] array
image = tiles2im(tiles, image_shape)
# Takes the tiles array [n_tiles, i,j,k] and reorganizes it into a full image sized image_shape [x,y,z].