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File metadata and controls

135 lines (101 loc) · 3.4 KB


Robust isomorphic REST framework for browser (Angular, React etc.) and backend (NodeJS) JavaScript/TypeScript apps.


  • Compatible with Angular (2+) (newest 13,14 also...) , React, Vue , NodeJS (works everywhere)
  • Compatible with RxJS operators (exhaustMap, switchMap, request cancelation etc.)
  • Based on axios => excellent alternative to Angular's HttpClient
  • JSONP api request handling
  • Transfer class instance from server to client and back
  • Elegant way of dealing with REST api ( similar to ExpressJS routes definitions )

(more documentation soon... )

To install this package run:

npm install ng2-rest --save

Import Resource class:

import { Resource } from 'ng2-rest/browser';


Fit you existing API (not only REST) into new fluent objects with Resource class observables. Use power of async in new angular templates;


<ul   *ngIf="model.allUsers() | async; else loader; let users" >

  <li  *ngFor="let user of users"> 
  		{{}} {{user.fullName()}} 
		<input type="name" [(NgModel)]="" >
		<button (click)="model.update(user)" > Update </button>


<ng-template #loader> loading users...  </ng-template>


class User {
	name: string;
	surname: string;
	id: number;

	fullName() {
		return `Surname: ${this.surname}, Name: ${}`;

// Express.js style url endpoint model
// you can ommit "<User>" part is you don't wanna see response interface
// also you can ommit third argument ",User" is you don't wanna
// map response object to User class objects
const rest = Resource.create<User>("","users/:id",{'':User} )

class UserComponent {

   // Prepare your beautiful interface
    model = {
	 allUsers: () => rest.model()
		 .observable // Observable resposne (useful for Angular 2+ html templates)
     .pipe( map({ body } => body.json) ) // get all users, body.json => User[] 

	 userBy: (id) => rest.model({id})
		 .get() // Promise response by default
		 .then({ body } => console.log(body.json)) // get user by id,  body.json => User

	 update: async (user:User) =>{
		 try {
			await rest.model({}).put(user) // Promise response by default

			alert('Update sucess')
		 } catch(e) {

	constructor() { }



Example UrlParams[] : [ { sort: true },{ filter: 'id,5' }, { filter: 'name,test' } ]

Name Parameters Description
.array. get,post,put,head,delete,jsonp for everything, but with arrays
get UrlParams[] get model by parameters
post model, UrlParams[] post object model
put model, UrlParams[] put object model
head model, UrlParams[] get head for model
delete UrlParams[] remove object by params
jsonp UrlParams[] get jsonp data

Production mode

=== Nice things to do in production mode:

1. Disable warnings.

If you don't wanna see warning, disable it like this:

if (environment.production) {
  Resource.enableWarnings = false;

Angular 2+ ngZone

If you are using Angular 2+ you need to do this in your root app.component:

constructor(zone:NgZone) {