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Movie Time API

In this API you could select from a list of movies your favotites to store it in a MongoDB instance and check it later, the only thing you need to do first is signin with a valid email in order to start to use the API.


Link to the web page:
The user is:
The password is: 111111111A

Getting Started


To install the project you should have:

  • Nodejs 12.19.0
  • npm 6.14.8

Install all the dependencies

First, change to the root directory of the project, you will see 3 main diretories API_SERVER and AUTH_SERVER and PROXY_SERVER, the last one have 2 important directories BACKEND and FRONTEND so, in order to install the dependencies you have to go to API_SERVER, AUTH_SERVER, PROXY_SERVER/BACKNED, PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND and inside each one execute the next command:

npm i

Setup the main directories and turn on the API and AUTH server

The API_SERVER is in charge to communicate with the database, fetch and manipulate the movie records base on the user rigths and the route selected. The AUTH_SERVER is use to register the user, authenticate the user and generate the jwt to let the user use the API routes base on their privilages. At last the PROXY_SERVER is use to comunicate the FRONTEND with the API_SERVER and AUTH_SERVER as well as generate the cookies where the jwt will be store. This last server is pretend be use only to the final common user, to use the admin user is recomended connect dirrectly to the AUTH_SERVER for authenticate and generate the jwt in order to connect with the API_SERVER.

To start to use it this project you need first execute the script ApiKeys.js in AUTH_SERVER directory , this script will create the user roles to use the API, one role for the common users and another for the admins. The only thing you need pass to the script is the data of you MongoDB instance, it could be in a cloud or local instance, thats depens on you.

Second, before start each server you have to create a .env file in the root directory of API_SERVER, AUTH_SERVER, PROXY_SERVER/BACKNED, and PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND to fill each one of this files you have to seek in the .env-example of each of this directories to see what environment variables it needs. After you finish to create the .env files, you can turn up the API_SERVER and AUTH_SERVER with the next comand:

npx nodemon

To turn up the PROXY_SERVER/BACKNED you first need to build the bundle of the frontend page located in the directory PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND and then place the result files from the compilation from PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND/dist to PROXY_SERVER/BACKNED/public. In the next secction this will be more detailed.

Compile the frontend page and turn on the PROXY SERVER

Once you already have the .env file in the PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND directory with all the everioment variables filled, you can build the bundle and start any of the follow ambients (The Development frontend ambient is just for test the look of the page, this one doesnt connect with the PROXY_SERVER in anyway).

Development frontend ambient:

If you want to start a dev ambient you should be at the PROXY_SERVER/FRONTEND directory and execute the the next command in the console:


After executing the previous command you will notice a new directory called dist, this is where are the React bundles of the dll's. Now to run a dev server:

npm run dev:build-server

After that go head to your web browser and write localhost:8080 the web page should be up and ready to use.

Proxy ambient

To build a bundle and you can run one the next 2 commands:

npm run prod:build-all
npm run dev:build-all

After run the previous command all the bundle generated will be in the dist directory, you can put all the content from dist in the PROXY_SERVER/BACKEND/public directory and after that run the next command under the PROXY_SERVER/BACKEND directory.

npx nodemon

At this point according to the port you did set in the .env file from the PROXY_SERVER/BACKEND you only need to go to the browser and search the page like this: http:localhost:the_port_selected.

Usage like admin

At this point you had to been inserted the user roles in you MongoDB instance using the ApiKeys.js scripts in your AUTH_SERVER directory, when you do that, you should to copy the token from the DB record that have more user roles because thats the admin one. Now follow the next steps to login in the AUTH_SERVER and get a JWT.


To login directly using the AUTH SERVER you will need to use the basic authentication (you can read more about it in, you will need a random Hex string with 40 characters generate by your own, this string will be use like you challange code to generate a new JWT in the future when you need it. If everything goes right the server will return a code string separate with ":", the first part of the string is your user id and the second one is you challange code you did send.

Route to post:


Request example:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Content-Type: application/json
  "verify": "7c618594ffbccb2aa623c94acdc7aa46694a7dfe"

If everything goes right the server will return something like this:

  "name": "Username", 
  "code": "b7a862fd251e6b4465a5486e:b7a862fd251e6b4465a548667b03511075b530ca"

Generate a JWT

Now, with the code the AUTH SERVER return to you, you can generate a JWT. To do that you need to send the Api key for the admin user you previously inserted and your code you did get by login. The JWT the server return to you is only valid by a period of time (time you should have configure when you turn up the servers) so, when it expires you have to repeat this step.

Route to post:


Request example:

Content-Type: application/json
  "code": "b7a862fd251e6b4465a5486e:b7a862fd251e6b4465a548667b03511075b530ca",
  "apiKey": "e44ea8b5f074daec0cf3a2c1f40d162fd0b59dd7"

If everything goes right the server will return something like this:


Request to the API

At last, everytime to made a request to your API SERVER you have to include the Authorization header with a Bearer token that in this case is the JWT (you can read more aboue that here this will allow you to fetch and manipulate the data from your API and do whatever you want like an admin. Just remenber that the token will expire after a time and you will have to generate another in order you could requests to the API SERVER.

Route to request:


Request example:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2MDBkMmI4NjVjZTIyNDAwMDk1N2VmNTciLCJzY29wZXMiOlsibW92aWVzOnJlYWQiLCJtb3ZpZXM6Y3JlYXRlIiwibW92aWVzOnVwZGF0ZSIsIm1vdmllczpkZWxldGUiLCJ1c2VyLW1vdmllczpyZWFkIiwidXNlci1tb3ZpZXM6Y3JlYXRlIiwidXNlci1tb3ZpZXM6ZGVsZXRlIl0sImlhdCI6MTYxMTg4MTAzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjExODgxOTM2fQ.ARO3ewVP6akcI0ErH7a4SN2E2ZT0QPNCSEXx6VTR6I0
Content-Type: <Base on the method>
  <Base on the method>

If everything goes right the server will return something like this:

  <Base on the method>

Backend Built With

  • @hapi/boom 9.1.1
  • bcrypt 5.0.0
  • body-parser 1.19.0
  • cors 2.8.5
  • dotenv 8.2.0
  • express 4.17.1
  • joi 17.3.0
  • mongodb 3.6.3
  • jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
  • passport 0.4.1
  • passport-jwt 4.0.0
  • passport-http 0.3.0
  • nodemon 2.0.6^
  • axios 0.21.1
  • cookie-parser 1.4.5

Frontend Built With

  • React 17.0.1
  • Babel 7.12.10
  • Sass 1.32.2
  • Webpack 5.11.1
  • Axios 0.21.1
  • React DOM 17.0.1
  • React Redux 7.2.2
  • React Router DOM 5.2.0
  • Formik 2.2.6
  • Yup 0.32.9
  • @material-ui/core 4.11.3
  • @material-ui/icons 4.11.2
  • @reduxjs/toolkit 1.5.1

External resources


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details.