Simple bash
script to set a Dynamic Wallpaper according to certain conditions (currently TIME
Follow the steps below (You can run
to test it before installing it on your system) -
- Install feh, xrandr(for xfce only)
# On Archlinux
sudo pacman -Sy xorg-xrandr feh
# On Ubuntu or Debian
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils feh
For swaywm support users must install oguri. The
daemon must be started for the script to work.Oguri
can be installed on Arch linux via AUR. -
Clone this repository and...
cd $HOME
git clone
cd dynamic-wallpaper
chmod +x
- Run the program and choose an option
$ dwall
Dynamic Wallpaper V1.0
Simple program to set a dynamic desktop background based on current time.
Developed By - Aditya Shakya (@adi1090x)
usage: ./ [-s] style [-o] style [-h]
-s style name of theme/style.
-o style Run once and exit, useful for schedulers (cron).
-h help show this usage/help message.
Styles Dir: /home/aditya/adi1090x/dynamic-wallpaper/images
Available styles/themes: bitday exodus firewatch firewatch2 firewatch3 forest home
maldives mall mojave moon room seoul street street2 surface tokyostreet
- Dynamic style selection.
- User can add their own wallpapers.
- 17+ different types of wallpaper set (HD, UHD).
- (Currently) Change according to time, throughout the day.
- Tested on - WM: Openbox, i3wm, bspwm, awesomewm, Fluxbox, Fvwm, Swaywm & DE: KDE(neon), Pantheon, Gnome(ubuntu, pop_os), Deepin, Cinnamon, XFCE, LXDE, MATE.
- Download a wallpaper set you like.
- Make a dir in
- Rename your images(must be jpg/png) to
. If you don't have enough images, symlink them. - Run the program and apply it.
More Wallpapers : To not make repo big in size, I've put large wallpapers set to another place & also not everyone wants all the wallpapers. You can download these wallpapers set from here -
Sets : catalina, london, mojaveHD, mountfuji, surface
Bit Day | Exodus | Firewatch | Firewatch Alt |
Forest | Home | Maldives | Mall |
Mojave | Moon | Room | Seoul |
Street | Street Alt | Surface | Tokyo Streets |
Wallpaper not changing : If your wallpaper is not changing, then open an issue and show me the output of
. -
Not working on XFCE : If this script is not working on xfce, then open the terminal and run
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -m
and change the wallpaper (any) via xfce4-settings-manager.
In terminal, xfconf-query will print lines starting withset:
, which show which properties have been changed, checkscreen
values and modify the script accordingly.
53 ## For XFCE
54 if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux"* ]]; then
55 SCREEN="0"
56 MONITOR="1"
57 fi
- Autostart : If you want to autostart the script with desktop, you can add it to your WM autostart file & if doesn't work for you, you can create a
desktop file
$ cd $HOME/.config/autostart && touch dwall.desktop
# Add this to dwall.desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Dynamic Wallpaper
Comment=Simple script, shows a Dynamic Wallpaper based on TIME.
Exec=/usr/bin/dwall -s firewatch &
- Cronjob : If you want to run it with cron, you may need to define these environment variables,
You can find what values your environment has by typing
in your terminal or check each variable viaecho $VARIABLE_NAME
- In KDE, it changes the wallpaper in all the Activities.
- If you can improve it, you're welcome.
- You can add dwall -s style & to your wm autostart file to set it as wallpaper after login.
- Have Fun!