We do not currently have an automated Ruby version upgrade on our servers. These instructions are how I did it in our development environment going from Ruby 2.4 to Ruby 2.6.
- Take the server you wish to upgrade out of the ALB rotation.
- Remove old versions of Ruby junk in the local directory
cd /dryad/local
mv bin bin-old
- Compile and install the new Ruby version
cd ~/install # or make this directory first if it doesn't exist
wget https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.6/ruby-2.6.6.tar.gz
tar -xvf ruby-2.6.6.tar.gz
cd ruby-2.6.6
./configure --prefix=/dryad/local
make install
cd ~/install
rm -rf ruby-2.6.6
- Get changes to ruby version by exiting the shell and re-enter it
- Install some basic gems
gem update --system
gem install bundler -v 2.1.4
- Set environment variables for your environment, change as necessary
export MY_BRANCH=main
export RAILS_ENV=development
# the capistrano environment may be things like stage1 and refers to the server
export CAP_ENV=development
- Mess with your releases directory so you can use capistrano with this version of Ruby/Gems
cd ~/deploy/releases/
git clone --single-branch --branch $MY_BRANCH git@github.com:datadryad/dryad-app.git temp-cap
# mess with current
cd ~/deploy
unlink current
ln -s /home/ec2-user/deploy/releases/temp-cap current
cd current
bundle install --deployment
# You may get weird errors saying a gem can't be installed because it's not the default.
# If that happens, try an example such as below to set the gem you need as the default.
# gem install --default -v1.0.1 etc
- Symlink the shared files, otherwise capistrano task fails, change the deployment host in commands below.
bundle exec cap $CAP_ENV deploy:symlink:shared
- Now capistrano should be able to deploy, change deploy host below (development there)
bundle exec cap $CAP_ENV deploy BRANCH="$MY_BRANCH"
- Watch out for disk filling up. You can go delete the temp-cap directory you created earlier here. Maybe clean up some things in ~/install or logs
- for good measure check
to see free space and clean something up if needed - It doesn't hurt to check the restart scripts in ~/init.d for passenger still working
~/init.d/passenger.dryad restart
- Things should be working. If so, put back into ALB rotation.
- After both deploys, unpause the submission queue or any other typical tasks around deploys.