added sensitive data scanner support and initial lambda script #3379
2 errors
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NewCollection requirements_not_met should disable submit button
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content text
expected to find text "Describe collection" in "[Abdul Willms @mock_tenant]\nExplore\n data\nWho we are\nWhat we do\nJoin us\nHelp\nDatasets\nUser settings\nDescribe dataset\nUpload files\nPrepare README\nReview and submit\nDescribe your dataset\nPreliminary information\nMy data is related to:\n a manuscript in progress\n a published article\n other or not applicable\nJournal name:\nJournal name autocomplete list\nManuscript number\nDataset: Basic information\nDataset title\n\nAuthor(s)\nActivate the reorder button and use the arrow keys to reorder the list or use your mouse to drag/reorder. Press escape to cancel the reordering.\nReorder\nFirst name\nLast name\nInstitutional affiliation:\nInstitutional affiliation autocomplete list\nI cannot find my institutional affiliation, \"Mockus Tenantus\", in the list\nAuthor email\n\n Corresponding author\nAdd author\nResearch domain\nResearch facility:\nResearch facility autocomplete list\nFunding\nActivate the reorder button and use the arrow keys to reorder the list or use your mouse to drag/reorder. Press escape to cancel the reordering.\nReorder\nGranting organization:\nGranting organization autocomplete list\nAward number\nProgram/division\nremove\nAdd another funder No funding received\nAbstract\nParagraph\np\nPress Alt+0 for help\nPress Alt 0 or Option 0 for help using the rich text editor with keyboard only.\nData description\nSubject keywords: Adding keywords improves the findability of your dataset. E.g. scientific names, method type\nAutocomplete list\nMethods: How was this dataset collected? How has it been processed?\nParagraph\np\nPress Alt+0 for help\nPress Alt 0 or Option 0 for help using the rich text editor with keyboard only.\nRelated works\nAre there any preprints, articles, datasets, software packages, or supplemental information that have resulted from or are related to this Data Publication?\nWork type\nArticle\nDataset\nPreprint\nSoftware\nSupplemental information\nData management plan\nIdentifier or external url\nremove\nAdd another related work\nBack to My datasets\nProceed to Upload\nPrivacy\nAccessibility\nTerms of service\nMembership\nContact us\nDryad on Twitter\nLatest news\nJobs & opportunities\n© 2024 Dryad. Content on this site is licensed for reuse.\nVersion:"
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Process completed with exit code 1.