The following people have contributed to Cement, either by way of source code, documentation, or testing:
- BJ Dierkes (derks) - Creator, Primary Maintainer
- Dan Liberatori (garroadran)
- Kyle Rockman (rocktavious)
- Tomasz Czyż (spinus)
- Ildar Akhmetgaleev (akhilman)
- Nicolas Brisac (zacbri)
- Subhash Bhushan (subhashb)
- Sam Likins (samlikins)
- Dakota Blair (dakotablair)
- Luca Crea (lcrea)
- Xavier RENE-CORAIL (xcorail)
- Lucas Clay (mlclay)
- Adam Hodges (ajhodges)
- Stelios Tymvios (namedLambda)
- Spyros Vlachos (devspyrosv)
- Joe Roberts (jjroberts)
- Mudassir Chapra (muddi900)
- Christian Hengl (rednar)
- sigma67