A simple zookeeper exporter for prometheus. Grabs the mntr
output, and converts each line to a prometheus gauge,
including the zk_version
Unlike other zookeeper exporter, this one understands that the leaderServes=no
option without barfing, and is able to
export the zk_version
metric as a label, instead of skipping it.
This exporter manages sockets to zookeeper servers very carefully, setting timeouts and read / write deadlines to
prevent hanging the stats poller when servers are slow to respond or unresponsive.
takes into account how long a poll took, so if you set your interval to 30s, it will poll every 30s
exactly, and not every (30s + the time it took to poll the server)
prepends this string to all exported metric names.
If the flag --consul.service-name
is set, this exporter will attempt to register itself with the local consul agent.
defines the service name in consul.
is an optional, comma separated list of tags to register the service with.
is the check TTL for the service health check. This exporter will update the health check while
it's alive, but if it dies, consul will mark the service as unhealthy after this many seconds, and will unregister it
entirely after consul.service-ttl * 10
$ zookeeper_exporter --help
usage: zookeeper_exporter --zk.hosts=ZK.HOSTS [<flags>]
A zookeeper metrics exporter for prometheus, with zk_version and leaderServes=no support, with optional consul registration baked in.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Address on which to expose metrics
--zk.hosts=ZK.HOSTS list of ip:port of ZK hosts, comma separated
--zk.poll-interval=30 How often to poll the ZK servers
--zk.connect-timeout=4 Timeout value for opening socket to ZK (s)
--zk.connect-deadline=3 Connection deadline for read & write operations (s)
string to prepend to all metric names
--consul.service-name="" If defined, register zookeeper_exporter with local consul agent
Comma separated list of tags for consul service
--consul.service-ttl=60 consul service TTL - consul will mark service unhealthy if zookeeper_exporter is down for this long (s).
Consul will also unregister the service entirely after this service has been unhealthy for this long * 10
--version Show application version.
$ zookeeper_exporter --zk.hosts=,
If you want to build from source, you know how. If you prefer, each tagged version release is available as a
pre-compiled binary for linux.x86_64 and darwin on github
under releases.
- Better tests - need to mock a ZK server; argh.