- Installation
- Usage
- Packages:
- Code samples
npm install nodutils
var utils = require("nodutils");
utils.string.trim(str) or String.trim()
utils.string.ltrim(str) or String.trim()
utils.string.rtrim(str) or String.trim()
utils.string.toi(str) or String.toi()
- Converts to integer
- Converts to integer
utils.string.tof(str[,decimals]) or String.tof([decimals])
- Converts to float, with number of decimals
- Converts to float, with number of decimals
utils.string.dropDiacritics(str) or String.dropDiacritics()
- Converts accents, diacritics into a plain letter
- Converts accents, diacritics into a plain letter
utils.string.isNumber(str) or String.isNumber()
utils.string.stripHtml(str) or String.stripHtml()
- Strip all html tags and leaves only text
- Strip all html tags and leaves only text
utils.string.count(str,substr[,flags]) or String.count(substr[,flags]).
- It counts the number of ocurrences of substr. Flags can be "i" (ignore case) and/or "d" (drop accents)
- It counts the number of ocurrences of substr. Flags can be "i" (ignore case) and/or "d" (drop accents)
utils.string.reverse(str) or String.reverse()
utils.string.toHtml(str) or String.toHtml()
- Converts diacritics and almost all chars into html entities
- Converts diacritics and almost all chars into html entities
utils.string.fromHtml(str) or String.fromHtml()
- Converts into diacritics html encoded entities
utils.number.round(num[,decimals]) or Number.round([decimals])
- Rounds number to the given number of decimals
utils.array.max(array) or Array.max()
- Returns the max value in an array of numbers
- Returns the max value in an array of numbers
utils.array.min(array) or Array.min()
- Returns the min value in an array of numbers
- Returns the min value in an array of numbers
utils.array.uniques(array) or Array.uniques()
- Returns an array of uniques values in the original array
- Returns an array of uniques values in the original array
utils.array.aggregate(array) or Array.aggregate()
Returns an array of uniques values and counts its occurrences, sorted descending (sample code)
["a","b","c","d",1,2,"a","b","c","a","b","a",1,0,1].aggregate(); returned array [ [ 'a', 4 ], [ '1', 3 ], [ 'b', 3 ], [ 'c', 2 ], [ '0', 1 ], [ '2', 1 ], [ 'd', 1 ] ]
utils.array.contains(array,value[,flags]) or Array.contains(value[,flags])
Returns true or false
Flags can be "i" (ignore case) and/or "d" (drop accents)
- Unit = "d": days,"h": hours,"m": minutes,"s": seconds. Default unit is millis
- Unit = "d": days,"h": hours,"m": minutes,"s": seconds. Default unit is millis
- Returns a timestamp in millis from current date or date passed as param (string or date object)
- Returns a timestamp in millis from current date or date passed as param (string or date object)
- Returns a date object from millis passed as parameter
- options = "w" write or "a" append
- options = "w" write or "a" append
- exists: true or false
- Date object is given to the callback as an argument
- Date object is given to the callback as an argument
//get sample
//post sample
utils.url.post('httpbin.org/post',{post_data:{data:'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'}},
Support for http and https
Support for proxy requests (in url. E.g: "url"=http://www.proxy.com:8080/www.urltobeproxied.com)
It is possible to set only url or options, but options need to set host, path, ...
Options is an object with some props:
"encoding" default is "utf-8"
"post_data" (for post()) is an object
with the vars (post_data:{a:1,b:2})
or with the body in "data" key (post_data:{data:"whatever"})
"headers" (object)
"auth" (string)
"forceparse": if the url is with proxy data is better to set to true
- Get the current cache dir (default is "./cache")
- Get the current cache dir (default is "./cache")
Set the cache dir (and create if it doesn't exists)
It's recommended to use absolute paths ("/apps/myapp/cache")
utils.cache.setOptions({path : "/mypath", size : 1}},callback)
Set the cache dir (and create if it doesn't exists) and cache max size
Cache size is in MB
- Expiretime is in seconds. If not informed, then unlimited
- Expiretime is in seconds. If not informed, then unlimited
properties in the file are loaded into a JSON object passed in callback
Format of the properties file is
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3 key4=123456789
- properties param is a json object. You can save properties dynamically
Utilities for basic geocoding and checking distance between points. Limited to Google and Yahoo API limits, but you could geocode 50.000 addresses/points for Yahoo and 2.500 for Google. Utils.geo will use one or other depending of availability of the service. (sample code)
Calculates the distance between point1 and point2. Points are arrays: [latitude,longitude]
Distance is in km.
earthRadius default is 6371 km.
Checks if a point (array of two positions [latitude,longitude]) is inside a circle (center + radius). Center is an array of two positions.
radius is in KM
earthRadius default is 6371 km.
- Returns an array of two positions [latitude,longitude] for the given address.
- Returns an array of two positions [latitude,longitude] for the given address.
- Reverse geocode. Returns an object for the given latitude and longitude.
- Reverse geocode. Returns an object for the given latitude and longitude.
Both, geocode and rgeocode return the same object
number : 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
street: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
postal: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
city: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
county: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
state: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
country: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
lat: 1.11,
lon: 2.22
You can set the locale in the options object {"locale" : "en_GB"}
Caching twitter request due to twitter api limits (it uses url and cache utilities)
var utils = require("nodutils"); var twitterquery = "davidayalas"; var twitterurl = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name="; utils.cache.get(twitterquery, function(content){ if(!content){ utils.url.get(twitterurl+twitterquery,function(result){ utils.cache.set(twitterquery,result,300); console.log(result); }); }else{ console.log(content); } });
Easy "tagcloud" from url content (it uses url, string and array utilities)
var utils = require("nodutils"); utils.url.get("www.bbc.com",function(content){ var topwords = []; if(content){ var topwords = content.stripHtml().split(" ").aggregate().filter(function(i){ return i[0].length<=3 || i[0].indexOf("&")>-1?false:true; }).slice(0,50); } console.log(topwords); });
Calculate the distance between two unestructured addresses (it uses geo)
var utils = require("nodutils"); utils.geo.geocode("madrid,spain", function(p1){ utils.geo.geocode("barcelona,spain", function(p2){ console.log("distance between Madrid and Barcelona is: "); if(p1 && p2){ console.log(utils.geo.getDistance([p1.lat, p1.lon],[p2.lat, p2.lon]) + " km"); } }); });
Simple http server for caching and serve only valid twitter users (stored in properties file)
Bulk geocode from url content. Tested with more than 5000 addresses. (it uses geo, url, string, file)
var utils = require("nodutils"); utils.url.get("http://w20.bcn.cat/opendata/DonaRecurs.aspx?arbre=general&recurs=TAULA_CARRERS&fitxer=1121",{"encoding":"iso-8859-1"}, function(content,code){ if(content){ content.split("\r\n").forEach( function(element, index, array){ var add = element.slice(element.lastIndexOf(";")+1); if(add){ utils.geo.geocode((add.count("carrer","i")>0?add:"Carrer "+add)+",barcelona,spain", function(p){ if(p && typeof(p)=="object" && p.lat && p.lon){ console.log(element + ";" + p.lat + ";" + p.lon); utils.file.write(__dirname + "/geocoded-addresses.txt", element + ";" + p.lat + ";" + p.lon + "\r\n", "a"); } }); } } ); } });