This is a collection of programs used for a generator-level time-dependent angular CP violation sensitivity study of the B → D* + ρ decay. See my diploma thesis for more information.
This program reads a ROOT file created by translating a gen/mdst file (panther table) created by EvtGen to a ROOT file (using panther2root) and calculates the transversity basis angular variables θt, θb, φt, Δt and decay type. It then saves these variables in a plain text file (I know).
Does the actual time-dependent angular fit. The following parameters are fitted:
- transversity amplitudes (ap, apa, a0, ata)
- weak phase (phiw = φw = 2φ1 + φ3)
- suppressed/favored amplitude ratios (rp, r0, rt)
- strong phases (sp, s0, st)
Also performs a time-dependent angular fit, but a different set of parameters is used:
- transversity amplitudes (ap, apa, a0, ata)
- cartesian coordinates (xp, x0, xt, yp, y0, yt, xpb, x0b, xtb, ypb, y0b, ytb)
The problem of the variables r and s is that when relative errors on rs are are large we cannot establish errors on ss. When r = 0, we have no s sensitivity. This is a tricky situation and must be handled in a much more sophisticated manner. Therefore we extract the simple cartesian coordinates that have Gaussian errors and which are to be processed later.
Creates various plots (pull, residual, etc.) from the results of DSRhoFitCartesian.
Creates various plots (pull, residual, etc.) from the results of DSRhoFit.
An abandoned naive attempt to extract the physical observables (r,s) from cartesian ones.