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227 lines (152 loc) · 8.57 KB

File metadata and controls

227 lines (152 loc) · 8.57 KB


  • Moved CLI related API from DrStringCore to DrStringCLI
  • DrStringCore now uses the new swift-syntax parser
  • Lowered OS requirement from macOS 12 to 10.15


  • Add support for Swift 5.6, specifically, async signatures.
  • Darwin executable is now a fat binary running natively on M1 as well as intel
  • Releases now include executables built in and for official Swift docker containers for Ubuntu.
  • Now includes completion scripts for Fish shell in Scripts/completions/
  • Simplified packaging for macOS. Now it no longer distribute a dynamic libarary. The executable is packaged on the root level of the package.


Upgrade Swift version to 5.4



  • drstring check now reports each problem it finds with a file path, line, and column, as apposed to before, where all problems for a specific signature are grouped together. Each type of problem has a custom column position to best indicate which part of the docstring it relates to.
  • drstring extract's output for existing docstrings gained a new field relativeLineNumber for each "entry".

Bug fixes

  • In grouped parameter style, spacing between the dash - and the parameter was not checked before. From this release on, any spacing except a single space is deemed problematic. (#225)
  • If documentation for throws and returns starts on the second line, previously this was considered problematic. But it's pretty common to start on the next line. This bug has been fixed. (#213)


  • Introduce a new subcommand: extract. It outputs existing docsting, and the signature associated with it, in JSON format.



  • A boolean option empty-patterns that allows empty path patterns to exist in include/exclude list.
  • CLI auto-complete scripts for Bash and Zsh.



  • Parameter entries mistakenly start with - Parameters is now parsed as entries, whereas before they were treated as multi-parameter headers, and their descriptions get dropped as a consequence.
  • When a config file is invalid TOML, and its location is inferred, DrString now properly reports this. Previously it just complains as if there isn't any configuration (missing input).
  • Updated dependencies which brings some fixes for bugs that lead to crash in edge cases.
  • Fixed a bug where paths caused by exclusion pattern is seen as "explicitly" excluded.


  • The version subcommand is replaced by a flag on the main command. So drstring --version instead of drstring version.



  • Supports Swift 5.2 syntax, which also means the project requires 5.2 to build.
  • For boolean options, instead of specifying negative value with false following the flag on the command line, a new corresponding negative flag should be used. For example, previously, not ignoring docstring section for throws can be specified by --ignore-throws false. Now it should be --no-ignore-throws. The help texts for all boolean commands have been updated to reflect this.


  • Similar to boolean options, now there's negative flags to override repeatable values on the command line. Example: --no-needs-separation will negate any needs-separation values.



  • Patterns used as part of inclusion/exclusion list may not match any files in the file system. This is now detected and reported as a problem.


  • The count of issues is now accurate no matter how many issues were found.



  • Ability to generate placeholder documentation for parameters, returns, throws as needed. The option is add-placeholder and works in conjunction with ignore-throws and ignore-returns.
  • start-line and end-line are options that, together, specifies a range of lines for the format subcommand to consider. Any docstring for functions covered in this range will be formatted, and those outside of this range won't be.


  • If a path to config file is not specified, in addition to looking at ./.drstring.toml, DrString will look for a .drstring.toml from either the current working directory or directory of a included path for checking/formatting from command line. It'll keep looking in the parent directory until a .drstring.toml is found or root directory is encountered.



  • Fixed bug #149, in which continued line with no prefix whitespace and content were incorrectly included in consideration for vertical alignment.
  • Fixed bug #148, in which superfluously excluded files in config file is reported to have been excluded from command line arguments.



  • Options from command-line arguments now compliments those from a configuration file. Previously a valid configuration cause options from command-line to be completely ignored. Now, the command-line options take precedence over config file.

  • Fixed bug #140, where throws for inits were ignored when extracting code signature.

  • Fixed a bug where small amount of missing spaces prefixing continuation lines in docstring entries are not reported as a problem when vertical alignment is required (#144)


  • Docstring entries that does not contain a : in their header (for example, - parameter:) were previously thrown out as invalid. They now are recogonized as entries and DrString will complain about and fix the missing colon character.



  • Fixed bug #127, where docstring item with empty content is incorrectly formatted.



  • The commandline interface has been re-implemented in a new framework. Notable changes include
    • subcommands no longer have aliases
    • command line options no longer have short names, except for -i and -x.
    • help and version are now subcommands
    • help message layout changes
    • running without subcommand no longer runs the check subcommand


  • Improved problem description when it's not related to a particular part of code. For example, when a file is superfically excluded (#90).
  • The project now vendors one library with multiple targets as opposed to multiple libraries, one for each target.


  • inits are now treated the same as functions. Prior to this release, they were ignored.



  • New subcommand format automatically fixes whitespace errors in docstrings according to options specified via command line options or config file.
  • The option ignore-returns that makes presence of returns docstring non-mandatory. (similar to ignore-throws)
  • The option parameter-style enables linting against mixed parameter organizations. "separate" and "grouped" styles can be enfored by using respective values for this option. The value whatever disables checks for this element.
  • The option align-after-colon enables enforcement of starting colomn of descriptions for parameters, returns and throws. For each of these sections, if the setting is set, all lines of descriptions must begin after the : characeter from the first line.
  • The path to config file can now be specified via the --config-file command line option. The default path is .drstring.toml.
  • The format option gained a new value paths, which causes drstring check to print out only paths to problematic files, and not the rest of the problems details.



  • Paths (not including glob patterns) in the exclude option will be deemed superfluous when the check command can't find any docstring problems or when it's not to be checked in the first place. This behavior can be turned off by superfluous-exclusion=true.


  • If a function does throw, and a throws entry exists, whitespace problems will be detected regardless of value of ignore-throw.



  • Option for first keyword letter in config file in previous releases were first-keyword-letter. Now it's first-letter, similar to command line argument for the option.



  • Add problem IDs for each problem identified by check
  • Add subcommand explain for problem ID explaining
  • Support configuration via TOML file
  • Add a lot more documentation both in CLI and repo
  • Add many new rules/options for linting



  • Add subcommand check, which is the original command from 0.0.1
  • Add help messages for main command and check
  • Support option --ignore-throws, which makes DrString ignore throws in docstring validation.
  • Colored output for TTY
  • Support option --format, which controls the output format.
  • Add support for TOML config files


For SwiftPM projects, find existing docstring for function, report issues in these docstrings.