data class
is a very powerful Kotlin tool that handle struct implementation requirements (mainly for JVM):
- equals()/hashcode() are generated and compare each properties from the primary constructor
- toString() to create a pretty string of the instance
- copy to be able to change a few values and clone the other ones.
So a basic data class like that
data class Example(val a: Int = 1, val b: Int = 2, val c: Int = 3)
will generate
class Example {
constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number);
readonly a: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly c: number;
component1(): number;
component2(): number;
component3(): number;
copy(a: number, b: number, c: number): sample._class.Example;
toString(): string;
hashCode(): number;
equals(other: Nullable<any>): boolean;
By using @KustomExport
instead, you remove all those unused methods and expose a simple class instead.
class Example {
constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number);
readonly a: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly c: number;