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isobar is another SuperCollider-inspired pattern sequencing system. It is written in (and with) Python. The following is isobar’s list of its included pattern classes, and for each, the equivalent cl-patterns pattern is listed, if applicable. I haven’t used a lot of isobar, though, so it’s entirely possible some of these equivalents are wrong.


Pattern - pattern

Abstract superclass of all pattern generators.

PConstant - pn

Returns a fixed value.

PRef - pdef

Contains a reference to another pattern, which can be replaced dynamically.

PFunc - pfunc

Returns the value generated by a function.

PArrayIndex - pindex

Request a specified index from an array.

PDict - pbind

Construct a pattern from a dict of arrays, or an array of dicts.

PDictKey - pk

Request a specified key from a dictionary.

PConcatenate - pseq

Concatenate the output of multiple sequences.

PAbs - (pnary 'abs ...)

Absolute value of `input`

PInt - (pnary 'floor ...)

Integer value of `input`

PAdd - (p+ ...)

Add elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA + patternB)

PSub - (p- ...)

Subtract elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA - patternB)

PMul - (p* ...)

Multiply elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA * patternB)

PDiv - (p/ ...)

Divide elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA / patternB)

PFloorDiv - (pnary 'floor (p/ ...))

Integer division (shorthand: patternA // patternB)

PMod - (pnary 'mod ...) or pwrap

Modulo elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA % patternB)

PPow - (pnary 'expt ...)

One pattern to the power of another (shorthand: patternA ** patternB)

PLShift -

Binary left-shift (shorthand: patternA << patternB)

PRShift -

Binary right-shift (shorthand: patternA << patternB)

PEqual - peql

Return 1 if a == b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA == patternB)

PNotEqual - p/=

Return 1 if a != b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA != patternB)

PGreaterThan - p>

Return 1 if a > b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA > patternB)

PGreaterThanOrEqual - p>=

Return 1 if a >= b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA >= patternB)

PLessThan - p<

Return 1 if a < b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA < patternB)

PLessThanOrEqual - p<=

Return 1 if a <= b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA <= patternB)


PChanged -

Outputs a 1 if the value of a pattern has changed.

PDiff - pdiff

Outputs the difference between the current and previous values of an input pattern

PSkipIf -

If `skip` is false, returns `input`; otherwise, returns None.

PNormalise -

Adaptively normalise `input` to [0..1] over a linear scale.

PMap -

Apply an arbitrary function to an input pattern.

PMapEnumerated -

Apply arbitrary function to input, passing a counter.

PLinLin -

Map `input` from linear range [a,b] to linear range [c,d].

PLinExp -

Map `input` from linear range [a,b] to exponential range [c,d].

PRound -

Round `input` to N decimal places.

PScalar -

Reduce tuples and lists into single scalar values,

PWrap - pwrap

Wrap input note values within <min>, <max>.

PIndexOf -

Find index of items from `pattern` in <list>


PSeries - pseries

Arithmetic series, beginning at `start`, increment by `step`

PRange - pseries*

Similar to PSeries, but specify a max/step value.

PGeom - pgeom

Geometric series, beginning at `start`, multiplied by `step`

PImpulse -

Outputs a 1 every <period> events, otherwise 0.

PLoop -

Repeats a finite `pattern` for `n` repeats.

PPingPong -

Ping-pong input pattern back and forth N times.

PCreep -

Loop `length`-note segment, progressing `creep` notes after `repeats` repeats.

PStutter - pr

Play each note of `pattern` `count` times.

PSubsequence -

Returns a finite subsequence of an input pattern.

PReverse -

Reverses a finite sequence.

PReset -

Resets `pattern` whenever `trigger` is true

PCounter -

Increments a counter by 1 for each zero-crossing in `trigger`.

PCollapse -

Skip over any rests in `input`

PNoRepeats -

Skip over repeated values in `input`

PPad -

Pad `pattern` with rests until it reaches length `length`.

PPadToMultiple -

Pad `pattern` with rests until its length is divisible by `multiple`.

PArpeggiator -


PEuclidean - pbjorklund

Generate Euclidean rhythms.

PPermut -

Generate every permutation of `count` input items.

PPatternGeneratorAction -

Each time its pattern is exhausted, request a new pattern by calling <fn>.

PSequenceAction -

Iterate over an array, perform a function, and repeat.


PWhite - pwhite

White noise between `min` and `max`.

PBrown - pbrown

Brownian noise.

PCoin -

Coin toss, returning either 0 or 1 given some `probability`.

PWalk - pwalk

Random walk around list.

PChoice - pwrand

Pick a random element from `values`, weighted by optional `weights`.

PSample -

Pick multiple random elements from `values`, weighted by optional `weights`,

PShuffle - pshuf

Shuffled list.

PShuffleInput -

Every `n` steps, take `n` values from `pattern` and reorder.

PSkip -

Skip events with some probability, 1 - <play>.

PFlipFlop -

flip a binary bit with some probability.

PSwitchOne -

Capture `length` input values; loop, repeatedly switching two adjacent values.


PDegree -

Map scale index <degree> to MIDI notes in <scale>.

PFilterByKey -

Filter notes based on their presence in <key>.

PNearestNoteInKey -

Return the nearest note in <key>.

PMidiNoteToFrequency -

Map MIDI note to frequency value.


PGlobals -

Static global value identified by a string.

PCurrentTime - pbeat*

Returns the position (in beats) of the current timeline.


PFadeNotewise -

Fade a pattern in/out by introducing notes at a gradual rate.

PFadeNotewiseRandom -

Fade a pattern in/out by gradually introducing random notes.


PMarkov -

First-order Markov chain generator.


PLSystem -

integer sequence derived from Lindenmayer systems


PWInterpolate -

Requests a new target warp value from `pattern` every `length` beats

PWSine -

Sinosoidal warp, period `length` beats, amplitude +/-<amp>.

PWRallantando -

Exponential deceleration to <amp> times the current tempo over `length` beats.