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Please read the entirety of the root and the LeapfrogAI documentation website prior to reading this document. Also, please refer to the for rules on contributing to the LeapfrogAI project.

The purpose of this document is to describe how to run a development loop on the LeapfrogAI tech stack. Specifics for each component are within the sub-directories identified in the root

Local Development

Please first see the pre-requisites listed on the LeapfrogAI documentation website's Requirements and Dependencies, before going to each component's subdirectory README


It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that PyEnv be installed on your machine, and a new virtual environment is created for every new development branch.

Follow the installation instructions outlined in the pyenv repository to install Python 3.11.9:

# install the correct python version
pyenv install 3.11.9

# create a new virtual environment named "leapfrogai"
pyenv virtualenv 3.11.9 leapfrogai

# activate the virtual environment
pyenv activate leapfrogai

If your installation process completes successfully but indicates missing packages such as sqlite3, execute the following command to install the required packages then proceed with the reinstallation of Python 3.11.9:

sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libffi-dev \
  libssl-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev \
  liblzma-dev libncurses-dev

UDS CLI Aliasing

Below are instructions for adding UDS CLI aliases that are useful for deployments that occur in an air-gap where the UDS CLI binary is available to the engineer.

For general CLI UX, put the following in your shell configuration (e.g., /root/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc):

alias k="uds zarf tools kubectl"
alias kubectl="uds zarf tools kubectl"
alias zarf='uds zarf'
alias k9s='uds zarf tools monitor'
alias udsclean="uds zarf tools clear-cache && rm -rf ~/.uds-cache && rm -rf /tmp/zarf-*"

For fulfilling kubectl binary requirements necessary for running some of the optional deployment helper scripts and for full functionality within uds zarf tools monitor:

touch /usr/local/bin/kubectl
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nuds zarf tools kubectl "$@"' > /usr/local/bin/kubectl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl


Many of the directories and sub-directories within this project contain Make targets that can be executed to simplify repetitive command-line tasks.

Please refer to each Makefile for more arguments and details on what each target does and is dependent on.

UDS Tasks

UDS tasks use the UDS CLI runner, and are defined in the root tasks.yaml file.

Currently, the only tasks within the file are for checking the progress of the LeapfrogAI towards the Made for UDS packaging standards. To run the task verification task you must have a UDS Kubernetes cluster and LeapfrogAI (GPU or CPU) deployed. After deploying both major capabilities, you can execute the following:

uds run nightly-uds-badge-verification --no-progress

You should get an output similar to this, depending on how many components of LeapfrogAI are actually deployed:

  •  Running "Create Reports Directory"

  ✔  Completed "Create Reports Directory"

  •  Running "Run UDS Badge Verification Task"

  ✔  Completed "Run UDS Badge Verification Task"

  •  Running "Clean Up Final Report"
Package: leapfrogai-api

❌ Errors: 4
⚠️  Warnings: 3

❌ Error Descriptions:
  - Endpoint is returning 404
  - Not all applicable network policies are using selectors
  - Not all applicable network policies are using ports
  - No monitors defined

⚠️  Warning Descriptions:
  - Version is not consistent across flavors and package
  - Network policies with 'remoteGenerated: Anywhere' are present, review needed
  - No SSO configuration found, review needed
UDS Capability Issues

❌ Error Descriptions:
  - Not all pods have the istio sidecar

Environment Variables

Be wary of *config*.yaml or .env* files that are in individual components of the stack. The component's README will usually tell the developer when to fill them out or supply environment variables to a script.

For example, the LeapfrogAI API requires a config.yaml be supplied when spun up locally. Use the config.example.yaml as an example, and make sure the ports chosen for applicable backends do not conflict on localhost.

Package Development

If you don't want to build an entire bundle, or you want to "dev-loop" on a single package in an existing UDS Kubernetes cluster you can do so by following the instructions below.

For example, this is how you build and (re)deploy a local DEV version of a package:

# if package is already in the cluster, and you are deploying a new one
uds zarf package remove leapfrogai-api --confirm
uds zarf tools registry prune --confirm

# create and deploy the new package
# FLAVOR can be upstream (default) or registry1 - see README for availability details
# See individual sub-directories for any flavor-specific instructions (e.g., packages/api/
LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream REGISTRY_PORT=5000 ARCH=amd64 make build-api
LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream REGISTRY_PORT=5000 ARCH=amd64 make deploy-api

For example, this is how you pull and deploy a LATEST version of a package:

# pull and deploy latest versions
uds zarf package pull oci:// -a amd64
uds zarf package deploy zarf-package-*.tar.zst --confirm

Bundle Development

  1. Install all the necessary package creation dependencies:

    python -m pip install ".[dev]"
    python -m pip install ".[dev-whisper]"
    python -m pip install ".[dev-vllm]"
  2. Build all of the packages you need at once with ONE of the following Make targets:

    # FLAVOR can be upstream (default) or registry1 - see README for availability details
    # See individual sub-directories for any flavor-specific instructions (e.g., packages/api/
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-cpu    # ui, api, llama-cpp-python, text-embeddings, whisper, supabase
    # OR
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-gpu    # ui, api, vllm, text-embeddings, whisper, supabase
    # OR
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-all    # all of the components


    You can build components individually using the following Make targets:

    # FLAVOR can be upstream (default) or registry1 - see README for availability details
    # See individual sub-directories for any flavor-specific instructions (e.g., packages/api/
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-ui
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-api
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-supabase
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-vllm                 # if you have NVIDIA GPUs (AMR64 not supported)
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-llama-cpp-python     # if you have CPU only
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-text-embeddings
    LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream ARCH=amd64 make build-whisper
  3. Create the UDS bundle, modifying the uds-config.yaml as required:

cd bundles/dev/<cpu or gpu>
uds create . --confirm
  1. Deploy the UDS bundle to an existing UDS Kubernetes cluster:
cd bundles/dev/<cpu or gpu>
uds deploy <insert bundle name> --confirm

Bundle Overrides

Although not provided in the example UDS bundle manifests found in this repository's bundles/, the uds-bundle.yaml and uds-config.yaml can be modified to override values files of a component's deployment. For example, when using UDS CLI to deploy the bundles/latest/gpu/uds-bundle.yaml you can add the following lines to the following files to influence a value that is not accessible by any other means (e.g., setting a Zarf variable):


  # OpenAI-like API
  - name: leapfrogai-api
    # x-release-please-start-version
    ref: 0.13.1
    # x-release-please-end

            name: API_REPLICAS
            description: "Default number of API replicas to deploy"
            path: api.replicas # the path to the value you want to override in packages/api/chart/values.yaml


    api_replicas: 2 # overriding the default value of 1 in the packages/api/chart/values.yaml

MacOS Specifics

To run the same commands in MacOS, you will need to prepend your command with a couple of env vars like so:

All Macs: REG_PORT=5001

Apple Silicon (M1/M2/M3/M4 series) Macs: ARCH=arm64

To demonstrate what this would look like for an Apple Silicon Mac:

# FLAVOR can be upstream (default) or registry1 - see README for availability details
# See individual sub-directories for any flavor-specific instructions (e.g., packages/api/
REG_PORT=5001 ARCH=arm64 LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream make build-cpu

To demonstrate what this would look like for an older Intel Mac:

# FLAVOR can be upstream (default) or registry1 - see README for availability details
# See individual sub-directories for any flavor-specific instructions (e.g., packages/api/
REG_PORT=5001 ARCH=arm64 LOCAL_VERSION=dev FLAVOR=upstream make build-cpu


All LeapfrogAI components exposed as VirtualServiceresources within a UDS Kubernetes cluster can be accessed without port-forwarding if UDS Core Slim Dev is installed with LeapfrogAI packages.

For example, when developing the API and you need access to Supabase, you can point your locally running API to the in-cluster Supabase by setting the Supabase base URL to the in-cluster domain (

The preferred method of testing changes is to fully deploy something to a cluster and run local smoke tests as needed. The GitHub workflows will run all integration and E2E test suites.


Supabase is a special case when spun up inside of a UDS Kubernetes cluster. All of the bitnami Supabase components are served through the Kong service mesh, which is exposed as through our Istio tenant gateway. All of the Make commands, and our UI and API, correctly route to the right endpoint for interacting with each sub-component of Supabase. The UI and API use the supabase Typescript or Python package to interact with Supabase without issue.

Although not recommended, below are example endpoints for direct interaction with Supabase sub-components is as follows:

We highly recommend using the published supabase packages, or interacting with Supabase via the LeapfrogAI API or UI. Go to to see the exposed Supabase sub-component routes under the leapfrogai namespace / routes.


The following sections discuss the nuances of developing on or with the LeapfrogAI model backends.


Backends can also be run locally as Python applications. See each model backend's README in the packages/ directory for more details on running each in development mode.


The model backends are the only components within the LeapfrogAI stack that are not readily accessible via a VirtualService. These must be port-forwarded if a user wants to test a local deployment of the API against an in-cluster backend.

For example, the following bash script can be used to setup CPU RAG between a deployed UDS Kubernetes cluster and a locally running LeapfrogAI API:


# Function to kill all background processes when the script exits or is interrupted
cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    kill $PID1 $PID2

# Set environment variables
export SUPABASE_URL=""
export SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=$(kubectl get secret supabase-bootstrap-jwt -n leapfrogai -o jsonpath='{.data.anon-key}' | base64 --decode)

# Trap SIGINT (Ctrl-C) and SIGTERM (termination signal) to call the cleanup function
trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM

# Start Kubectl port-forward services in the background and save their PIDs
# Expose the backends at different ports to prevent localhost conflict
# Make sure to change the config.yaml in the api source directory
uds zarf tools kubectl port-forward svc/text-embeddings-model -n leapfrogai 50052:50051 &
uds zarf tools kubectl port-forward svc/llama-cpp-python-model -n leapfrogai 50051:50051 &

# Wait for all background processes to finish
wait $PID1 $PID2

Port Conflicts

In all cases, port conflicts may arise when outside of a cluster service mesh. As seen in the Cluster sub-section, backends all try to emit at port 50051; however, on a host machine's localhost, there can only be one on 50051. Using the Leapfrogai API, define the ports at which you plan on making a backend accessible.


Occasionally, a package you are trying to re-deploy, or a namespace you are trying to delete, may hang. To workaround this, be sure to check the events and logs of all resources, to include pods, deployments, daemonsets, clusterpolicies, etc. There may be finalizers, Pepr hooks, and etc. causing the re-deployment or deletion to fail. Use the k9s and kubectl tools that are vendored with UDS CLI, like in the examples below:


# k9s CLI for debugging
uds zarf tools monitor

# kubectl command for logs
uds zarf tools kubectl logs -l app=api -n leapfrogai --all-containers=true --follow

To describe node-level data, like resource usage, non-terminated pods, taints, etc. run the following command:

uds zarf tools kubectl describe node


NVML Errors or Missing CUDA Dependencies

None of the following should ever error or return unknown version:

  1. Check if your NVIDIA GPU drivers are installed:

  2. Check the version of your NVIDIA Container Toolkit:

    nvidia-ctk --version
  3. Check the version of your CUDA Toolkit (if compiling vLLM locally):

    nvcc --version

Try looking at your Docker runtime information and make sure the following returns with several lines of information:

docker info | grep "nvidia"

Try running the CUDA sample tests in the cluster: CUDA Vector Add. This can be deployed by executing the following on an existing cluster with NVIDIA GPU operator and/or NVIDIA device plugin daemonset installed:

make test-uds-gpu-cluster

Memory Errors or Process Locks

If you are,

  1. not deploying a fresh cluster or fresh packages (e.g., vLLM is already deployed), or
  2. you have a GPU that has other workloads on it (e.g., display)

then there may not be enough resources to offload the model weights to the NVIDIA GPU.

To see what host-level processes are on your NVIDIA GPU(s) run the following:


To check which pods are sucking up GPUs in particular, you can run the following yq command:

uds zarf tools kubectl get pods \
--all-namespaces \
--output=yaml \
| uds zarf tools yq eval -o=json '
  ["Pod", "Namespace", "Container", "GPU"] as $header |
  [$header] + [
    .items[] |
    .metadata as $metadata |
    .spec.containers[] |
    select(.resources.requests[""]) |
  ]' - \
| uds zarf tools yq -r '(.[0] | @tsv), (.[1:][] | @tsv)' \
| column -t -s $'\t'

When you reinstall or start a new GPU-dependent pod, the previous PID (process) on the GPU may not have been flushed yet.

  1. Scale the previous GPU-dependent pod deployment down to 0, as the current RollingUpdate strategy for vLLM relies on back-up/secondary GPUs to be available for a graceful turnover
  2. Use nvidia-smi to check if the process has been flushed upon Pod termination BEFORE you deploy a new GPU-dependent pod, and if not, use kill -9 <PID> to manually flush the process