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Fast, cross-platform Node.js access to ExifTool.

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  1. Best-of-class cross-platform performance and reliability.

    Expect an order of magnitude faster performance than other packages.

  2. Proper extraction of

  3. Support for

  4. Robust type definitions of the top 99.5% tags used by over 6,000 different camera makes and models (see an example)

  5. Auditable ExifTool source code (the vendored code is checksum verified)

  6. Automated updates to ExifTool (as new versions come out monthly)

  7. Robust test coverage, performed with the latest Node v6, v8, and v10 on Linux, Mac, & Windows.


 yarn add exiftool-vendored


 npm install --save exiftool-vendored

Note that exiftool-vendored provides an installation of ExifTool relevant for your local platform through optionalDependencies.

You shouldn't include either the exiftool-vendored.exe or as direct dependencies to your project.


See the Version History for breaking changes since you last updated.


There are many configuration options to ExifTool, but all values have (more or less sensible) defaults.

Those defaults have been used to create an exported exiftool singleton. Feel free to review the ExifTool constructor parameters and override default values where appropriate if the defaults wont' work for you, but you should use your singleton to minimize system load. Note that if you don't use the default singleton, note that you don't need to .end() it.

// We're using the singleton here for convenience:
const exiftool = require("exiftool-vendored").exiftool

// And to verify everything is working:
  .then(version => console.log(`We're running ExifTool v${version}`))

General API returns a Promise to a Tags instance. Note that errors may be returned either by rejecting the promise, or for less severe problems, via the errors field.

All other public ExifTool methods return Promise<void>, and will reject the promise if the operation is not successful.

Reading tags

  .then((tags /*: Tags */) =>
      `Make: ${tags.Make}, Model: ${tags.Model}, Errors: ${tags.errors}`
  .catch(err => console.error("Something terrible happened: ", err))

Extracting embedded images

Extract the low-resolution thumbnail in path/to/image.jpg, write it to path/to/thumbnail.jpg, and return a Promise<void> that is fulfilled when the image is extracted:

exiftool.extractThumbnail("path/to/image.jpg", "path/to/thumbnail.jpg")

Extract the Preview image (only found in some images):

exiftool.extractPreview("path/to/image.jpg", "path/to/preview.jpg")

Extract the JpgFromRaw image (found in some RAW images):

exiftool.extractJpgFromRaw("path/to/image.cr2", "path/to/fromRaw.jpg")

Extract the binary value from "tagname" tag in path/to/image.jpg and write it to dest.bin (which cannot exist already and whose parent directory must already exist):

exiftool.extractBinaryTag("tagname", "path/to/file.exf", "path/to/dest.bin")

Writing tags

Note that only a portion of tags are writable. Refer to the documentation and look under the "Writable" column.

If you apply malformed values or ask to write to tags that aren't supported, the returned Promise will be rejected.

Only string and numeric primitive are supported as values to the object

Write a comment to the given file so it shows up in the Windows Explorer Properties panel:

exiftool.write("path/to/file.jpg", { XPComment: "this is a test comment" })

Change the DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate and ModifyDate tags (using the AllDates shortcut) to 4:56pm UTC on February 6, 2016:

exiftool.write("path/to/file.jpg", { AllDates: "2016-02-06T16:56:00" })

Always Beware: Timezones

If you edit a timestamp tag, realize that the difference between the changed timestamp tag and the GPS value is used by exiftool-vendored to infer the timezone.

In other words, if you only edit the CreateDate and don't edit the GPS timestamps, your timezone will either be incorrect or missing. See the section about Dates below for more information.

Rewriting tags

You may find that some of your images have corrupt metadata, and that writing new dates, or editing the rotation information, for example, fails. ExifTool can try to repair these images by rewriting all the metadata into a new file, along with the original image content. See the documentation for more details about this functionality.

rewriteAllTags returns a void Promise that will be rejected if there are any errors.

exiftool.rewriteAllTags("problematic.jpg", "rewritten.jpg")

Resource hygene

Remember to call .end().

ExifTool processes consume system resources. If you're done with it, turn it off with .end(), which returns a Promise<void> if you want to wait for the shutdown to be complete.

Mocha v4.0.0

If you use mocha v4 or later, and you don't call exiftool.end(), you will find that your test suite hangs. The relevant change is described here, and can be solved by adding an after block that shuts down the instance of ExifTool that your tests are using:

after(() => exiftool.end()) // assuming your singleton is called `exiftool`


Generally, EXIF tags encode dates and times with no timezone offset. Presumably the time is captured in local time, but this means parsing the same file in different parts of the world results in a different absolute timestamp for the same file.

Rather than returning a Date which always includes a timezone, this library returns classes that encode the date, the time of day, or both, with an optional tzoffset. It's up to you, then, to do what's right.

In many cases, though, a tzoffset can be determined, either by the composite TimeZone tag, or by looking at the difference between the local DateTimeOriginal and GPSDateTime tags. GPSDateTime is present in most smartphone images.

If a tzoffset can be determined, it is encoded in all related ExifDateTime tags for those files.

Note also that some smartphones record timestamps with microsecond precision (not just millis!), and both ExifDateTime and ExifTime have floating point milliseconds.


Official EXIF tag names are PascalCased, like AFPointSelected and ISO. ("Fixing" the field names to be camelCase, would result in ungainly aFPointSelected and iSO atrocities).

The Tags interface is autogenerated by the mktags script, which parses through over 6,000 unique camera make and model images, in large part sourced from the ExifTool site. mktags groups tags, extracts their type, popularity, and example values such that your IDE can autocomplete.

For an example of a group of tags, see the EXIFTags interface.

Tags marked with β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…, like MIMEType, should be expected in most files. You'll find that very few tags are found in general populations. You'll need to do your own research to determine which tags are valid for your uses.

Note that if parsing fails (for, example, a datetime string), the raw string will be returned. Consuming code should verify both existence and type as reasonable for safety.


The npm run mktags target reads all tags found in a batch of sample images and parses the results.

Using exiftool-vendored:

Read 2236 unique tags from 3011 files.
Parsing took 16191ms (5.4ms / file) # win32, core i7, maxProcs 4
Parsing took 27141ms (9.0ms / file) # ubuntu, core i3, maxProcs 1
Parsing took 12545ms (4.2ms / file) # ubuntu, core i3, maxProcs 4

Using the exiftool npm package takes 7x longer (and doesn't work on Windows):

Reading 3011 files...
Parsing took 85654ms (28.4ms / file) # ubuntu, core i3

Batch mode

Starting the perl version of ExifTool is expensive, and is especially expensive on the Windows version of ExifTool.

On Windows, for every invocation, exiftool installs a distribution of Perl and extracts the ~1000 files that make up ExifTool, and then runs the perl script. Windows virus scanners prevent reads on these files while they are scanned, which makes this approach even more costly.

Using ExifTool's -stay_open batch mode means we can reuse a single instance of ExifTool across many requests, dropping response latency dramatically as well as reducing system load.


To avoid overwhelming your system, the exiftool singleton is configured with a maxProcs set to a quarter the number of CPUs on the current system (minimally 1); no more than maxProcs instances of exiftool will be spawned. If the system is CPU constrained, however, you may want a smaller value. If you have very fast disk IO, you may see a speed increase with larger values of maxProcs, but note that each child process can consume 100 MB of RAM.


Contributors πŸŽ‰


Providing the flexibility to reversion the API or UPDATE version slots as features or bugfixes arise and using ExifTool's version number is at odds with eachother, so this library follows Semver, and the vendored versions of ExifTool match the version they vendor.

The MAJOR or API version is incremented for

  • πŸ’” Non-backward-compatible API changes
  • 🌲 New releases of ExifTool that have externally visible changes

The MINOR or UPDATE version is incremented for

  • 🌱 New releases of ExifTool with no externally visible changes
  • ✨ Backwards-compatible features

The PATCH version is incremented for

  • 🐞 Backwards-compatible bug fixes
  • πŸ“¦ Minor packaging changes

Version history


  • πŸ“¦ Typedoc fails to render Partial<> composites, so mktags now renders each Tag as optional. The Tag interface should be exactly the same as from v6.0.0.


  • πŸ’” ExifTool's many constructor parameters turned out to be quite unweildy. Version 6 now takes an options hash. If you used the defaults, those haven't changed, and your code won't need to change.
  • πŸ’” ExifTool.enqueueTask takes a Task thunk now, to enable cleaner task retry code. I don't expect many consumers will have used this API directly.
  • 🐞 In prior versions, when maxTasksPerProcess was reached, on some OSes, the host process would exit.
  • ✨ Rebuilt Tags based on new phone and camera models
  • πŸ“¦ Files are not stated before passing them on to ExifTool, as it seems to be faster on all platforms without this check. If you were error-matching on ENOENT, you'll need to switch to looking for "File not found".
  • πŸ’” BatchCluster was updated, which has a robust PID-exists implementation, but those signatures now return Promises rather than being synchronous, so the exported running function has changed to return a Promise<number[]>.
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v11.09.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v11.08.


  • ✨ Some photo sharing sites will set the CreateDate or SubSecCreateDate to invalid values like 0001:01:01 00:00:00.00. These values are now returned as strings so consumers can more consistently discriminate invalid metadata.


  • ✨ Prior versions of always added the -fast option. This read mode omits metadata found after the image payload. This makes reads much faster, but means that a few tags, like OriginalImageHeight, may not be extracted. See for more details.

    Cuneytt reported this and I realized I should make -fast a user preference. To maintain existing behavior, I've made the optional second argument of default to ["-fast"]. If you want to use "slow mode", just give an empty array to the second argument. If you want -fast2 mode, provide ["-fast2"] as the second argument.



  • ✨ new exiftool.rewriteAllTags(), which may repair problematic image metadata.
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v11.02.
  • πŸ“¦ taskRetries default is now 1, which should allow recovery of the rare RPC/fork error, but actual corrupt files and realy errors can be rejected sooner.
  • πŸ“¦ Pull in latest dependencies, include new batch-cluster.


  • πŸ’”/✨ Task rejections are always Errors now, and ExifTool.on observers will be provided Errors on failure cases. Previously, rejections and events had been a mixture of strings and Errors. I'm bumping the major version just to make sure people adjust their code accordingly, but I'm hoping this is a no-op for most people. Thanks for the suggestion, Nils Knappmeier!


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v11.01. Note that ExifTool doesn't really follow semver, so this shouldn't be a breaking change, so we'll stay on v4.
  • πŸ“¦ Pull in latest dependencies, including batch-cluster and TypeScript.
  • πŸ“¦ Fix version spec because exiftool now has a left-zero-padded version that semver is not happy about.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.98


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.95
  • πŸ“¦ Fix .pl dependency to omit test files and documentation


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.94
  • πŸ“¦ Pull in latest dependencies, including more robust BatchCluster exiting (which may help with rare child zombies during long-lived parent processes on macOS)


  • πŸ“¦ Pull in latest dependencies, including less-verbose BatchCluster


  • ✨ Support for writing AllDates (closes #21.)
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.93


  • ✨ Before reading or writing tags, we stat the file first to ensure it exists. Expect ENOENT rejections from and ExifTool.write now.
  • πŸ“¦ Expose batch-cluster lifecycle events and logger
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.92


  • ✨ Support for Electron. Added exiftoolPath to the ExifTool constructor. See the wiki for more information.
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.89


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.86


  • πŸ“¦ Pick up batch-cluster 1.10.0 to possibly address this issue.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.81
  • πŸ“¦ Update deps, including batch-cluster 1.9.0
  • πŸ“¦ Dropped support for node 4 (EOLs in 1 month).


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.79
  • πŸ“¦ Update deps, including TypeScript 2.7.2
  • πŸ“¦ Removed 🐱


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.78
  • πŸ“¦ Update deps, including TypeScript 2.7.1


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.76
  • πŸ“¦ Update deps


  • πŸ“¦ Update deps


  • 🐞 Use spawn instead of execFile, as the latter has buggy maxBuffer exit behavior and could leak exiftool processes on windows
  • 🐞 The .exiftool singleton now properly uses a DefaultMaxProcs const.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.70
  • πŸ“¦ Replace tslint and tsfmt with prettier
  • πŸ“¦ Add test coverage report

(due to buggy interactions between yarn and np, v4.13.0 was published in an incomplete state and subsequently unpublished)


  • πŸ“¦ Rollback the rollback, as it's a known issue with par. If this happens again I'll add a windows-specific validation of the par directory.




  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.67


  • πŸ“¦ More conservative default for maxProcs: Math.max(1, system cpus / 4).


  • πŸ“¦ Expose ExifTool.ended


  • ✨ Corrected the type interface to ExifTool.write() to be only string or numeric values with keys from Tags so intellisense can work it's magicks
  • πŸ“¦ Updated the README with more examples
  • πŸ“¦ Added timestamp write tests


  • ✨ Metadata writing is now supported. Closes #6


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.66
  • ✨ Pull in new batch-cluster with more aggressive child process management (uses taskkill on win32 platforms and kill -9 on unixish platforms)
  • ✨ ExifTool constructor defaults were relaxed to handle slow NAS
  • ✨ Upgraded to Mocha 4.0. Added calls to exiftool.end() in test after blocks and the README so --exit isn't necessary.
  • πŸ“¦ salita --update


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.64


  • πŸ“¦ reverted batch-cluster reference


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.61
  • 🐞 Re-added the "-stay_open\nFalse" ExifTool exit command, which may be more reliable than only using signal traps.
  • πŸ“¦ yarn upgrade --latest


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.60
  • πŸ“¦ Upgraded all dependencies


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.58


  • πŸ“¦ Added QuickTimeTags from several example movies (previous versions of Tags didn't have movie tag exemplar values)
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.57


  • πŸ’” All Tags fields are now marked as possibly undefined, as there are no EXIF, IPTC, or other values that are guaranteed to be set. Sorry for the major break, but the prior signature that promised all values were always set was strictly wrong.
  • ✨ Added support for all downstream batch-cluster options in the ExifTool constructor.
  • πŸ“¦ Added ExifTool.pids (used by a couple new integration tests)
  • πŸ“¦ Rebuilt Tags with additional sample images and looser tag filtering.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.54
  • πŸ“¦ Pulled in batch-cluster v1.2.0 that supports more robust child process cleanup
  • ✨ Yarn and platform-dependent-modules don't play nicely. Anton Mokrushin submitted several PRs to address this. Thanks!


  • 🐞 Fixed package.json references to types and main


  • πŸ“¦ Completed jsdocs for ExifTool constructor
  • πŸ“¦ Pulled in batch-cluster v1.1.0 that adds both on("beforeExit") and on("exit") handlers


  • ✨ Extracted batch-cluster to power child process management. Task timeout, retry, and failure handling has excellent test coverage now.
  • πŸ’” Switched from debug to node's debuglog to reduce external dependencies
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.51
  • πŸ“¦ Using .npmignore instead of package.json's files directive to specify the contents of the module.


  • πŸ› Rounded milliseconds were not set by ExifDateTime.toDate() when timezone was not available. Breaking tests were added.


  • πŸ“¦ Exposed datetime parsing via static methods on ExifDateTime, ExifDate, and ExifTime.


  • ✨ Some newer smartphones (like the Google Pixel) render timestamps with microsecond precision, which is now supported.


  • ✨ Added example movies to the sample image corpus used to build the tag definitions.


  • ✨ Added taskTimeoutMillis, which will cause the promise to be rejected if exiftool takes longer than this value to parse the file. Note that this timeout only starts "ticking" when the task is enqueued to an idle ExifTool process.
  • ✨ Pump the onIdle method every onIdleIntervalMillis (defaults to every 10 seconds) to ensure all requested tasks are serviced.
  • ✨ If ECONN or ECONNRESET is raised from the child process (which seems to happen for roughly 1% of requests), the current task is re-enqueued and the current exiftool process is recycled.
  • ✨ Rebuilt Tags definitions using more (6,412!) sample image files (via npm run mktags ~/sample-images), including many RAW image types (like .ORF, .CR2, and .NEF).


  • ✨ Added maxReuses before exiftool processes are recycled
  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.50



  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.47
  • ✨ Added call to .kill() on .end() in case the stdin command was missed by ExifTool


  • ✨ Added support for Node 4. TypeScript builds under es5 mode.


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.46


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.44
  • πŸ“¦ Upgraded to TypeScript 2.2
  • 🐞 update/io.ts error message didn't handle null statuscodes properly
  • 🐞 update/mktags.ts had a counting bug exposed by TS 2.2


  • ✨ More robust error handling for child processes (previously there was no .on("error") added to the process itself, only on stderr of the child process).


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.41
  • ✨ Orientation is rendered as a string by ExifTool, which was surprising (to me, at least). By exposing optional args in, the caller can choose how ExifTool renders tag values.


  • 🐞 LANG and LC_ environment variables were passed through to exiftool (and subsequently, perl). These are now explicitly unset when exec'ing ExifTool, both to ensure tag names aren't internationalized, and to prevent perl errors from bubbling up to the caller due to missing locales.


  • ✨ extractBinaryTag exposed because there are a lot of binary tags (and they aren't all embedded images)
  • 🐞 JpgFromRaw was missing in Tag (no raw images were in the example corpus!)


  • ✨ extractJpgFromRaw implemented to pull out EXIF-embedded images from RAW formats


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.40


  • ✨ extractThumbnail and extractPreview implemented to pull out EXIF-embedded images
  • πŸ“¦ Rebuilt package.json.files section


  • πŸ’” Switched from home-grown logger to debug


  • πŸ“¦ Switch back to platform-dependent-modules. npm warnings aren't awesome.
  • πŸ“¦ Don't include tests or updater in the published package


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.38
  • πŸ“¦ Use npm's os-specific optionalDependencies rather than platform-dependent-modules.


  • πŸ› Several imports (like process) name-collided on the globals imported by Electron


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.37


  • 🌱 ExifTool upgraded to v10.36
  • ✨ Tag.Error exposed for unsupported file types.


  • πŸ› It was too easy to miss calling ExifTool.end(), which left child ExifTool processes running. The constructor to ExifTool now adds a shutdown hook to send all child processes a shutdown signal.


  • ✨ Added toString() for all date/time types


  • ✨ Added typings reference in the package.json
  • 🌱 Upgraded vendored exiftool to 10.33


  • πŸ“¦ Fixed packaging (maintain jsdocs in .d.ts and added typings reference)
  • πŸ“¦ Using np for packaging


  • ✨ Multithreading support with the maxProcs ctor param
  • ✨ Added tests for reading images with truncated or missing EXIF headers
  • ✨ Added tests for timezone offset extraction and rendering
  • ✨ Subsecond resolution from the Google Pixel has 8 significant digits(!!), added support for that.


  • ✨ More rigorous TimeZone extraction from assets, and added the ExifTimeZoneOffset to handle the TimeZone composite tag
  • ✨ Added support for millisecond timestamps


🌱✨ Initial Release. Packages ExifTool v10.31.

<script src="//"></script> <script>twemoji.parse(document.body, { size: "svg", ext: ".svg" })</script> <style> .emoji { height: 18px; } </style>


Fast, cross-platform Node.js access to ExifTool







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  • TypeScript 99.6%
  • JavaScript 0.4%