Shop-floor monitoring system using YOLOv4-DeepSort. YOLOv4-DeepSort is a object tracking algorithm that uses deep convolutional neural networks. System calculates factory indicators using ID and coordinates of the target object.
Cloning Yolov4-DeepSort repository and Shop-floor monitoring repository in your computer.
Move '' file into YoloV4-deepsort repository file.
Install the proper dependencies in repository path via Anaconda.
I recommend using GPU for real time.
# Tensorflow GPU
conda env create -f conda-gpu.yml
conda activate yolov4-gpu
# TensorFlow GPU
pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt
Copy and paste yolov4.weights from your downloads folder into the 'data' folder of Yolov4 repository.
First, convert .weights into TensorFlow model.
Then run the using camera.
# Convert darknet weights to tensorflow model
python --model yolov4
# Run yolov4 deep sort object tracker on camera (set video flag to 1)
python --video 1 --model yolov4
--video flag number can be differ.
It will be helpful if you refer to Yolov4-Deepsort repository's README.
You can initialize variables and change values in modules.
I summarize the added parts of the
line 105~120
- Initialize indicator variables
line 122~123
- Connect GUI client
line 197~218
- Calculate indicators for each class.
line 239~242
- Draw start and end line
line 251~256
- Set boundingbox color
line 262~263
- Calculate the center point
line 265~269
- Send indicators to DB(Updating)
line 271~281
- Track object through the start line
line 284~301
- Check object through the end line and change variables
line 303~315
- Calculate cycletime
line 317~331
- Check Error point
line 333~335
- Function that draws indicators
line 341
- Send indicators to GUI