- Cleanup store.logon - too complex and confusing.
- Add support for auto refresh of token(if valid for that flow)
- For cas output add a tableByName object to get to table output in a consistent manner for all cas actions that can return tables.
- Upgraded axios to 0.19.0 for the denial-of-service fix
- Fixed issues for reconnecting with a previously created CAS session. (see examples/casSessions.js for usage)
- Pass 1 at cleaning up serverCalls/index.js
- Added support for passing a previously created valid token to store.logon
let payload = {
authType : 'server',
host : 'your viya server',
token : 'your authorization token',
tokenType: 'bearer'
await store.logon(payload);
- Support passing pem for https calls as part of the configuration object to initStore. Make sure SAS_SSL_ENABLED is set to YES in the env file. (Tip: Use openssl x509 command to create pem from ssl certificate).
let store = restaf.initStore({pem: 'your pem'});
- Finished support for store.logoff(). Be aware that the store object is not useful after a logoff. If necessary recreate the store with another initStore call.
- Moving restaf to version 1 - no point on postponing it.
- recommit to remove security alert on lodash - CVE-2018-16487 More information
Added optional parameter object to initStore for setting global configuration information.
- casProxy: true| false ... default is false. if true the casProxy API is used to call cas actions. If false(default) {casservername}-http service is used. Use casProxy: true only when embedding Viya apps in Visual Analytics. In a single cas server scenario casservername is cas-shared-default
- next latest
- Remove extraneous console logs.
- There seems to be an issue in using casProxy - duplicate headers are sent to the server and it is unhappy with it. This breaks all the apps. Going back to using cas-*-http until the issue is resolved.
- Added a convenience method runAction to store.
let r = store.runAction(session, payload);
This method will return error if the cas action returns non-zero statusCode or returns severity of 'Error'.
Added support for xsrf tokens used by SAS Viya - This is to allow restaf-based apps to run inside SASVisualAnalytics's web component. User need not take any action for this feature to work.
- switched back from cas--http to casProxy -- have not seen any negative impacts. Had to make the change since there is no obvious way to track csrf tokens for the cas--http service. Needs further investigation since I really would prefer to use that service.
Updated dependencies to latest. The big changes were Babel and Webpack.
- Remove babel-polyfill as an entry point in webpack. Causing problems with serverless functions.