Web-Devlopement Project
In the race of education students seeks various courses to explore themselves but end up with confusion the content of which course is best for them.This apps makes it easier for them to read the review ,ratings and overview of the course provided by major online learning platforms like udemy,coursera,edx etc.We intend to bring all this courses in single app may it be finance,programming,marktting or any other topic of interest.
There are so many online educational platforms offering courses on various topics. These domains include
You just have to select the domain and find the topic that you want to learn!
- Persue any goal
- Best free courses with ratings
- Earn certificate
- Starting today
- Fast load time
- and many more
- website link-https://course-destination.herokuapp.com/
- Drive link -SCREENSHOTS
- Demo Video -Video
##Technology stack Tools and technologies that you learnt and used in the project.
- Flask - For Backend
- HTML CSS JS and Bootstrap - For Frontend
- BeautifulSoup (bs4) - For Web Scrapping
We use http://www.openculture.com/ for this
url = "http://www.openculture.com/"
course_dict = [{},{},{},{}] #list of 6 dictionaries
#extraction of data
for i in range(len(sub_url)):
course_no = 0
url_new = url + sub_url[i]
response = requests.get(url_new)
data = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
contents = soup.find_all("ul")
for content in contents:
names = content.find_all("strong")
for name in names:
if len(name.text)>=6:
course_link = []
course_name = name.text
courses = name.find_next_siblings("a")
course_provider = name.find_parent("li").text[len(course_name)+1:]
count =0
for course in courses:
if count<=3 :
count +=1
(course_dict[i])[course_no] = [course_name,course_provider,course_link]
course_no += 1
Clone the repository or download it. For cloning you must have GIT installed. For downloading git refer this link.
git clone https://github.com/ekta-chandu/Inheritance-2021.git
Then you must install the required dependencies. In this repository 'requirements.txt' contains a list of all dependencies required for the project. The virutal environment is already present in the repository. You just have to activate it using the following command by opening cmd in the project directory.
-For windows
-For Ubuntu
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running this web application on your machine you have to make some changes in coursespot/init.py file.
-Replace the os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY') variable with a random string -Replace os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') and os.environ.get('EMAIL_PASS') with the email id and password of the account from which you want to send email. -or you can add these variables to your machine environment(more secure)
python run.py
- Ekta Chandak- emchandak_b2@et.vjti.ac.in
- Samiksha Naik- ssn.nasik@gmail.com
- Anuja Ingle- aringle_b20@et.vjti.ac.in
- Pratiksha Naik- prnaik_b20@et.vjti.ac.in
- Chahat Baghele
- Rakesh Rajpurohit