diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7fd1955d7..fa2b9eefe 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ Removing is slightly more difficult than adding, because there are multiple comp
- Form Caption
- Icon
- Icon Button
-- Icon Link
- Number Input
- Select
- TabBar
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/.storybook/.pa11yci b/packages/ui-library/.storybook/.pa11yci
index f072a2b57..1761aa5ba 100644
--- a/packages/ui-library/.storybook/.pa11yci
+++ b/packages/ui-library/.storybook/.pa11yci
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"urls": [
- "http://localhost:1337/iframe.html?id=blriconlink--blr-icon-link&viewMode=story",
@@ -21,4 +20,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.css.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.css.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea5f2e85..000000000
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.css.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import { typeSafeNestedCss } from "../../utils/nested-typesafe-css-literals";
-export const styleCustom = typeSafeNestedCss`
- .blr-icon-link {
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- display: inline-flex;
- cursor: pointer;
- padding-right: 3px;
- padding-left: 3px;
- }
- .blr-icon-button:focus {
- ${
- /* Component Tokens for Outline are missing */
- /* Need to make sure we meet AA requirements with this custom outline */
- ""
- }
- outline: 2px solid black;
- }
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.stories.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.stories.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a25bb72ad..000000000
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.stories.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-console */
-import { BlrIconLinkType } from './index';
-import { BlrIconLinkRenderFunction } from './renderFunction';
-import { PureIconKeys } from '@boiler/icons/icons-optimized';
-// this loads the all components instances and registers their html tags
-import '../../index';
-import { Themes } from '../../foundation/_tokens-generated/index.themes';
-import { ActionSizes, ActionVariants } from '../../globals/constants';
-export default {
- title: 'Components/Icon Link',
- argTypes: {
- icon: {
- options: [undefined, ...PureIconKeys],
- control: { type: 'select' },
- },
- size: {
- options: ActionSizes,
- control: { type: 'select' },
- },
- variant: {
- options: ActionVariants,
- control: { type: 'select' },
- },
- theme: {
- options: Themes,
- control: { type: 'select' },
- },
- },
- parameters: {
- badges: ['Draft'],
- design: {
- type: 'figma',
- url: 'https://www.figma.com/file/C4vgEKz8mKyulJ4gm3Qdql/%F0%9F%AB%A7-%5BBLR%5D-The-B01LER?node-id=3618%3A106388&mode=dev',
- },
- viewMode: 'docs',
- },
-export const BlrIconLink = (params: BlrIconLinkType) => BlrIconLinkRenderFunction(params);
-BlrIconLink.storyName = 'Icon Link';
-const args: BlrIconLinkType = {
- theme: 'Light',
- arialabel: 'Button',
- onClick: () => console.log('onClick'),
- onBlur: () => console.log('onBlur'),
- loading: false,
- icon: 'blr360',
- linkId: 'link-id',
- variant: 'cta',
- size: 'md',
- href: '#',
- target: '_self',
-BlrIconLink.args = args;
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.test.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 12500a073..000000000
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import '@boiler/ui-library/dist/';
-import { BlrIconLinkRenderFunction } from './renderFunction';
-import { fixture, expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
-import { querySelectorDeep } from 'query-selector-shadow-dom';
-import type { BlrIconLinkType } from '.';
-const sampleParams: BlrIconLinkType = {
- arialabel: 'Button',
- loading: false,
- icon: 'blr360',
- linkId: 'link-id',
- variant: 'cta',
- href: '#',
- target: '_self',
- theme: 'Light',
-describe('blr-icon-link', () => {
- it('is having a a containing the right className', async () => {
- const element = await fixture(BlrIconLinkRenderFunction(sampleParams));
- const a = querySelectorDeep('a', element.getRootNode() as HTMLElement);
- const className = a?.className;
- expect(className).to.contain('blr-icon-link');
- });
- it('has a size md by default', async () => {
- const element = await fixture(BlrIconLinkRenderFunction(sampleParams));
- const a = querySelectorDeep('a', element.getRootNode() as HTMLElement);
- const className = a?.className;
- expect(className).to.contain('md');
- });
- it('has a size sm when "size" is set to "sm" ', async () => {
- const element = await fixture(BlrIconLinkRenderFunction({ ...sampleParams, size: 'sm' }));
- const a = querySelectorDeep('a', element.getRootNode() as HTMLElement);
- const className = a?.className;
- expect(className).to.contain('sm');
- });
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.ts
index 38b8d831b..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.ts
+++ b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/index.ts
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import { LitElement, html, nothing } from 'lit';
-import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
-import { property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
-import { SizelessIconType } from '@boiler/icons';
-import { styleCustom as iconLinkStyleCustom } from './index.css';
-import { styleCustom as iconButtonStyleCustom } from '../icon-button/index.css';
-import { ThemeType } from '../../foundation/_tokens-generated/index.themes';
-import { actionLight, actionDark } from '../../foundation/semantic-tokens/action.css';
-import { ActionVariantType, ActionSizesType, FormSizesType, SizesType } from '../../globals/types';
-import { calculateIconName } from '../../utils/calculate-icon-name';
-import { determineLoaderVariant } from '../../utils/determine-loader-variant';
-import { getComponentConfigToken } from '../../utils/get-component-config-token';
-import { BlrIconRenderFunction } from '../icon/renderFunction';
-import { BlrLoaderRenderFunction } from '../loader/renderFunction';
-import { TAG_NAME } from './renderFunction';
-export class BlrIconLink extends LitElement {
- static styles = [iconLinkStyleCustom, iconButtonStyleCustom];
- @property() arialabel?: string;
- @property() icon?: SizelessIconType;
- @property() href?: string;
- @property() target?: string;
- @property() onClick?: HTMLLinkElement['onclick'];
- @property() onBlur?: HTMLLinkElement['onblur'];
- @property() linkId?: string;
- @property() variant: ActionVariantType = 'primary';
- @property() size?: ActionSizesType = 'md';
- @property() loading!: boolean;
- @property() theme: ThemeType = 'Light';
- protected render() {
- if (this.size) {
- const classes = classMap({
- [`${this.variant}`]: this.variant,
- [`${this.size}`]: this.size,
- });
- const dynamicStyles = this.theme === 'Light' ? [actionLight] : [actionDark];
- const loaderVariant = determineLoaderVariant(this.variant);
- const loaderSize = getComponentConfigToken([
- 'sem',
- 'buttons',
- 'loader',
- 'sizevariant',
- this.size,
- ]).toLowerCase() as FormSizesType;
- const iconSizeVariant = getComponentConfigToken([
- 'cmp',
- 'IconButton',
- 'Icon',
- 'SizeVariant',
- this.size.toUpperCase(),
- ]).toLowerCase() as SizesType;
- return html`
- ${this.loading
- ? BlrLoaderRenderFunction({
- sizeVariant: loaderSize,
- variant: loaderVariant,
- theme: this.theme,
- })
- : BlrIconRenderFunction(
- {
- icon: calculateIconName(this.icon, iconSizeVariant),
- sizeVariant: iconSizeVariant,
- },
- {
- 'aria-hidden': true,
- }
- )}
- `;
- }
- }
-if (!customElements.get(TAG_NAME)) {
- customElements.define(TAG_NAME, BlrIconLink);
-export type BlrIconLinkType = Omit;
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/indexReact.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/indexReact.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3099d7a1b..000000000
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/indexReact.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { createComponent, EventName } from '@lit-labs/react';
-import { BlrIconLink } from '.';
-export const BlrIconLinkReact = createComponent({
- tagName: 'blr-icon-link',
- elementClass: BlrIconLink,
- react: React,
- events: {
- onClick: 'pointerdown' as EventName,
- },
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/renderFunction.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/renderFunction.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fdce19cac..000000000
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon-link/renderFunction.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import { BlrIconLinkType } from '.';
-import { genericBlrComponentRenderer } from '../../utils/typesafe-generic-component-renderer';
-export const TAG_NAME = 'blr-icon-link';
-export const BlrIconLinkRenderFunction = (params: BlrIconLinkType) =>
- genericBlrComponentRenderer(TAG_NAME, { ...params });
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon/index.stories.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon/index.stories.ts
index 572e1a11f..680f710d5 100644
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon/index.stories.ts
+++ b/packages/ui-library/src/components/icon/index.stories.ts
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ export default {
- [**Text Input**](?path=/docs/components-text-input--docs)
- [**Toggle Switch**](?path=/docs/components-toggle-switch--docs)
- [**Tab Bar**](?path=/docs/components-tabbar--docs)
- - [**Icon Link**](?path=/docs/components-icon-link--docs)
- [**Number Input**](?path=/docs/components-number-input--docs)
It is not intended to use the Icon directly when creating new applications.
diff --git a/packages/ui-library/src/index.ts b/packages/ui-library/src/index.ts
index f1fd6592f..b1195c172 100644
--- a/packages/ui-library/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/ui-library/src/index.ts
@@ -53,5 +53,3 @@ export { BlrButtonGroup } from './components/button-group';
export { BlrDivider } from './components/divider';
export { BlrIcon } from './components/icon';
-export { BlrIconLink } from './components/icon-link';