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my thai star publish

Santos Jiménez edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 5 revisions

Publishing the MyThaiStar Application

This page will explain how to build and deploy the application.

Production Line Instance

The Production Line instance being used can be found here. After logging in you’ll see a list of existing jobs and pipelines. However, only a folder is relevant to this topic: MTS

Note: A user account is required for authentication. Contact a devon team member to request a new account.

Pipeline Script

We’ll have a closer look at the pipeline configuration script and its stages:

Note: Have a look at this wiki over here to get a basic idea on how to write pipeline scripts.

  1. Checking out my-thai-star form GitHub

    This stage will check out the source code directly from GitHub:

    git credentialsId:'github-devonfw-ci', url:''

    Credentials are required for authentication as we’re checking out a private repository. 'github-devonfw-ci' is a pair of credentials that was created for this sole purpose.

  2. Loading custom tools

    To build the application, two tools are required: Node 6 and Angular CLI.

    They just have to be referenced, as the Custom Tool Plugin will handle the installation process:

    tool 'Node 6'
    tool 'Angular CLI'
  3. Fresh Dependency installation To ensure that we get fresh dependencies, we’ll have to make sure that our dependencies folder node_modules is removed and the installation process is run again.

    find . -name "node_modules" -exec rm -rf '{}' +
    npm i
  4. Code Linting

    By "linting" our Angular code we check the quality of the code. TypeScript provides a useful tool for that. It is call tslint. This process is triggered via Angular CLI.

    ng lint --format checkstyle
  5. Execute Unit Tests

    By default, Angular tests are executed using the Chrome browser. That can be a problem when they need to be executed in a CI environment, such as Jenkins (which is the case) or Travis. Angular projects can be prepared to deal with it, using the PhanomJS browser instead of chrome.

    We can prepare a script for that in our package.json file, or we can directly write it in the command line. Also, it is necessary to make sure that those test will just executed once, because by default it will be watching for changes.

    ng test --browsers PhantomJS --single-run


    yarn test:ci
  6. Build application

    The building process needs to be sufficiently flexible to be adapted for different deployments. As long as the My Thai Star Angular client needs (or will need) to point to different servers (oasp4j, Node and .NET), it is mandatory to have the chance to separately "prepare" the artifact for all of them.

    What does that mean? There are some files dedicated to those situations. They’re called environment. They’ll define some data to be used under different circumstances.

    ng build --aot --environment=prod


    yarn build:prod

    The ng build command creates a dist folder which contains the application.

  7. Deployment

    The deployment step has to be approved by a human. Otherwise it won’t proceed.

    The user can decide on whether to proceed and deploy the application or to abort and just keep the generated files inside the dist directory.

    After clicking on proceed, the following lines will be executed:

    # Change to Angular directory
    cd angular
    # Copy "dist" folder from workspace to deployment server
    scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r dist root@
    # Launch application in Docker container
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker rm -f mythaistar
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker run -itd --name=mythaistar -p 8090:80 nginx
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker exec mythaistar bash -c \\"rm /usr/share/nginx/html/*\\"
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker cp mythaistar/dist/. mythaistar:/usr/share/nginx/html/

    After deploying the application will be available at http://de-mucdevondepl01:8090

Complete Pipeline Script:

The complete Groovy script:

node {
    stage 'Checking out my-thai-star from GitHub'
        node {
            git branch: 'develop', credentialsId: 'github-devonfw-ci', url: ''

    stage 'Loading Custom Tools'
        node {
            tool 'Node 6'
            tool 'Angular CLI'

    stage 'Fresh Dependency Installation'
        node {
            sh """
                cd angular
                find . -name "node_modules" -exec rm -rf '{}' +
                npm i

    stage 'Code Linting'
        node {
            sh """
                cd angular
                ng lint --format checkstyle

    stage 'Execute Angular tests'
        node {
            sh """
                cd angular
                ng test --browsers PhantomJS --single-run

    stage 'Build Application'
        node {
            sh """
                cd angular
                ng build --aot --prod

    stage 'Deployment'
        input 'Should this build be deployed?'
            node {
                sshagent (credentials: ['3d0fa2a4-5cf0-4cf5-a3fd-23655eb33c11']) {
                    sh """
                        cd angular
                        # Copy resulting "dist" folder from workspace to deployment server
                        scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r dist root@

                        # Launch application in Docker container
                        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker rm -f mythaistar
                        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker run -itd --name=mythaistar -p 8090:80 nginx
                        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker exec mythaistar bash -c \\"rm /usr/share/nginx/html/*\\"
                        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ docker cp mythaistar/dist/. mythaistar:/usr/share/nginx/html/

                sh 'echo \\"Application available at http://de-mucdevondepl01:8090\\"'

Accessing MyThaiStar

Finally, the application will be available at this URL: http://de-mucdevondepl01:8090.


Make sure not to launch multiple instances of this pipeline in parallel. While a pipeline is waiting for approval it’ll still be blocking a build executor. This PL instance is set up to have two build executors.

This means: When launching this pipeline two times in parallel without approving the build, other jobs/pipeline won’t be able to run properly.