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Roselle edited this page Jun 26, 2019 · 35 revisions

Versions and Branching

Development of Phobos takes place on the master branch. While we try to keep it stable, please be aware that this is a bleeding edge version of Phobos, which we do not recommend for production use. If you need the latest features and want to use master, we kindly ask you to submit issues if you encounter problems. If you prefer a stable version, choose the latest release version, which we continue to support with bug fixes.

Git structure of Phobos The basic structure of the Phobos repository.



As of release 0.8 of Phobos, we only support Blender 2.79. This means it will not function properly any more for older Blender versions and might not function with later versions; Blender 2.8 is expected to include major changes that will not be compatible with Phobos.

(Ubuntu) Linux

On Linux, Blender can be installed via apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install blender

However, this only works if your Linux distribution provides the correct version of Blender that is required for Phobos. If your system's default is outdated, you can add a custom ppa by Thomas Schiex:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
$ sudo apt-get update

If none of the above methods work to acquire the correct version of Blender, it is easy install it locally. This is also a viable solution if you wish to avoid custom repositories, keep a system installation with a different version or install several versions of Blender in parallel. To do so, simply download a tarball from Blender's website.

Please note that glibc needs to be installed on your system to run Blender properly.


Installing Blender on Windows is as simple as downloading the installer from Blender's website and run it. Alternatively and similarly to Linux, you can download a zipped binary and directly run the unzipped executable.

Please note that Phobos has not been extensively tested on Windows. If you happen to find any bugs, please open an issue.


Simply download the zipped version of Blender from Blender's website and run the unzipped executable.


Blender ships with its own Python 3 environment and different versions of Blender use different versions of Python. However, it does not include a number of libraries Phobos requires, which is why Phobos extends Blender's Python path with the system dist-packages. For compatibility, as Blender 2.79 ships with either Python 3.5 or 3.6, you will need to have one of them installed on your system.

To find out which version of Python is running in Blender, switch to the scripting environment:


and check the Python version in the console:


Note that you can install the required version alongside your existing one (make sure your python or python3 command afterwards still points to the version you might need in other contexts). A guide for installing Python on different platforms can be found here.


Phobos uses the YAML language for some of its output formats and therefore needs the python module yaml, The easiest way to install is using pip. With multiple Python versions installed on your system, you need to make sure to run the correct variant of pip, which might be referred to on your system as pip3, pip-3.5 or some other expression, depending on your platform.

The following works if the latest version of Python3 is compatible with the version shipped with Blender.


Run these commands from the commandline to install both pip and yaml.

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ pip3 install PyYaml


For Windows pip installation follow the instructions here. Afterwards, use this command in the commandline to install yaml:

$ pip3 install PyYaml


Use your favorite package manager or pip to install python-yaml.



After installing pip (see the section above) you can use it to install the numpy package.

$ pip3 install numpy


After installing pip (see the section above) you can use it to install the numpy package.

$ pip3 install numpy


Use your favorite package manager or pip to install the numpy package.


Getting Phobos

To get Phobos, clone its git repository on GitHub:

$ git clone

Then checkout the release version you want to use (in this example version 1.0):

$ git checkout release-1.0

In case you want to switch to a different release version use the same syntax to switch to the respective release branch. Alternatively, you can download the individual release version as a zip file from GitHub.

After downloading (and eventually uncompressing the archive file) to a local folder on your computer, you need to run the Python file in the top level directory:

Please note: The install script will ask you to enter the version of Blender you'd like to use Phobos with. This is important as you might have several versions installed on your system (e.g. for backwards-compatibility) and they use different folders for add-ons. As your answers are saved in a file called python_dist_packages.conf, installing Phobos to a different Blender version requires changing or deleting this file (prior to a reinstall).

$ python3

or, depending on your system's Python configuration:

$ python3.5

On Windows you need to make sure that you run Python version 3. py -3 should work. Otherwise, check this ressource. The installation file will automatically check the required yaml installation and configure the Phobos installation.

As an alternative, you can use GNU make to install Phobos: make init and make install This has not yet been tested thoroughly and uses the python3 command to run, so make sure it worked properly.

We also recommend to install our Phobos GUI preset which contains only the most important Blender screens at startup, so you can get startet way faster. Install it with the additional parameter for

$ python3 --startup-preset

This might overwrite an existing custom preset, so make sure you keep a backup if you customized Blender earlier.

Activating Phobos in Blender

To activate Phobos in Blender, go to Files -> User Preferences -> Addons and search for 'Phobos' (it should be in the 'Development' category). Then tick its checkbox to activate Phobos and save your user settings in the lower left corner (if you don't save, Phobos won't be loaded for the next Blender startup). If Blender displays any errors at this point, you might want to check if you got the above steps right.

Phobos activation

Find Phobos in Blender's user preferences

This is also a good moment to configure Phobos properly. Follow the steps here , to setup the folders, logging etc.

If everything worked fine you can now find the Phobos toolbar as a tab in the left toolbar panel. If you don't see the panel, hit T.

Phobos toolbar

The Phobos tab in the toolbar of Blender


To update your current installation you just need to pull changes for the release you are working on and run the installation script again:

git pull

This method only works, however, if you are using a release that is still maintained, i.e. receives bugfixes or updates. If this is not the case and you have no specific reason to keep your current release, consider switching to a different release.

Switching to a different release

To switch to a new release, you need to first update your local copy of Phobos and then checkout the respective release branch (NEWERVERSION, eg. 1.0):

git fetch
git checkout release-NEWERVERSION

After you switched to the different release follow the instructions in updating.

Depending on the severeness of the new changes for the release it might be necessary to completely reset the Phobos folders. To do this, delete the Phobos installation from your Blender addon folder, as well as the configuration folder of Phobos. Make sure you keep backups of your custom definitions and resources before doing so.

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