- ✏️ doc updates
- 🐛 when fixing a bug
- 🚀 when making general improvements
- ✅ when adding tests
- ⬆️ when upgrading dependencies
- 🎉 when adding new features
- 🚀 Update to use InputFeature types
- 🚀 Add Info check for data currency
- 🎉 Expose driver fields where possible
- 🚀 Use new CloudTAK Ephemeral store for cached credentials
- 🚀 Use strong types for some calls
- 🚀 TS Improvements
- 🚀 Parallel Request Support
- 🚀 More complicated name fallback
- 🚀 Filter by name prefix
- 🚀 Use API Filtering
- 🚀 Switch to group filtering for more efficient throughput
- 🚀 Allow callsign overrides
- 🚀 Update to flat ESLint
- 🚀 Allow filtering vehicles by VIN
- ⬆️ Update to include Augment
- ⬆️ Use latest base
- 🚀 Use new metadata property
- 🚀 Use new Token features
- 🚀 Filter by results in the last hour
- 🚀 Use State + Plate for callsign where possible
- 🚀 First pass at showing dots
- 🎉 Initial Commit