This dockerfile build a dockerized ikiwiki server. Ikiwiki is a git backend based wiki engine. You can find more information on ikiwiki here
The docker image is based on debian/jessie, the web server used is lighttpd. A ssh server is also started in order to be able to use the git workflow with ikiwiki. An user can connect through ssh server with the user www-data. The public part of a ssh key must be copied to the container in order to be able to reach it through ssh. A volume is required to make the initial data import to the container local repository.
The docker image can be built with this command:
docker build -t ikiwiki:latest .
docker run -v <local git repository>:/wiki -p 2222:22 -p 8080:80 ikiwiki:latest
The container can also be run from the pre-built image on docker hub with this command:
docker run -v <local git repository>:/wiki -p 2222:22 -p 8080:80 dgsb/ikiwiki
The wiki server will be accessible through:
The container repository can be added as a remote in the local git repository:
git remote add docker ssh://www-data@
The following commands makes the remote git repository accessible through ssh. The key name may need to be updated to your specific usage.
docker cp ${HOME}/.ssh/ "${container}":/tmp/
docker exec $container install -d -m 700 -o www-data -g www-data /var/www/.ssh
docker exec $container install /tmp/ /var/www/.ssh/authorized_keys