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executable file
317 lines (254 loc) · 8.35 KB


API that handles data from GameBET's databases

API Documentation

  1. Users
  2. Games
  3. Streams
  4. Bets
  5. Get Only Specific Keys


Users contains information about the users of the app


Example of the information fetched from /users:

    "username": "IdealCobra",
    "email": "",
    "streamer": true,
    "id": "4",
    "games": [
            "name": "League of Legends",
            "cover": "",
            "id": "2"
            "name": "Leap",
            "cover": "",
            "id": "34"
            "name": "Chess",
            "cover": "",
            "id": "41"


ID Name Data Type Description
username Username string User name identifier
email Email string User email
streamer Streamer boolean Whether or not the user is partnered with GameBET, therefore being a streamer
id User ID string User number identifier
games Games Game Games streamed by the user

Get All Users

Fetch all users

HTTP Request

GET .../api/users

Filter Users by Key

Filter the list of users by the keys available. Some keys can be combined. Most of the string Fields are valid.

Example HTTP Requests

GET .../api/users?id=4
GET .../api/users?username=co&streamer=false
GET .../api/users?streamer=true


Games contains information about the games that contain streams with bets on the app


Example of the information fetched from /games:

    "name": "SMITE",
    "cover": "",
    "id": "37",
    "users": [
            "username": "OurVole",
            "email": "",
            "pwd": "123456",
            "streamer": "1",
            "id": "7"
            "username": "EvasiveGuillemot",
            "email": "",
            "pwd": "123456",
            "streamer": "1",
            "id": "26"


ID Name Data Type Description
name Name string Name of the game
cover Cover string Link to the cover picture
id User ID string Game number identifier
users Users User Users streaming the game

Get All Games

Fetch all games

HTTP Request

GET .../api/games

Filter Games by Key

Filter the list of games by the keys available. Most of the string Fields are valid.

Example HTTP Requests

GET .../api/games?id=37
GET .../api/users?name=tr


Streams contains information about the streams that had, have or will have bets on the app.


Example of the information fetched from /streams:

    "title": "Swine pork id nulla sint, adipisicing anim ham",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "viewers": "10209",
    "gameId": "38",
    "userId": "26",
    "platform": "Twitch",
    "matchFormat": "Tournment",
    "matchBeginning": "2022-06-02 19:07:34",
    "teamA": "Black Newts",
    "teamB": "Admirable Rabbits",
    "id": "83",
    "game": {
        "name": "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout",
        "cover": "",
        "id": "38"
    "user": {
        "username": "EvasiveGuillemot",
        "email": "",
        "streamer": "1",
        "money": "148",
        "points": "927",
        "id": "26"


ID Name Data Type Description
title Title string Stream title
thumbnail Thumbnail string Stream thumbnail
viewers Viewers string Amount of viewers of the stream
gameId Game ID string Game number identifier
userId User ID string User number identifier
platform Platform string Platform hosting the stream
matchFormat Match Format string If the match is a Tournment or just Casual
matchBeginning Match Beginning ISO-8061 Date of the beginning of the match
teamA Team A string One of the teams playing the match
teamB Team B string One of the teams playing the match
id Stream ID string Stream number identifier
game Game Game Game being streamed
user User User User streaming

Get All Streams

Fetch all streams

HTTP Request

GET .../api/streams

Filter Streams by Key

Filter the list of streams by the keys available. Some keys can be combined. Most of the string Fields are valid.

Example HTTP Requests

GET .../api/users?id=83
GET .../api/users?title=swine&matchFormat=Tournment&platform=Twitch
GET .../api/users?platform=Youtube&team=Black Newts


Bets contains information about the bets from every stream.


Example of the information fetched from /bets:

    "streamId": "173",
    "betGroup": "Objectives",
    "resultType": "Gets 10 kill streak",
    "resultTeam": "Australia Toads",
    "odd": "9.86",
    "id": "1580",
    "stream": {
        "title": "Lorem bacon drumstick culpa ad anim shoulder turkey sausage est",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "viewers": "90760",
        "gameId": "3",
        "userId": "37",
        "platform": "Youtube",
        "matchFormat": "Casual",
        "matchBeginning": "2022-06-02 23:28:14",
        "teamA": "Black Newts",
        "teamB": "Australia Toads",
        "id": "173"


ID Name Data Type Description
streamId Stream ID string Stream number identifier
betGroup Bet Group string Group that dictates the type of bet
resultType Result Type string Bet small description
resultTeam Result Team string Team targeted by the bet
odd Odd string Value of the bet
id Bet ID string Bet number identifier
stream Stream Stream Stream that the bet refers to

Get All Bets

Fetch all bets

HTTP Request

GET .../api/bets

Filter Bets by Key

Filter the list of bets by the keys available. Some keys can be combined. Most of the string Fields are valid.

Example HTTP Requests

GET .../api/bets?id=1580
GET .../api/bets?resultTeam=Australia Toads&resultType=5 Headshots

Get Only Specific Keys

When making any HTTP request, providing the URL Parameter "keys" will only show those specific keys (see Fields to know which keys are valid).

An example, is the following: HTTP Request

GET .../api/users?id=4&keys=id,username

It responds with the following data:

    "username": "IdealCobra",
    "id": "4"

Keys that don't represent strings will work too, as it shows in the following example: HTTP Request

GET .../api/streams?team=Black%20Rabbits&keys=title,viewers,game,teamA,teamB

It responds with the following data:

    "title": "Ipsum salami short ribs reprehenderit sint landjaeger non capicola swine cillum shankle aute veniam",
    "viewers": "78590",
    "teamA": "Black Rabbits",
    "teamB": "Blue Koalas",
    "id": "23",
    "gameId": "39",
    "game": {
        "name": "Resident Evil 2",
        "cover": "",
        "id": "39"

Keys that don't exist will be ignored.