Fork this repo
Build the project
# java >=8 required
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java8/home
mvn build
- Make a change
Fix a bug, add a feature, update the doc, etc
- Run the Tests
mvn test
- Create a Pull Request (PR)
Once your PR has been merged, add the following comment to your PR:
@all-contributors please add @username for code and test!
Replace code and test with doc or test or infra or some combination depending on your contribution.
Run the following to ensure the package step succeeds.
mvn clean test jacoco:report package
Contributors are not responsible for deploying to mavencentral.
mvn clean dokka:javadocJar deploy
Maven Central
- Publish with Maven - https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-maven/
- GPG Setup - https://central.sonatype.org/publish/requirements/gpg/
To publish a gpg key:
gpg --send-keys 5BE1414D5EAF81B48F2E77E1999F818C080AF9C1
where 5BE1414D5EAF81B48F2E77E1999F818C080AF9C1
is the public key
mvn clean test jacoco:report package deploy -DperformRelease=true
Navigate to https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories, select repository, then press the close
button, then release
Note: This step can only be run by maintainers.
Add distributionManagement
to pom.xml
<name>Carmine M DiMascio</name>
# deploy to github packages
mvn deploy -Dregistry=https://maven.pkg.github.com/cdimascio -Dtoken=XXXX