- When naming a new dashboard, it saves when I start typing. Also results in a dashboard with no pages
- iFrame with query string params
- Admin pages are not locked down if you know the URL
- Proper REST API for admin pages. Perhaps using ng resources
- Installation documentation - perhaps in readme.md
- Force a client onto a specific dashboard
- Broadcast mode - force all clients to a specific dashboard until told to change back
Started Admin pages
- Pause Carousel
- Allow editing of builds from frontend
- Clean up CSS/HTML/JS
- AngularMaterial
- Angular 2
Fix real timeOptimize build status queryLanding pageMultiple dashboardsNeaten up dashboard adminConfig per widget instanceiFrame widgetYoutube WidgetCarousel timing configurationRemember connected clientsAllow user to give aliasesSend message to specific client to identify itselfQuery which dashboard a client is showingRemember which dashboard a client should show as default (i.e. when navigating to /, redirect is saved otherwise)