diff --git a/module/actor/actor-active-effects.js b/module/actor/actor-active-effects.js
index 58a1e292..6f1a832f 100644
--- a/module/actor/actor-active-effects.js
+++ b/module/actor/actor-active-effects.js
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActorActiveEffects extends ActiveEffect {
// Temporary BLIND status/effect until enhanced senses can be fully implemented.
- // When a character cannot perceive his opponent with any
- // Targeting Sense, he is at ½ DCV. He’s also at ½ OCV in HTH
+ // When a character cannot perceive their opponent with any
+ // Targeting Sense, they are at ½ DCV. He’s also at ½ OCV in HTH
// Combat and 0 OCV in Ranged Combat.
// As a Half Phase Action, a character can attempt a PER Roll
// to perceive a particular target with a Nontargeting Sense (at -5 if
diff --git a/module/actor/actor.js b/module/actor/actor.js
index c0069a43..38621d8c 100644
--- a/module/actor/actor.js
+++ b/module/actor/actor.js
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
if (existingEffect) {
if (activeEffect.id == "knockedOut") {
- //When he wakes up, his END equals his
- //current STUN total.
+ // When they wakes up, their END equals their
+ // current STUN total.
let newEnd = Math.min(
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
// Characters use REC to regain lost STUN and expended END.
// This is known as “Recovering” or “taking a Recovery.”
- // When a character Recovers, add his REC to his current
+ // When a character Recovers, add their REC to their current
// STUN and END totals (to a maximum of their full values, of
// course). Characters get to Recover in two situations: Post-
// Segment and when they choose to Recover as a Full Phase
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
// Recovering is a Full Phase Action and occurs at the end of
// the Segment (after all other characters who have a Phase that
// Segment have acted). A character who Recovers during a Phase
- // may do nothing else. He cannot even maintain a Constant Power
+ // may do nothing else. They cannot even maintain a Constant Power
// or perform Actions that cost no END or take no time. However,
- // he may take Zero Phase Actions at the beginning of his Phase
+ // they may take Zero Phase Actions at the beginning of their Phase
// to turn off Powers, and Persistent Powers that don’t cost END
// remain in effect.
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
let speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: this, token });
speaker["alias"] = this.name;
- // A character who holds his breath does not get to Recover (even
+ // A character who holds their breath does not get to Recover (even
// on Post-Segment 12)
if (this.statuses.has("holdingBreath")) {
const content = this.name + " is holding their breath.";
@@ -357,16 +357,6 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
{ hideChatMessage: true },
- // let content = this.name + ` Takes a Recovery`;
let content = this.name + ` Takes a Recovery`;
if (deltaEnd || deltaStun) {
content += `, gaining ${deltaEnd} endurance and ${deltaStun} stun.`;
@@ -455,7 +445,7 @@ export class HeroSystem6eActor extends Actor {
// A character
// who is Stunned or recovering from being
// Stunned can take no Actions, take no Recoveries
- // (except his free Post-Segment 12 Recovery), cannot
+ // (except their free Post-Segment 12 Recovery), cannot
// move, and cannot be affected by Presence Attacks.
// Recovering from being Stunned requires a Full
diff --git a/module/combat.js b/module/combat.js
index 2450de6d..3f5bd44d 100644
--- a/module/combat.js
+++ b/module/combat.js
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ export class HeroSystem6eCombat extends Combat {
// The character remains Stunned and can take no
- // Actions (not even Aborting to a defensive action) until his next
+ // Actions (not even Aborting to a defensive action) until their next
// Phase.
// Use actor.canAct to block actions
// Remove STUNNED effect _onEndTurn
@@ -706,10 +706,10 @@ export class HeroSystem6eCombat extends Combat {
for (let combatant of this.combatants.filter((o) => !o.defeated)) {
const actor = combatant.actor;
- /// If this is an NPC and their STUN <= 0 then leave them be.
+ // If this is an NPC and their STUN <= 0 then leave them be.
// Typically, you should only use the Recovery Time Table for
// PCs. Once an NPC is Knocked Out below the -10 STUN level
- // he should normally remain unconscious until the fight ends.
+ // they should normally remain unconscious until the fight ends.
// if (actor.type != "pc" && parseInt(actor.system.characteristics.stun.value) <= -10)
// {
diff --git a/module/herosystem6e.js b/module/herosystem6e.js
index f34afb0d..26f8ee08 100644
--- a/module/herosystem6e.js
+++ b/module/herosystem6e.js
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ Hooks.on("updateWorldTime", async (worldTime, options) => {
// If this is an NPC and their STUN <= 0 then leave them be.
// Typically, you should only use the Recovery Time Table for
// PCs. Once an NPC is Knocked Out below the -10 STUN level
- // he should normally remain unconscious until the fight ends.
+ // they should normally remain unconscious until the fight ends.
if (
actor.type === "pc" ||
parseInt(actor.system.characteristics.stun.value) > -10
diff --git a/module/item/item-attack.js b/module/item/item-attack.js
index ffe8e397..a5dd1dac 100644
--- a/module/item/item-attack.js
+++ b/module/item/item-attack.js
@@ -2728,8 +2728,8 @@ async function _calcDamage(damageResult, item, options) {
`minimum damage invoked `;
diff --git a/module/utility/damage.js b/module/utility/damage.js
index 29c58832..23e815a3 100644
--- a/module/utility/damage.js
+++ b/module/utility/damage.js
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ export function convertToDcFromItem(item, options) {
// Move By (add in velocity)
// ((STR/2) + (v/10))d6; attacker takes 1/3 damage
- // A character can accelerate at a rate of 5m per meter, up to his
+ // A character can accelerate at a rate of 5m per meter, up to their
// maximum normal Combat Movement in meters per Phase. Thus
// a character with 50m of Flight would be moving at a velocity of
// 5m after traveling one meter, 10m after traveling two meters,
diff --git a/module/utility/round.js b/module/utility/round.js
index 89b94294..72db288b 100644
--- a/module/utility/round.js
+++ b/module/utility/round.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export function RoundFavorPlayerDown(number) {
// Character. For example, when calculating the cost of a Power,
// it’s to the character’s advantage if the Power costs fewer CP, so a
// .5 in a cost would round down; if a Combat Maneuver halves a
- // character’s DCV, it’s to the character’s advantage for his DCV to
+ // character’s DCV, it’s to the character’s advantage for their DCV to
// be as high as possible, so a .5 in that calculation would round
// up.
// const fraction = Math.floor((number % 1) * 10) / 10
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export function RoundFavorPlayerUp(number) {
// Character. For example, when calculating the cost of a Power,
// it’s to the character’s advantage if the Power costs fewer CP, so a
// .5 in a cost would round down; if a Combat Maneuver halves a
- // character’s DCV, it’s to the character’s advantage for his DCV to
+ // character’s DCV, it’s to the character’s advantage for their DCV to
// be as high as possible, so a .5 in that calculation would round
// up.
if (number % 1 < 0.5) return Math.floor(number);