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64 lines (60 loc) · 2.93 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (60 loc) · 2.93 KB


- Make sure you have c++ and python installed via visual studio
	- Go onto Visual Studio 2017 or 2019.
	- Select Tools/Get Tools and Features...
	- Make sure "Desktop Development with C++" is checked.
	- Maky sure "Python Development" is checked.
	- If you made any changes, click "Modify" in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
	- If you made any changes, you probably need to delete your node_modules folder and do a fresh "npm install"
- Type npm install
- To run, type npm run dev
- There are other scripts that you can run in package.json
- Add VS Code extension "Debugger for Chrome"
- Add VS Code extension "C/C++"
- You may need to restart VS Code... maybe.


- Make sure you install extension "ESLint" in VS Code
- Press f1... in the search box, type "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)"
- Add the following to the file
	"eslint.validate": [


- Create a debug environment
	- Click the "bug" symbol on the very left hand panel of VS Code (looks like a lock with spikes coming out of it and an "x" in the middle)
	- Click the dropdown that says "No Configuration"... select "Add Configuration..."
	- Select "Chrome" option
	- You should see a folder called ".vscode" at the very top of your file list.  Open that up, and open the launch.json file.
	- Use the following setting inside launch.json
		"version": "0.2.0",
		"configurations": [
				"name": "Attach to url",
				"type": "chrome",
				"request": "attach",
				"port": 9222,
				"url": "http://localhost:8080/",
				"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
	- VS Code settings (bottom right hand corner of the screen... gear icon... select settings)
		- Search for "breakpoint"
		- Make sure "Debug: Allow Breakpoints Everywhere" is checked
	- Close all chrome browsers
	- Prep Chrome to be able to attach to the VS Code debugger
		- Right click on the Chrome icon that starts chrome
		- You will see a Google Chrome icon in the right click menu... right click that
		- You will see a Properties item in that right click menu.  Select that.
		- Paste the following in the "Target" field on the "Shortcut" tab (include the quotes in the paste)
			"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --remote-debugging-port=9222
		- Click ok
	- Open up Chrome manually.  This will apply the remote debugging settings we did in the previous step.  Your browser is now ready to attach 
	  the debugger.
	- When you run the program with "npm run dev", you can attach this debugger
		- Click on the "bug" symbol on the very left hand side of VS Code (looks like a lock with spikes coming out of it and an "x" in the middle)
		- You should see and "Attach to url" option... run it.
		- Now you can put breakpoints in your code and hit them at runtime