"Tanks" is a retro game that was developed and released in the 1980s. The game was originally created for the Atari 2600 console, but it was later ported to other systems, including the Commodore 64, Apple II, and others.
Our remake will contain the same idea like in original game. We share interests with retro games, and from our opinion it is quite interesting project to re-create. Now, let's see what our project will be in the future:
The game involves two players that engage in a real-time battle to the death against bots. Also it can be played in a solo mode (versus the same enemies - bots). Game goal is to kill all enemies, stay alive and defend base, while they're trying to destroy players base and kill everyone. Players must be careful, because team damaging is allowed.
The game is played from a top-down perspective, and players control their tanks as they try to destroy their opponent. The game will be using only keyboard movement for both players. Read info about controls, software documentation, game models and more on other pages.
Our project is written entirely in Java(ver. 19) using MVC. We are using Java FX to draw the GUI. The view is responsible for the GUI along with the controller. The logic will be placed in Model.
Game client - The game client will constantly and cyclically send data to the server, specifying the port and IP address, and listen on a specific port.
Game server - The server will be implemented in parallel on another thread and also listen on a specific port. Incoming data will be sent to the game client of the other player.
Data storage and transmission - Data will be stored in JSON format, which will contain key-value data.
Data for all objects will be provided to the server, which will transmit them to the game client of the other player.
(each texture has 50x50 format)
Level Editor SP - game level creating and editing for singleplayer, you can build your own level to play on
Level Editor MP - game level creating and editing for multiplayer, you can build your own level to play on
The game "Tanks" has a simple level editor that allows players to create their own levels. In the construction, players can choose various blocks to create their map, such as walls (breakable or unbreakable), bonuses, or enemy tank spawners.
Arrow UP or W - Move up
Arrow LEFT or A - Move to the left
Arrow DOWN or S - Move down
Arrow RIGHT or D - Move to the rightEach collected item will be activated immediately after getting it.
E - shoot a bullet in direction, where player's model is oriented at the moment.