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These clients are reference implementations of the DNSDB HTTP API. Output is compliant with the Passive DNS Common Output Format.

Please see for more information.


  • Linux, BSD, OS X
  • Curl
  • Python 2.7.x
  • Farsight DNSDB API key


  1. Create a directory
mkdir ~/dnsdb
  1. Download the software
curl -o ~/dnsdb/0.2-1.tar.gz
  1. Extract the software
tar xzvf ~/dnsdb/0.2-1.tar.gz -C ~/dnsdb/ --strip-components=1
  1. Create a API key file
nano ~/.dnsdb-query.conf
  1. Cut and paste the following and replace '<apikey>' with your API Key

  2. Test the Python client

$ python dnsdb/ -i
... IN A is a Python client for the DNSDB HTTP API. It is similar to the dnsdb-query shell script but supports some additional features like sorting and setting the result limit parameter. It is also embeddable as a Python module.

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        config file
  -r RRSET, --rrset=RRSET
                        rrset <ONAME>[/<RRTYPE>[/BAILIWICK]]
  -n RDATA_NAME, --rdataname=RDATA_NAME
                        rdata name <NAME>[/<RRTYPE>]
  -i RDATA_IP, --rdataip=RDATA_IP
                        rdata ip <IPADDRESS|IPRANGE|IPNETWORK>
  -s SORT, --sort=SORT  sort key
  -R, --reverse         reverse sort
  -j, --json            output in JSON format
  -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                        limit number of results
  -d, --debug           print debug output

  --before=BEFORE       only output results seen before this time
  --after=AFTER         only output results seen after this time

Time formats are: "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%d" (UNIX timestamp),
"-%d" (Relative time in seconds), BIND format relative timestamp (e.g. 1w1h,
(w)eek, (d)ay, (h)our, (m)inute, (s)econd)

Or, from Python:

from dnsdb_query import DnsdbClient


client = DnsdbClient(server,apikey)
for rrset in client.query_rrset(''):
    # rrset is a decoded JSON blob
    print repr(rrset)

Other configuration options that may be set:

DNSDB_SERVER The base URL of the DNSDB HTTP API, minus the /lookup component. Defaults to

HTTP_PROXY The URL of the HTTP proxy that you wish to use.

HTTPS_PROXY The URL of the HTTPS proxy that you wish to use.


dnsdb-query is a simple curl-based wrapper for the DNSDB HTTP API.

The script sources the config file /etc/dnsdb-query.conf as a shell fragment. If the config file is not present in /etc, the file $HOME/.dnsdb-query.conf is sourced instead.

The config file MUST set the value of the APIKEY shell variable to the API key provided to you by Farsight Security.

For example, if your API key is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, place the following line in /etc/dnsdb-query.conf or $HOME/.dnsdb-query.conf:


Other shell variables that may be set via the config file or command line are:

DNSDB_SERVER The base URL of the DNSDB HTTP API, minus the /lookup component. Defaults to

DNSDB_FORMAT The result format to use, either text or json. Defaults to text.

HTTP_PROXY The URL of the HTTP proxy that you wish to use.

HTTPS_PROXY The URL of the HTTPS proxy that you wish to use.

dnsdb-query supports the following usages:

Usage: dnsdb-query rrset <ONAME>[/<RRTYPE>[/<BAILIWICK>]]
Usage: dnsdb-query rdata ip <IPADDRESS>
Usage: dnsdb-query rdata name <NAME>[/<RRTYPE>]
Usage: dnsdb-query rdata raw <HEX>[/<RRTYPE>]

If your rrname, bailiwick or rdata contains the / character you will need to escape it to %2F on the command line. eg:

./ -r

retrieves the rrsets for 1.0/