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How to use the Docker Forensics Toolkit

Usage scenario

You have been handed a forensic HDD copy or disk image of a Docker host system. It's your task to find out what happend to the system. Let's dig in.

Mounting the image

First you need to mount the container hosts filesystem. You can use any tool to do this, our use the built-in mount-image command:

>> sudo dof mount-image testimages/alpine-host/output-virtualbox-iso/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001.raw

The output will look like this:

  Mounted volume 100.0 MiB 2:Ext4 /mnt/boot [Linux] at path /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-2-mnt_boot-2.
  Unsupported filesystem 3:Linux Swap / Solaris x86 (0x82) (type: swap, block offset: 206848, length: 3072000)
  Execution failed due to <class 'imagemounter.exceptions.UnsupportedFilesystemError'> swap
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  imagemounter.exceptions.UnsupportedFilesystemError: swap
  WARNING: Exception while mounting swap volume 1.46 GiB 3:Linux Swap / Solaris x86 (0x82)
  Mounted volume 4.3 GiB 4:Ext4 / [Linux] at path /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2.

We have now mounted the Docker Hosts root folder. Let's take a deeper look at the mountpoint /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2.


You may not know much about the Docker Host environment. So let's first get a quick overview of what's going on in this machine.

dof status /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output will look like this:

Found Docker client with version: 18.09.7-ce at /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1563040605-disk001.vmdk-4-root/usr/bin/docker
This host is not part of a Docker Swarm
1 containers running on this machine
2 total containers found on this machine
7 images found on this machine
3 images belong to no repository

Hint: instead of specifying the mountpoint over and over again, you can also set it as an environment variable to DOF_IMAGE_MOUNTPOINT:

export DOF_IMAGE_MOUNTPOINT=/tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1563040605-disk001.vmdk-4-root/usr/bin/docker

However, you will need to use sudo -E if you want this variable to be available in the sudo environment.


Now let's take a closer look at some of these containers that were running when the image was created.

dof list-containers /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output will look like this:

    ID: aecd431674b621f3e591f76d8767038815386f5eee0473cdbe7f92bddd3a5510
    State: running
    Restart Policy: always
    Created: 2019-07-13T19:59:20.704831548Z
    Image: httpd:2.4.38-alpine
    Image ID: sha256:0c388cccfd046fb7f46560e6605e128f0bd0c2bb2f5858b84b0f16d1497e32a6
    Entrypoint: None
    Command: ['httpd-foreground']
    Storage Driver: overlay2
    Container Layer: /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1563040605-disk001.vmdk-4-root/var/lib/docker/overlay2/22bdb39984a1a2096b9c7adb2c53b7019ef073dcbfe6e43b2cdef27decb17aa5/diff
    Ports: 80/tcp-><none>

    ID: e5eaa7be1018890cd25f171779a4a0e40c50f1288046bdf2f62208b5a8e51447
    State: dead
    Restart Policy: no
    Created: 2019-07-13T19:59:40.961954836Z
    Image: mysql:8.0.16
    Image ID: sha256:c7109f74d339896c8e1a7526224f10a3197e7baf674ff03acbab387aa027882a
    Entrypoint: ['']
    Command: ['mysqld']
    Storage Driver: overlay2
    Container Layer: /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1563040605-disk001.vmdk-4-root/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d7ad91741dc30e44c2db3a5290c6fa97326dd82be1b7458bd6d3d01fd52bc813/diff
    Ports: <none>
    Volume: Host folder '/var/mysql/datadir' mounted in in Container at '/var/lib/mysql'

There's the one running container and the one that's dead. We also see more info about both containers. Let's inspect the apache container closer. Feel free to ignore the / in the container name, it's an artifact of the way Docker persists the container names.

Image build history

Sometimes there may be a malicious image involved in an incident. Fortunately Docker keeps a log of all the images' build history. Let's take a look at how a particular image was built:

sudo python dof show-image-history --image httpd:2.4.38-alpine /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output will look like this:

[{'created': '2019-03-07T22:19:40.113750514Z',
  'created_by': '/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD '
                'file:88875982b0512a9d0ba001bfea19497ae9a9442c257b19c61bffc56e7201b0c3 '
                'in / '},
[...output truncated for readability...]
{'created': '2019-03-07T23:16:29.086340385Z',
 'created_by': '/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY '
               'file:8b68ac010cb13f58ebe31c3015d15c988625d2fde7339dca8a84c3c914493323 '
               'in /usr/local/bin/ '},
{'created': '2019-03-07T23:16:29.291065206Z',
 'created_by': '/bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 80',
 'empty_layer': True},
{'created': '2019-03-07T23:16:29.459280565Z',
 'created_by': '/bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["httpd-foreground"]',
 'empty_layer': True}]

Container logs

To inspect the logfiles of the apache container processes run:

dof show-container-log --container apache /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output will look like this:

{"log":"AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-06-28T11:11:08.885229622Z"}
{"log":"AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-06-28T11:11:08.886654245Z"}
{"log":"[Fri Jun 28 11:11:08.889950 2019] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 139817734703976] AH00489: Apache/2.4.38 (Unix) configured -- resuming normal operations\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-06-28T11:11:08.890039115Z"}
{"log":"[Fri Jun 28 11:11:08.891651 2019] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 139817734703976] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd -D FOREGROUND'\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-06-28T11:11:08.891696185Z"}

Timeline analysis

Let's say we narrowed our search down to one or more containers. Let's look at the filesystem activity, to get a feeling for what happend in this container. Since the docker file system is read only, except for the container layer (a unique file system layer on top of the image for each container instance) and the mounted volumes, we analyse these two places and combine the output to pipe it into the mactime utility that's part of The Sleuth Kit (TSK).

{ sudo dof macrobber-container-layer --container mysql /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2 & sudo dof macrobber-volumes --container mysql /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2 ; } | mactime 2019-01-01..2019-12-31    

The output will look like this:

Tue Jun 11 2019 01:45:11     4096 m... drwxr-xr-x 0        0        140527   /run
Fri Jun 28 2019 13:11:29     4096 .a.. drwxr-xr-x 0        0        140527   /run
                             4096 .a.. drwxrwxrwx 999      999      140528   /run/mysqld
Fri Jun 28 2019 13:11:39     4096 mac. drwxrwxrwt 0        0        140521   /tmp
                             4096 ..c. drwxr-xr-x 0        0        140527   /run
                             4096 m.c. drwxrwxrwx 999      999      140528   /run/mysqld
                                3 mac. -rw------- 999      999      140529   /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock.lock
                                0 mac. srwxrwxrwx 999      999      140530   /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
                                3 mac. -rw-r----- 999      999      140531   /run/mysqld/
                                4 mac. -rw------- 999      999      140532   /run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock.lock
                                0 mac. srwxrwxrwx 999      999      140533   /run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
Sat Jun 29 2019 14:10:39     4098 mac. drwxrwxrwt 0        0        140521   /tmp/trojan

Looks like someone created a file named trojan on June 29th at 14:10:39 at /tmp/trojan. Let's take a closer look.

Mounting the container filesystem

To get a copy of the file and poke around the container file system it's nice to see a unified view of the file system layers. To do so, let's mount the container file system next:

sudo dof mount-container --container apache /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output is short:

Mounted container apache at /tmp/tmpgq68ywnl

Let's take a closer look:

» ls /tmp/tmpgq68ywnl
bin/  dev/  etc/  home/  lib/  media/  mnt/  opt/  proc/  root/  run/  sbin/  srv/  sys/  tmp/  usr/  var/

Nice. Now we can inspect the suspect file and poke around some more.


You can inspect all the images on a Docker host as follows:

sudo dof list-images /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1561712912-disk001-4-root-2

The output will look like this:

Images in Repository: <none>
    Id: 881787037d6fd84c779a6ef2d6ad58237ecd90e85714b7c375a2bab1d429d76a
    Tags: <none>
    Containers: <none>

Images in Repository: httpd
    Id: 0c388cccfd046fb7f46560e6605e128f0bd0c2bb2f5858b84b0f16d1497e32a6
    Tags: httpd:2.4.38-alpine, httpd@sha256:eb8ccf084cf3e80eece1add239effefd171eb39adbc154d33c14260d905d4060
    Containers: /apache

Images in Repository: mysql
    Id: c7109f74d339896c8e1a7526224f10a3197e7baf674ff03acbab387aa027882a
    Tags: mysql:8.0.16, mysql@sha256:415ac63da0ae6725d5aefc9669a1c02f39a00c574fdbc478dfd08db1e97c8f1b
    Containers: /mysql

Images that don't belong to a Repository were not pulled from Docker Hub or a private Registry, but likely built on this machine. They deserve some extra scrutiny.

Images without a corresponding container instance may indicate a deleted container.

Converting output for another tool

The output of dof is easy to parse and use as input for another tool. For an example see the awk script list-containers-to-csv.awk.

Here's how you can use this script:

sudo dof list-containers /tmp/packer-virtualbox-iso-1563040605-disk001.vmdk-4-root | sudo tee | awk -f list-containers-to-csv.awk 

The output will look like this:
