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Learn Azure OpenAI Service with .NET

This book is written for .NET developers using Azure OpenAI Service. I'm really excited to share my experience developing Azure OpenAI with .NET. As developers, we may be more concerned about how to use Azure OpenAI Service to create a fully intelligent application. If you think of generative AI as some REST API calls, it is very wrong. We need to look at the changes brought about by generative AI in a different way. I think this is a new operating system, which has changed our understanding of artificial intelligence in the past. We need to move from telling computers what to do to telling computers what must be done. Guide artificial intelligence to complete different tasks by writing some guidelines. Or writing code becomes less important in this change. How to manage these guidelines in the project is indispensable in a project. Microsoft released Semantic Kernel, an open-source framework for generative AI programming, to allow projects to more effectively manage these guidelines.

This book is divided into seven chapters. It is hoped that through the seven chapters, .NET developers can quickly grasp the relevant knowledge of Azure OpenAI Service, use familiar C# combined with Semantic Kernel, and different artificial intelligence knowledge, cloud native knowledge to build Azure OpenAI applications .

Note: Because OpenAI and Semantic Kernel are constantly changing, the content of this book will be updated continuously, and I hope you can give us more suggestions. All current examples are based on 1.0.0-beta3

Chapters Go
Preface. Getting Started with Azure OpenAI Service Go
Chapter 1. Question Classification Go
Chapter 2. Management Your Skills Go
Chapter 3. Using Azure AI extend Your Skill Go
Chapter 4. Training your OpenAI model through Embedding Go
Chapter 5. Managing your Q&A context logic through cache Go
Chapter 6. Architect your OpenAI project with Semantic Kernel Go

Special thanks to Meat @pperlee for proofreading, and 保哥 @doggy8088 for traditional Chinese conversion

用 .NET 技術學習 Azure OpenAI Service

本書是為 .NET 開發者使用 Azure OpenAI Service 而寫的。我很開心能和大家一起分享用 .NET 開發 Azure OpenAI 的經驗。作為開發者我們可能更關心的是如何使用好 Azure OpenAI Service, 打造一個全智慧的應用。如果你把生成式 AI 看成是一些簡單介面呼叫是非常錯誤的。我們需要換一個思維看待這次生成式 AI 所帶來的變革。我覺得這是一個全新的作業系統,它改變了我們過往對人工智慧的認識。我們需要告訴電腦要怎麼做轉變為告訴電腦必須要完成什麼。透過寫一些指引去引導人工智慧完成不同的任務。或者寫程式碼在這個轉變中變得不太重要了。那如何在專案中管理這些指引是一個專案中不可缺少的。微軟發布了開源的面向生成式 AI 程式設計的框架 Semantic Kernel,讓專案能更有效地管理這些指引。

本書分為七章,希望透過七章的內容,讓 .NET 開發者快速掌握 Azure OpenAI Service 的相關知識,用熟悉的 C# 結合 Semantic Kernel ,以及不同的人工智慧知識,雲原生知識建立 Azure OpenAI 應用。

注意: 因為 OpenAI 和 Semantic Kernel 不斷變化當中,所以本書會不斷內容更新,也希望大家多給建議。目前的所有例子都基於 1.0.0-beta3

章節 進入
前言. Azure OpenAI Service 入門 進入
第一章. 問題分類 進入
第二章. 管理你的技能 進入
第三章. 結合 Azure AI 拓展你的技能 進入
第四章. 透過 Embedding 調教你的 OpenAI 模型 進入
第五章. 透過快取管理你的問答上下文邏輯 進入
第六章. 透過 Semantic Kernel 架構你的 OpenAI 專案 進入

特別鳴謝:肉總 @pperlee 的校對,以及保哥 @doggy8088 的繁體轉換