Backend API for my Place application - inspired from r/place
Front end here:
See it in action here:
npm install
npm run start:dev
Name | Description | Default |
CANVAS_HEIGHT | Height of the canvas | 256 |
CANVAS_SAVE_FILE | Path to the file used to store the canvas data | canvas.png |
CANVAS_SAVE_THROTTLE | Save canvas at most once per every x milliseconds | 5000 |
CANVAS_WIDTH | Width of the canvas | 256 |
DB_NAME | Database name used to store events | place |
LOG_EVENTS | Boolean indicating if pixel color change events should be logged in a mongo collection | false |
MONGO_URI | Mongodb connection URI | localhost:27017 |
PORT | Port used by the server | 9000 |
TRUST_PROXY | The app is ran under a trusted proxy | false |