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Associate users to OAuth applications (ownership)

SleeplessByte edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 8 revisions

Let's say that you want to restrict the applications list/creation only to the users that are authenticated within your app. Doorkeeper provides a way to do that, however it requires you to follow few steps first.

Database changes

The way doorkeeper provides this feature is via polymorphic associations. The first thing you need to do is install the migration:

rails generate doorkeeper:application_owner

And then

rake db:migrate

You've just upgraded the oauth_applications table with required fields.


Uncomment (or add) the following line to the initializer:

Doorkeeper.configure do
  enable_application_owner :confirmation => false

You can optionally set the confirmation to true, if you want to require all applications to be related to a owner. Internally it just sets up presence: true to ownership validation into the Application model.

Sample application

Go to rails console and create a sample app:

app = :name => 'test', :redirect_uri => ''
app.owner = User.last # Or any owner class that you want to be associated

The application was just associated to that user. But if you want the relation to work the other way around, you'll have to change your User class to understand the association:

class User
  has_many :oauth_applications, class_name: 'Doorkeeper::Application', as: :owner

Now you can retrieve all applications for the given user:

# => [#<Doorkeeper::Application id: ...>, ...]


If you visit /oauth/applications you'll notice that all apps are being listed. You can change that by using a custom controller:

# app/controllers/oauth/applications_controller.rb
class Oauth::ApplicationsController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController
  before_filter :authenticate_user!

  def index
    @applications = current_user.oauth_applications

  # only needed if each application must have some owner
  def create
    @application =
    @application.owner = current_user if Doorkeeper.configuration.confirm_application_owner?
      flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice, :scope => [:doorkeeper, :flash, :applications, :create])
       respond_with( :oauth, @application, location: oauth_application_url( @application ) )
      render :new


NOTE: inherit from Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController is optional and you might not want to do that since you'll end up customizing all actions from that controller.

Heads up: The authenticate_user! function is generated by Devise.

Later on, you need to tell doorkeeper to use the correct controller:

YourApp::Application.routes.draw do
  use_doorkeeper do
    controllers :applications => 'oauth/applications'

You can optionally skip the applications controller and create your own registration process. Remember that this controller is just a scaffold and should be used only to quick develop your OAuth provider.

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