Doosan ROS Video
Doosan ROS Online Lecture(Kor)
Doosan ROS Online Lecture(Eng)
To utilize the new emulator in virtual mode, Docker is required . Please ensure Docker is installed beforehand if virtual mode is required.
install Docker
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rqt* ros-noetic-moveit* ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control ros-noetic-joint-state-controller ros-noetic-effort-controllers ros-noetic-position-controllers ros-noetic-ros-controllers ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-joint-state-publisher-gui ros-noetic-joint-state-publisher
### We recommand the /home/<user_home>/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
rosdep install --from-paths doosan-robot --ignore-src --rosdistro noetic -r -y
##### Emulator Download
sh doosan-robot/doosan_robot/
##### Serial Package source build
### Noetic distro does not support serial package, so you have to install it manually.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash
If you are driveing without a real robot, use virtual mode
When ROS launches in virtual mode, the emulator(DRCF) runs automatically.
(DRCF) location: docker image
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_gazebo.launch mode:=virtual
One emulator is required for each robot
Use real mode to drive a real robot
The default IP of the robot controller is and the port is 12345.
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_gazebo.launch mode:=real host:= port:=12345
roslaunch dsr_description m0609.launch
roslaunch dsr_description m1013.launch color:=blue # Change Color
roslaunch dsr_description m1509.launch
roslaunch dsr_description m0617.launch color:=blue # change color
roslaunch dsr_description a0509.launch
roslaunch dsr_description e0509.launch
$ roslaunch dsr_description m1013.launch
- In dsr_description, the user can use joint_state_publisher to move the robot.
- Joint_state_publisher
$ _roslaunch dsr_description m0617.launch color:=blue
color:= ROBOT_COLOR <white / blue> deflaut = white (e0509 has only white)
roslaunch moveit_config_m0609 m0609.launch
roslaunch moveit_config_m0617 m0617.launch
roslaunch moveit_config_m1013 m1013.launch
roslaunch moveit_config_m1509 m1509.launch
roslaunch moveit_config_a0509 a0509.launch
roslaunch moveit_config_a0509 e0509.launch
host := ROBOT_IP deflaut = port := ROBOT_PORT default = 12345
mode := OPERATION MODE <virtual / real> deflaut = virtual
model := ROBOT_MODEL <m0609 / 0617 / m1013 / m1509 / a0509 / a0912 / h2017 / h2515 / e0509> deflaut = m1013
color := ROBOT_COLOR <white / blue> deflaut = white
gripper := USE_GRIPPER <none / robotiq_2f> deflaut = none
mobile := USE_MOBILE <none / husky> deflaut = none
rviz := USE_RVIZ_GUI <true / false> deflaut = true
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=m0609 mode:=virtual
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=m0617 mode:=virtual
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=m1013 mode:=virtual
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=m1509 mode:=virtual
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=a0509 mode:=virtual
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit_gazebo.launch
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit-commander
roslaunch dsr_launcher dsr_moveit.launch model:=m1013
In another terminal
ROS_NAMESPACE=/dsr01m1013 rosrun moveit_commander robot_description:=/dsr01m1013/robot_description
> use arm
> goal0 = [0 0 0 0 0 0] # save the home position to variable "goal0"
> goal1 = [0 0 1.57 0 1.57 0] # save the target position to varialbe "goal1" / radian
> go goal1 # plan & excute (the robot is going to move target position)
> go goal0 # paln & excute (the robot is going to move home position)
If you don`t have real doosan controller, you must execute emulator before run dsr_launcer.
host:= ROBOT_IP deflaut = ##controller IP = port:= ROBOT_PORT default = 12345
mode:= OPERATION MODE <virtual / real> deflaut = virtual
model:= ROBOT_MODEL <m0609 / m0617 / m1013 / m1509 / a0509 / e0509> deflaut = m1013
color:= ROBOT_COLOR <white / blue> deflaut = white
gripper:= USE_GRIPPER <none / robotiq_2f> deflaut = none
mobile:= USE_MOBILE <none / husky> deflaut = none rviz:= USE Rviz <true / false > deflaut = true
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz.launch host:= port:=12345 mode:=virtual model:=m1013 color:=blue gripper:=none mobile:=none
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_gazebo.launch host:=
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz_gazebo.launch gripper:=robotiq_2f mobile:=husky
- single robot in rviz :
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz.launch model:=m1013 color:=white
- single robot in gazebo :
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_gazebo.launch model:=m1013 color:=blue
- single robot in rviz + gazebo :
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz_gazebo.launch model:=m1013 color:=white
<run application node>
rosrun dsr_example_py dsr01 m1013
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz_gazebo.launch model:=m1013 color:=white
rosrun dsr_example_py
$ roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz_gazebo.launch
// We need to specify controller's ip and port.
// Additionally, we also need to specify namespace to distinguish ROS Graph constructing each robot
// Note: moveit does not support namespace feature in ros1, 'dsr_moveit.launcher' and 'dsr_moveit_gazebo.launcher' don't support multi robot usage.
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot.launch ns:=${NAMESPACE} ip:=${CONTROLLER_IP} port:=${CONTROLLER_PORT}
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot.launch ns:=dsr01 mode:=virtual port:= port:=12345 x:=0 y:=0 // also specify location to distinguish in gazebo.
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot.launch ns:=dsr02 mode:=virtual port:= port:=12346 x:=1 y:=1
roslaunch dsr_launcher single_robot_rviz_gazebo.launch
rosrun dsr_example_py
<include file="$(find dsr_gazebo)/launch/dsr_base.launch">
<arg name="ns" value="dsr01"/> # Robot ID
<arg name="model" value="m1013"/> # Robot Model
<arg name="host" value=""/> # Robot IP
<arg name="port" value="12345"/> # Robot Port
<arg name="mode" value="virtual"/> # Robot Controller Mode
# Position & Posture in Gazebo
<arg name="x" value="2"/>
<arg name="y" value="-4"/>
<arg name="yaw" value="0.7"/>
<include file="$(find dsr_gazebo)/launch/dsr_base.launch">
<arg name="ns" value="dsr02"/> # Secondary Robot ID
<arg name="model" value="m1013"/> # Secondary Robot Model
<arg name="host" value=""/> # Secondary Robot IP
<arg name="port" value="12346"/> # Robot Port
<arg name="mode" value="virtual"/> # Secondary Robot Controller Mode
# Secondary Position & Posture in Gazebo
<arg name="x" value="2"/>
<arg name="y" value="-4"/>
<arg name="yaw" value="0.7"/>
rosservice call /dsr01m1013/motion/move_joint "pos: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
vel: 0.0
acc: 0.0
time: 0.0
radius: 0.0
mode: 0
blendType: 0
syncType: 0"