ePayment is a repository of web application Travelsafe which represents one implementation of project task for Electronic Payment Systems course at Faculty of Techical Sciences, Univeristy of Novi Sad, 2016/2017. Travelsafe enables its users to buy travel insurances and pay them using PayPal.
To start developing, you need to have installed npm and bower.
Navigate to path /travelsafe and run:
npm install
Navigate to path /travelsafe/src/main/webapp and run:
bower install
-Navigate to path /travelsafe/src/main/resources/application.properties and set your database and email params -Run MySql and create 'your_schema_name' schema
-Run TravelsaveApplication.java and app will be available at: https://localhost:8090/
- In /travelsafe/pom.xml include commented dependency 'spring-boot-starter-tomcat'
In /travelsafe double click build-war.bat file - That's it, war file will be in /travelsafe/target.
- Note 1
'build-war.bat' does following:
1.install node modules 2.install bower conponents 3.run gulp task that create new version of 'webapp' folder 4.run mvn task for building war file (spring boot task)