diff --git a/.fantomasignore b/.fantomasignore
index 20249273f54..d731fb6d9a5 100644
--- a/.fantomasignore
+++ b/.fantomasignore
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ src/Compiler/Utilities/HashMultiMap.fs
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/ParseAndCheckInputs.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/ParseAndCheckInputs.fs
index 4fff95653d4..22ea3c7f033 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/ParseAndCheckInputs.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/ParseAndCheckInputs.fs
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
open FSharp.Compiler.IO
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
open FSharp.Compiler.Lexhelp
open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers
@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ let GetScopedPragmasForHashDirective hd (langVersion: LanguageVersion) =
let private collectCodeComments (lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf) (tripleSlashComments: range list) =
- yield! LexbufCommentStore.GetComments(lexbuf)
+ yield! CommentStore.GetComments(lexbuf)
yield! (List.map CommentTrivia.LineComment tripleSlashComments)
|> List.sortBy (function
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ let PostParseModuleImpls
yield! GetScopedPragmasForHashDirective hd lexbuf.LanguageVersion
- let conditionalDirectives = LexbufIfdefStore.GetTrivia(lexbuf)
+ let conditionalDirectives = IfdefStore.GetTrivia(lexbuf)
let codeComments = collectCodeComments lexbuf tripleSlashComments
let trivia: ParsedImplFileInputTrivia =
@@ -336,7 +337,7 @@ let PostParseModuleSpecs
yield! GetScopedPragmasForHashDirective hd lexbuf.LanguageVersion
- let conditionalDirectives = LexbufIfdefStore.GetTrivia(lexbuf)
+ let conditionalDirectives = IfdefStore.GetTrivia(lexbuf)
let codeComments = collectCodeComments lexbuf tripleSlashComments
let trivia: ParsedSigFileInputTrivia =
@@ -488,15 +489,13 @@ let ParseInput
if FSharpImplFileSuffixes |> List.exists (FileSystemUtils.checkSuffix fileName) then
let impl = Parser.implementationFile lexer lexbuf
- let tripleSlashComments =
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions(lexbuf)
+ let tripleSlashComments = XmlDocStore.ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions(lexbuf)
PostParseModuleImpls(defaultNamespace, fileName, isLastCompiland, impl, lexbuf, tripleSlashComments, Set identStore)
elif FSharpSigFileSuffixes |> List.exists (FileSystemUtils.checkSuffix fileName) then
let intfs = Parser.signatureFile lexer lexbuf
- let tripleSlashComments =
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions(lexbuf)
+ let tripleSlashComments = XmlDocStore.ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions(lexbuf)
PostParseModuleSpecs(defaultNamespace, fileName, isLastCompiland, intfs, lexbuf, tripleSlashComments, Set identStore)
else if lexbuf.SupportsFeature LanguageFeature.MLCompatRevisions then
diff --git a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
index 659eb21edb9..419746af6c0 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
+++ b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
@@ -247,11 +247,11 @@
- --module FSharp.Compiler.PPParser --open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing --buffer-type-argument char
+ --module FSharp.Compiler.PPParser --open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers --open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing --buffer-type-argument char
- --module FSharp.Compiler.Lexer --open FSharp.Compiler.Lexhelp --open Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --open FSharp.Compiler.Parser --open FSharp.Compiler.Text --open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers --internal --unicode --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
+ --module FSharp.Compiler.Lexer --open FSharp.Compiler.Lexhelp --open Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --open FSharp.Compiler.Parser --open FSharp.Compiler.Text --open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers --open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore --internal --unicode --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
@@ -280,6 +280,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexFilter.fs b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexFilter.fs
index 19f7be5d31b..20af46524b0 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexFilter.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexFilter.fs
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ module internal FSharp.Compiler.LexFilter
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
-open FSharp.Compiler
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
open FSharp.Compiler.Lexhelp
open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.Parser
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ type LexFilterImpl (
let lastTokenEnd = state.EndPos
let token = lexer lexbuf
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.AddGrabPoint(lexbuf)
+ XmlDocStore.AddGrabPoint(lexbuf)
// Now we've got the token, remember the lexbuf state, associating it with the token
// and remembering it as the last observed lexbuf state for the wrapped lexer function.
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexHelpers.fs b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexHelpers.fs
index 96b4a9a570b..f7f090a6b00 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexHelpers.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexHelpers.fs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
open FSharp.Compiler.IO
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.UnicodeLexing
open FSharp.Compiler.Parser
@@ -98,10 +99,8 @@ let mkLexargs
/// Register the lexbuf and call the given function
-let reusingLexbufForParsing lexbuf f =
+let reusingLexbufForParsing (lexbuf: Lexbuf) f =
use _ = UseBuildPhase BuildPhase.Parse
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.ClearXmlDoc lexbuf
- LexbufCommentStore.ClearComments lexbuf
f ()
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fs b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..711e9530cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+module internal FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
+open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTreeOps
+open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia
+open FSharp.Compiler.UnicodeLexing
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Position
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
+open FSharp.Compiler.Xml
+// Lexbuf.BufferLocalStore is used during lexing/parsing of a file for different purposes.
+// All access happens through the functions and modules below.
+let private getStoreData<'T when 'T: not null> (lexbuf: Lexbuf) key (getInitialData: unit -> 'T) =
+ let store = lexbuf.BufferLocalStore
+ match store.TryGetValue key with
+ | true, data -> data :?> 'T
+ | _ ->
+ let data = getInitialData ()
+ store[key] <- data
+ data
+let private tryGetStoreData<'T when 'T: not null> (lexbuf: Lexbuf) key =
+ let store = lexbuf.BufferLocalStore
+ match store.TryGetValue key with
+ | true, data -> Some(data :?> 'T)
+ | _ -> None
+let private setStoreData (lexbuf: Lexbuf) key data = lexbuf.BufferLocalStore[key] <- data
+// A SynArgNameGenerator for the current file, used by the parser
+let getSynArgNameGenerator (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ getStoreData lexbuf "SynArgNameGenerator" SynArgNameGenerator
+// A XmlDocCollector, used to hold the current accumulated Xml doc lines, and related access functions
+module XmlDocStore =
+ let private xmlDocKey = "XmlDoc"
+ let private getCollector (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ getStoreData lexbuf xmlDocKey XmlDocCollector
+ /// Called from the lexer to save a single line of XML doc comment.
+ let SaveXmlDocLine (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lineText, range: range) =
+ let collector = getCollector lexbuf
+ collector.AddXmlDocLine(lineText, range)
+ let AddGrabPoint (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ let collector = getCollector lexbuf
+ let startPos = lexbuf.StartPos
+ collector.AddGrabPoint(mkPos startPos.Line startPos.Column)
+ /// Allowed cases when there are comments after XmlDoc
+ ///
+ /// /// X xmlDoc
+ /// // comment
+ /// //// comment
+ /// (* multiline comment *)
+ /// let x = ... // X xmlDoc
+ ///
+ /// Remember the first position when a comment (//, (* *), ////) is encountered after the XmlDoc block
+ /// then add a grab point if a new XmlDoc block follows the comments
+ let AddGrabPointDelayed (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ let collector = getCollector lexbuf
+ let startPos = lexbuf.StartPos
+ collector.AddGrabPointDelayed(mkPos startPos.Line startPos.Column)
+ /// Called from the parser each time we parse a construct that marks the end of an XML doc comment range,
+ /// e.g. a 'type' declaration. The markerRange is the range of the keyword that delimits the construct.
+ let GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker (lexbuf: Lexbuf, markerRange: range) =
+ match tryGetStoreData lexbuf xmlDocKey with
+ | Some collector -> PreXmlDoc.CreateFromGrabPoint(collector, markerRange.Start)
+ | _ -> PreXmlDoc.Empty
+ let ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ let collector = getCollector lexbuf
+ collector.CheckInvalidXmlDocPositions()
+// Storage to hold the current accumulated ConditionalDirectiveTrivia, and related types and access functions
+type LexerIfdefExpression =
+ | IfdefAnd of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefOr of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefNot of LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefId of string
+let rec LexerIfdefEval (lookup: string -> bool) =
+ function
+ | IfdefAnd(l, r) -> (LexerIfdefEval lookup l) && (LexerIfdefEval lookup r)
+ | IfdefOr(l, r) -> (LexerIfdefEval lookup l) || (LexerIfdefEval lookup r)
+ | IfdefNot e -> not (LexerIfdefEval lookup e)
+ | IfdefId id -> lookup id
+module IfdefStore =
+ let private getStore (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ getStoreData lexbuf "Ifdef" ResizeArray
+ let private mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace (lexed: string) (m: range) : range =
+ let startColumn = lexed.Length - lexed.TrimStart().Length
+ mkFileIndexRange m.FileIndex (mkPos m.StartLine startColumn) m.End
+ let SaveIfHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, expr: LexerIfdefExpression, range: range) =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ let expr =
+ let rec visit (expr: LexerIfdefExpression) : IfDirectiveExpression =
+ match expr with
+ | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefAnd(l, r) -> IfDirectiveExpression.And(visit l, visit r)
+ | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefOr(l, r) -> IfDirectiveExpression.Or(visit l, visit r)
+ | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefNot e -> IfDirectiveExpression.Not(visit e)
+ | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefId id -> IfDirectiveExpression.Ident id
+ visit expr
+ let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
+ store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.If(expr, m))
+ let SaveElseHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, range: range) =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
+ store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.Else(m))
+ let SaveEndIfHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, range: range) =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
+ store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.EndIf(m))
+ let GetTrivia (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ Seq.toList store
+// Storage to hold the current accumulated CommentTrivia, and related access functions
+module CommentStore =
+ let private getStore (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
+ getStoreData lexbuf "Comments" ResizeArray
+ let SaveSingleLineComment (lexbuf: Lexbuf, startRange: range, endRange: range) =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ let m = unionRanges startRange endRange
+ store.Add(CommentTrivia.LineComment(m))
+ let SaveBlockComment (lexbuf: Lexbuf, startRange: range, endRange: range) =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ let m = unionRanges startRange endRange
+ store.Add(CommentTrivia.BlockComment(m))
+ let GetComments (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : CommentTrivia list =
+ let store = getStore lexbuf
+ Seq.toList store
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fsi b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fsi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..952a0cc6f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/LexerStore.fsi
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+module internal FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
+open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTreeOps
+open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia
+open FSharp.Compiler.UnicodeLexing
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Xml
+val getSynArgNameGenerator: Lexbuf -> SynArgNameGenerator
+module XmlDocStore =
+ val SaveXmlDocLine: lexbuf: Lexbuf * lineText: string * range: range -> unit
+ val GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker: lexbuf: Lexbuf * markerRange: range -> PreXmlDoc
+ val AddGrabPoint: lexbuf: Lexbuf -> unit
+ val AddGrabPointDelayed: lexbuf: Lexbuf -> unit
+ val ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions: lexbuf: Lexbuf -> range list
+type LexerIfdefExpression =
+ | IfdefAnd of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefOr of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefNot of LexerIfdefExpression
+ | IfdefId of string
+val LexerIfdefEval: lookup: (string -> bool) -> _arg1: LexerIfdefExpression -> bool
+module IfdefStore =
+ val SaveIfHash: lexbuf: Lexbuf * lexed: string * expr: LexerIfdefExpression * range: range -> unit
+ val SaveElseHash: lexbuf: Lexbuf * lexed: string * range: range -> unit
+ val SaveEndIfHash: lexbuf: Lexbuf * lexed: string * range: range -> unit
+ val GetTrivia: lexbuf: Lexbuf -> ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list
+module CommentStore =
+ val SaveSingleLineComment: lexbuf: Lexbuf * startRange: range * endRange: range -> unit
+ val SaveBlockComment: lexbuf: Lexbuf * startRange: range * endRange: range -> unit
+ val GetComments: lexbuf: Lexbuf -> CommentTrivia list
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fs b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fs
index 59fb645bd0a..1c0428eb835 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Xml
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
open Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
// Parsing: Error recovery exception for fsyacc
@@ -68,86 +69,6 @@ let rhs2 (parseState: IParseState) i j =
/// Get the range corresponding to one of the r.h.s. symbols of a grammar rule while it is being reduced
let rhs parseState i = rhs2 parseState i i
-type IParseState with
- /// Get the generator used for compiler-generated argument names.
- member x.SynArgNameGenerator =
- let key = "SynArgNameGenerator"
- let bls = x.LexBuffer.BufferLocalStore
- let gen =
- match bls.TryGetValue key with
- | true, gen -> gen
- | _ ->
- let gen = !!(box (SynArgNameGenerator()))
- bls[key] <- gen
- gen
- gen :?> SynArgNameGenerator
- /// Reset the generator used for compiler-generated argument names.
- member x.ResetSynArgNameGenerator() = x.SynArgNameGenerator.Reset()
-// Parsing: grabbing XmlDoc
-/// XmlDoc F# lexer/parser state, held in the BufferLocalStore for the lexer.
-module LexbufLocalXmlDocStore =
- // The key into the BufferLocalStore used to hold the current accumulated XmlDoc lines
- let private xmlDocKey = "XmlDoc"
- let private getCollector (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
- match lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue xmlDocKey with
- | true, collector -> collector
- | _ ->
- let collector = !!(box (XmlDocCollector()))
- lexbuf.BufferLocalStore[xmlDocKey] <- collector
- collector
- |> unbox
- let ClearXmlDoc (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
- lexbuf.BufferLocalStore[xmlDocKey] <- box (XmlDocCollector()) |> Unchecked.nonNull
- /// Called from the lexer to save a single line of XML doc comment.
- let SaveXmlDocLine (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lineText, range: range) =
- let collector = getCollector lexbuf
- collector.AddXmlDocLine(lineText, range)
- let AddGrabPoint (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
- let collector = getCollector lexbuf
- let startPos = lexbuf.StartPos
- collector.AddGrabPoint(mkPos startPos.Line startPos.Column)
- /// Allowed cases when there are comments after XmlDoc
- ///
- /// /// X xmlDoc
- /// // comment
- /// //// comment
- /// (* multiline comment *)
- /// let x = ... // X xmlDoc
- ///
- /// Remember the first position when a comment (//, (* *), ////) is encountered after the XmlDoc block
- /// then add a grab point if a new XmlDoc block follows the comments
- let AddGrabPointDelayed (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
- let collector = getCollector lexbuf
- let startPos = lexbuf.StartPos
- collector.AddGrabPointDelayed(mkPos startPos.Line startPos.Column)
- /// Called from the parser each time we parse a construct that marks the end of an XML doc comment range,
- /// e.g. a 'type' declaration. The markerRange is the range of the keyword that delimits the construct.
- let GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker (lexbuf: Lexbuf, markerRange: range) =
- match lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue xmlDocKey with
- | true, collector ->
- let collector = unbox (collector)
- PreXmlDoc.CreateFromGrabPoint(collector, markerRange.Start)
- | _ -> PreXmlDoc.Empty
- let ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions (lexbuf: Lexbuf) =
- let collector = getCollector lexbuf
- collector.CheckInvalidXmlDocPositions()
// Parsing/lexing: status of #if/#endif processing in lexing, used for continuations
// for whitespace tokens in parser specification.
@@ -170,100 +91,6 @@ type LexerEndlineContinuation =
| Token
| IfdefSkip of int * range: range
-type LexerIfdefExpression =
- | IfdefAnd of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefOr of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefNot of LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefId of string
-let rec LexerIfdefEval (lookup: string -> bool) =
- function
- | IfdefAnd(l, r) -> (LexerIfdefEval lookup l) && (LexerIfdefEval lookup r)
- | IfdefOr(l, r) -> (LexerIfdefEval lookup l) || (LexerIfdefEval lookup r)
- | IfdefNot e -> not (LexerIfdefEval lookup e)
- | IfdefId id -> lookup id
-/// Ifdef F# lexer/parser state, held in the BufferLocalStore for the lexer.
-/// Used to capture #if, #else and #endif as syntax trivia.
-module LexbufIfdefStore =
- // The key into the BufferLocalStore used to hold the compiler directives
- let private ifDefKey = "Ifdef"
- let private getStore (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : ResizeArray =
- match lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue ifDefKey with
- | true, store -> store
- | _ ->
- let store = !!(box (ResizeArray()))
- lexbuf.BufferLocalStore[ifDefKey] <- store
- store
- |> unbox>
- let private mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace (lexed: string) (m: range) : range =
- let startColumn = lexed.Length - lexed.TrimStart().Length
- mkFileIndexRange m.FileIndex (mkPos m.StartLine startColumn) m.End
- let SaveIfHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, expr: LexerIfdefExpression, range: range) =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- let expr =
- let rec visit (expr: LexerIfdefExpression) : IfDirectiveExpression =
- match expr with
- | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefAnd(l, r) -> IfDirectiveExpression.And(visit l, visit r)
- | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefOr(l, r) -> IfDirectiveExpression.Or(visit l, visit r)
- | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefNot e -> IfDirectiveExpression.Not(visit e)
- | LexerIfdefExpression.IfdefId id -> IfDirectiveExpression.Ident id
- visit expr
- let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
- store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.If(expr, m))
- let SaveElseHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, range: range) =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
- store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.Else(m))
- let SaveEndIfHash (lexbuf: Lexbuf, lexed: string, range: range) =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- let m = mkRangeWithoutLeadingWhitespace lexed range
- store.Add(ConditionalDirectiveTrivia.EndIf(m))
- let GetTrivia (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- Seq.toList store
-/// Used to capture the ranges of code comments as syntax trivia
-module LexbufCommentStore =
- // The key into the BufferLocalStore used to hold the compiler directives
- let private commentKey = "Comments"
- let private getStore (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : ResizeArray =
- match lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue commentKey with
- | true, store -> store
- | _ ->
- let store = !!(box (ResizeArray()))
- lexbuf.BufferLocalStore[commentKey] <- store
- store
- |> unbox>
- let SaveSingleLineComment (lexbuf: Lexbuf, startRange: range, endRange: range) =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- let m = unionRanges startRange endRange
- store.Add(CommentTrivia.LineComment(m))
- let SaveBlockComment (lexbuf: Lexbuf, startRange: range, endRange: range) =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- let m = unionRanges startRange endRange
- store.Add(CommentTrivia.BlockComment(m))
- let GetComments (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : CommentTrivia list =
- let store = getStore lexbuf
- Seq.toList store
- let ClearComments (lexbuf: Lexbuf) : unit =
- lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.Remove(commentKey) |> ignore
// Parsing: continuations for whitespace tokens
@@ -407,7 +234,7 @@ let grabXmlDocAtRangeStart (parseState: IParseState, optAttributes: SynAttribute
| [] -> range
| h :: _ -> h.Range
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker(parseState.LexBuffer, grabPoint)
+ XmlDocStore.GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker(parseState.LexBuffer, grabPoint)
let grabXmlDoc (parseState: IParseState, optAttributes: SynAttributeList list, elemIdx) =
grabXmlDocAtRangeStart (parseState, optAttributes, rhs parseState elemIdx)
diff --git a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fsi b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fsi
index f769b14a864..84be5f0e4f7 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/SyntaxTree/ParseHelpers.fsi
@@ -38,25 +38,6 @@ val rhs2: parseState: IParseState -> i: int -> j: int -> range
val rhs: parseState: IParseState -> i: int -> range
-type IParseState with
- member SynArgNameGenerator: SyntaxTreeOps.SynArgNameGenerator
- member ResetSynArgNameGenerator: unit -> unit
-module LexbufLocalXmlDocStore =
- val ClearXmlDoc: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> unit
- val SaveXmlDocLine: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * lineText: string * range: range -> unit
- val GrabXmlDocBeforeMarker: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * markerRange: range -> PreXmlDoc
- val AddGrabPoint: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> unit
- val AddGrabPointDelayed: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> unit
- val ReportInvalidXmlDocPositions: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> range list
type LexerIfdefStackEntry =
| IfDefIf
| IfDefElse
@@ -69,34 +50,6 @@ type LexerEndlineContinuation =
| Token
| IfdefSkip of int * range: range
-type LexerIfdefExpression =
- | IfdefAnd of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefOr of LexerIfdefExpression * LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefNot of LexerIfdefExpression
- | IfdefId of string
-val LexerIfdefEval: lookup: (string -> bool) -> _arg1: LexerIfdefExpression -> bool
-module LexbufIfdefStore =
- val SaveIfHash: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * lexed: string * expr: LexerIfdefExpression * range: range -> unit
- val SaveElseHash: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * lexed: string * range: range -> unit
- val SaveEndIfHash: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * lexed: string * range: range -> unit
- val GetTrivia: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list
-module LexbufCommentStore =
- val SaveSingleLineComment: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * startRange: range * endRange: range -> unit
- val SaveBlockComment: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf * startRange: range * endRange: range -> unit
- val GetComments: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> CommentTrivia list
- val ClearComments: lexbuf: UnicodeLexing.Lexbuf -> unit
type LexerStringStyle =
| Verbatim
diff --git a/src/Compiler/lex.fsl b/src/Compiler/lex.fsl
index 9de91ebab74..34bfe4bfe17 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/lex.fsl
+++ b/src/Compiler/lex.fsl
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ let trySaveXmlDoc (lexbuf: LexBuffer) (buff: (range * StringBuilder) optio
| None -> ()
| Some (start, sb) ->
let xmlCommentLineRange = mkFileIndexRange start.FileIndex start.Start (posOfLexPosition lexbuf.StartPos)
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.SaveXmlDocLine (lexbuf, sb.ToString(), xmlCommentLineRange)
+ XmlDocStore.SaveXmlDocLine (lexbuf, sb.ToString(), xmlCommentLineRange)
let tryAppendXmlDoc (buff: (range * StringBuilder) option) (s:string) =
match buff with
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ rule token (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
| "////" op_char*
{ // 4+ slash are 1-line comments, online 3 slash are XmlDoc
let m = lexbuf.LexemeRange
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
+ XmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
if not skip then LINE_COMMENT (LexCont.SingleLineComment(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, 1, m))
else singleLineComment (None,1,m,m,args) skip lexbuf }
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ rule token (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
| "//" op_char*
{ // Need to read all operator symbols too, otherwise it might be parsed by a rule below
let m = lexbuf.LexemeRange
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
+ XmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
if not skip then LINE_COMMENT (LexCont.SingleLineComment(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, 1, m))
else singleLineComment (None,1,m,m,args) skip lexbuf }
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ rule token (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
let lexed = lexeme lexbuf
let isTrue, expr = evalIfDefExpression lexbuf.StartPos lexbuf.ReportLibraryOnlyFeatures lexbuf.LanguageVersion lexbuf.StrictIndentation args lookup lexed
args.ifdefStack <- (IfDefIf,m) :: args.ifdefStack
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, expr, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, expr, m)
let contCase = if isTrue then LexerEndlineContinuation.Token else LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(0, m)
let tok = HASH_IF(m, lexed, LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, contCase))
if skip then endline contCase args skip lexbuf else tok }
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ rule token (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
let m = lexbuf.LexemeRange
shouldStartLine args lexbuf m (FSComp.SR.lexHashElseMustBeFirst())
args.ifdefStack <- (IfDefElse,m) :: rest
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
let tok = HASH_ELSE(m, lexed, LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(0, m)))
if skip then endline (LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(0, m)) args skip lexbuf else tok }
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ rule token (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
| _ :: rest ->
shouldStartLine args lexbuf m (FSComp.SR.lexHashEndifMustBeFirst())
args.ifdefStack <- rest
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
let tok = HASH_ENDIF(m,lexed,LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.Token))
if not skip then tok else endline LexerEndlineContinuation.Token args skip lexbuf }
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ and ifdefSkip (n: int) (m: range) (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
let lexed = lexeme lexbuf
let lookup id = List.contains id args.conditionalDefines
let _, expr = evalIfDefExpression lexbuf.StartPos lexbuf.ReportLibraryOnlyFeatures lexbuf.LanguageVersion lexbuf.StrictIndentation args lookup lexed
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, expr, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, expr, m)
let tok = INACTIVECODE(LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n+1, m)))
if skip then endline (LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n+1, m)) args skip lexbuf else tok }
@@ -1120,12 +1120,12 @@ and ifdefSkip (n: int) (m: range) (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
| (IfDefElse,_) :: _rest -> LEX_FAILURE (FSComp.SR.lexHashEndifRequiredForElse())
| (IfDefIf,_) :: rest ->
let m = lexbuf.LexemeRange
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
args.ifdefStack <- (IfDefElse,m) :: rest
if not skip then HASH_ELSE(m,lexed,LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.Token))
else endline LexerEndlineContinuation.Token args skip lexbuf
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveElseHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
if not skip then INACTIVECODE(LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n, m)))
else endline (LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n, m)) args skip lexbuf }
@@ -1141,13 +1141,13 @@ and ifdefSkip (n: int) (m: range) (args: LexArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
match args.ifdefStack with
| [] -> LEX_FAILURE (FSComp.SR.lexHashEndingNoMatchingIf())
| _ :: rest ->
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
args.ifdefStack <- rest
if not skip then HASH_ENDIF(m,lexed,LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.Token))
else endline LexerEndlineContinuation.Token args skip lexbuf
shouldStartLine args lexbuf m (FSComp.SR.lexWrongNestedHashEndif())
- LexbufIfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
+ IfdefStore.SaveEndIfHash(lexbuf, lexed, m)
let tok = INACTIVECODE(LexCont.EndLine(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n-1, m)))
if not skip then tok else endline (LexerEndlineContinuation.IfdefSkip(n-1, m)) args skip lexbuf }
@@ -1707,13 +1707,13 @@ and singleLineComment (cargs: SingleLineCommentArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
// Saves the documentation (if we're collecting any) into a buffer-local variable.
if not skip then LINE_COMMENT (LexCont.Token(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest))
- if Option.isNone buff then LexbufCommentStore.SaveSingleLineComment(lexbuf, mStart, mEnd)
+ if Option.isNone buff then CommentStore.SaveSingleLineComment(lexbuf, mStart, mEnd)
token args skip lexbuf }
| eof
{ let buff, _n, mStart, mEnd, args = cargs
trySaveXmlDoc lexbuf buff
- LexbufCommentStore.SaveSingleLineComment(lexbuf, mStart, mEnd)
+ CommentStore.SaveSingleLineComment(lexbuf, mStart, mEnd)
// NOTE: it is legal to end a file with this comment, so we'll return EOF as a token
EOF (LexCont.Token(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest)) }
@@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ and comment (cargs: BlockCommentArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
| "(*)"
{ let n, m, args = cargs
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.AddGrabPoint(lexbuf)
+ XmlDocStore.AddGrabPoint(lexbuf)
if not skip then COMMENT (LexCont.Comment(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, n, m))
else comment cargs skip lexbuf }
@@ -1775,10 +1775,10 @@ and comment (cargs: BlockCommentArgs) (skip: bool) = parse
if not skip then COMMENT (LexCont.Comment(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest, n-1, m))
else comment (n-1,m,args) skip lexbuf
- LexbufLocalXmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
+ XmlDocStore.AddGrabPointDelayed(lexbuf)
if not skip then COMMENT (LexCont.Token(args.ifdefStack, args.stringNest))
- LexbufCommentStore.SaveBlockComment(lexbuf, m, lexbuf.LexemeRange)
+ CommentStore.SaveBlockComment(lexbuf, m, lexbuf.LexemeRange)
token args skip lexbuf }
| anywhite+
diff --git a/src/Compiler/pars.fsy b/src/Compiler/pars.fsy
index b21a51d345c..7cac0ad0dc0 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/pars.fsy
+++ b/src/Compiler/pars.fsy
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia
@@ -1302,7 +1303,7 @@ moduleDefn:
/* 'let' definitions in non-#light*/
| opt_attributes opt_access defnBindings %prec decl_let
{ if Option.isSome $2 then errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.parsVisibilityDeclarationsShouldComePriorToIdentifier(), rhs parseState 2))
- parseState.ResetSynArgNameGenerator()
+ (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer).Reset()
let (BindingSetPreAttrs(_, _, _, _, mWhole)) = $3
mkDefnBindings (mWhole, $3, $1, $2, mWhole) }
@@ -1310,7 +1311,7 @@ moduleDefn:
| opt_attributes opt_access hardwhiteLetBindings %prec decl_let
{ let hwlb, m, _ = $3
if Option.isSome $2 then errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.parsVisibilityDeclarationsShouldComePriorToIdentifier(), rhs parseState 2))
- parseState.ResetSynArgNameGenerator()
+ (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer).Reset()
mkDefnBindings (m, hwlb, $1, $2, m) }
/* 'do' definitions in non-#light*/
@@ -5829,44 +5830,44 @@ anonLambdaExpr:
| FUN atomicPatterns RARROW typedSequentialExprBlock
{ let mAll = unionRanges (rhs parseState 1) $4.Range
let mArrow = Some(rhs parseState 3)
- mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mAll $2 mArrow $4 }
+ mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mAll $2 mArrow $4 }
| FUN atomicPatterns RARROW error
{ let mAll = rhs2 parseState 1 3
let mArrow = Some(rhs parseState 3)
- mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mAll $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr1", (rhs parseState 4))) }
+ mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mAll $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr1", (rhs parseState 4))) }
| OFUN atomicPatterns RARROW typedSequentialExprBlockR OEND
{ let mArrow = rhs parseState 3
let expr = $4 mArrow
let mAll = unionRanges (rhs parseState 1) expr.Range
- mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mAll $2 (Some mArrow) expr }
+ mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mAll $2 (Some mArrow) expr }
| OFUN atomicPatterns RARROW typedSequentialExprBlockR recover
{ if not $5 then reportParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsUnexpectedEndOfFileFunBody ())
let mArrow = rhs parseState 3
let expr = $4 mArrow
let mAll = unionRanges (rhs parseState 1) expr.Range
- exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mAll $2 (Some mArrow) expr) }
+ exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mAll $2 (Some mArrow) expr) }
{ let mLambda = rhs2 parseState 1 3
reportParseErrorAt mLambda (FSComp.SR.parsMissingFunctionBody())
let mArrow = Some(rhs parseState 3)
- mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mLambda $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr2", mLambda.EndRange)) }
+ mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mLambda $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr2", mLambda.EndRange)) }
| OFUN atomicPatterns RARROW recover
{ if not $4 then reportParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsUnexpectedEndOfFileFunBody())
let mLambda = rhs2 parseState 1 3
let mArrow = Some(rhs parseState 3)
- exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mLambda $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr3", mLambda.EndRange))) }
+ exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mLambda $2 mArrow (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr3", mLambda.EndRange))) }
| OFUN atomicPatterns error OEND
{ let mLambda = rhs2 parseState 1 2
- exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false mLambda $2 None (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr4", mLambda.EndRange))) }
+ exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false mLambda $2 None (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr4", mLambda.EndRange))) }
| OFUN error OEND
- { exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas parseState.SynArgNameGenerator false (rhs parseState 1) [] None (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr5", (rhs parseState 2)))) }
+ { exprFromParseError (mkSynFunMatchLambdas (getSynArgNameGenerator parseState.LexBuffer) false (rhs parseState 1) [] None (arbExpr ("anonLambdaExpr5", (rhs parseState 2)))) }
| FUNCTION withPatternClauses %prec expr_function
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests/HashIfExpression.fs b/tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests/HashIfExpression.fs
index f871ee96582..d348f692aaa 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests/HashIfExpression.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests/HashIfExpression.fs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.Lexhelp
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
-open FSharp.Compiler.ParseHelpers
+open FSharp.Compiler.LexerStore
type public HashIfExpression() =
let preludes = [|"#if "; "#elif "|]