diff --git a/docs/features/generators.md b/docs/features/generators.md
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Source Generators
-Source generators provide a mechanism through which source code can be generated at compile time
-and added to the compilation. The additional source can be based on the content of the compilation,
-enabling some meta-programming scenarios.
+Deprecation notice
-Like all pre-release features, code generators will need to be specially enabled, either by passing
-`/features:replace` directly to `csc` or by setting the `replace` flag in the project file.
-* Generate `BoundNode` classes from record definitions.
-* Implement `System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged`.
-* Support code contracts defined through attributes.
-* Generate types from structured data similar to F# Type Providers.
-* Serialization/deserialization (see https://github.com/agocke/json-serializer)
-Source generators are implementations of `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SourceGenerator`.
- public abstract class SourceGenerator
- {
- public abstract void Execute(SourceGeneratorContext context);
- }
-`SourceGenerator` implementations are defined in external assemblies passed to the compiler
-using the same `-analyzer:` option used for diagnostic analyzers. Valid source generators
-1. Implement `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SourceGenerator`
-1. Be decorated with the `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SourceGeneratorAttribute` to indicate
- supported languages.
-An assembly can contain a mix of diagnostic analyzers and source generators.
-Since generators are loaded from external assemblies, a generator cannot be used to build
-the assembly in which it is defined.
-`SourceGenerator` has a single `Execute` method that is called by the host -- either the IDE
-or the command-line compiler. `Execute` provides
-access to the `Compilation` and allows adding source and reporting diagnostics.
- public abstract class SourceGeneratorContext
- {
- public abstract Compilation Compilation { get; }
- public abstract void ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic);
- public abstract void AddCompilationUnit(string name, SyntaxTree tree);
- }
-Generators add source to the compilation using `context.AddCompilationUnit()`.
-Source can be added to the compilation but not replaced or rewritten. The `replace` keyword allows redefining methods.
-The command-line compiler persists the generated source to support scenarios that require
-files on disk (e.g.: navigating to error locations; debugging and setting breakpoints in generated code).
-Generated source is persisted to a `GeneratedFiles/{GeneratorAssemblyName}` subfolder within the
-`CommandLineArguments.OutputDirectory` using the `name` argument to `AddCompilationUnit`, and an extension based on the language.
-For instance, on Windows a call to ```AddCompilationUnit("MyCode", ...);```
-from `MyGenerator.dll` for a C# project would be persisted as `obj/debug/GeneratedFiles/MyGenerator.dll/MyCode.cs`.
-The `name` must be a valid file name, must be unique across all files produced by the generator for the compilation,
-and should be deterministic. (The content of the generated source should be deterministic as well. Both requirements
-are necessary to ensure builds are deterministic.) By convention, `name` should be the namespace-qualified
-type name of the type modified or generated.
-`build clean` should be modified to delete the `GeneratedFiles/` directory.
-Source generators are executed by the command-line compilers and the IDE. The generators
-are obtained from the `AnalyzerReference.GetSourceGenerators` for each analyzer reference
-specified on the command-line or in the project. `GetSourceGenerators` uses reflection to find types that
-inherit from `SourceGenerator` and instantiates those types.
- public abstract class AnalyzerReference
- {
- ...
- public abstract ImmutableArray GetSourceGenerators(string language);
- }
-A public `GeneratedSource` extension method on `Compilation` executes each generator in a collection of generators
-and returns the collection of `SyntaxTrees` and `Diagnostics`.
-(`GenerateSource` is called by the command-line compilers and IDE.)
-If `writeToDisk` is true, the generated source is persisted to `outputPath`. Regardless of whether the tree is persisted
-to disk, `SyntaxTree.FilePath` is set.
- public static class SourceGeneratorExtensions
- {
- public static ImmutableArray GenerateSource(
- this Compilation compilation,
- ImmutableArray generators,
- string outputPath,
- bool writeToDisk,
- out ImmutableArray diagnostics,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken);
- }
-The compilers and IDE add `SyntaxTrees` returned by `GenerateSource` to the `Compilation` to
-generate a new `Compilation` that is compiled and passed to any diagnostic analyzers.
-Diagnostics from `GenerateSource` are reported to the user.
-In the command-line compilers, the compile will be aborted if the diagnostics include errors.
-In the IDE, diagnostics are included in the Errors list and errors do not prevent subsequent binding or analysis.
-Exceptions thrown from generators are caught by the `GenerateSource` and reported as errors.
-Generators may be executed in parallel by `GenerateSource` using the same policy that is used for
-concurrent execution of `DiagnosticAnalyzers`.
-Modifying Types
-To add members to an existing class, the generated source will define a `partial class`.
-In C# this means the original class definition must be defined as `partial`.
-To redefine members in generated source, there are new language keywords: `replace` and `original`.
-`replace` is a declaration modifier applied to the redefined method, property, or event.
-`original` is a reference to the member that is replaced in a `replace` member.
-`replace` and `original` are contextual keywords: `replace` is a keyword only when used as a member modifier;
-`original` is a keyword only when used within a `replace` method (similar to parser handling of `async` and `await`).
-// original.cs:
- partial class C
- {
- void F() { }
- int P { get; set; }
- object this[int index] { get { return null; } }
- event EventHandler E;
- }
-// replace.cs:
- partial class C
- {
- replace void F() { original(); }
- replace int P
- {
- get { return original; }
- set { original += value; } // P.get and P.set
- }
- replace object this[int index]
- {
- get { return original[index]; }
- }
- replace event EventHandler E
- {
- add { original += value; }
- remove { original -= value; }
- }
- }
-The following `class` and `struct` members can be replaced:
-1. Static and instance methods, properties, and events
-1. Explicit interface implementations of members
-1. User defined operators
-1. Static constructors
-1. Instance constructors
-1. Instance destructors
-1. Extension methods
-The default constructor can be added by a generator but not replaced.
-The following must match when replacing a member:
-1. Signature: name, accessibility, arity, return type, parameter number, parameter types and ref-ness
-1. Parameter names and default values (to prevent changing the interpretation of call-sites)
-1. Type parameters and constraints
-1. Attributes on the member, parameters, and return type (including `this` for extension methods)
-1. Set of accessors in properties and events
-1. Explicit implementation of the member
-1. Modifiers: `sealed`, `static`, `virtual`, `new`, and `override`.
-If type parameter constraints are specified in the original method but absent in the `replace` method,
-the original constraints are used (similar to constraints in overrides).
-`abstract` and `extern` members cannot be replaced.
-`partial` methods can be replaced although the `partial` modifier is not allowed on the `replace` method.
-`async` need not match.
-If there are multiple `replace` definitions for the same member, the compiler will report an error
-that there are multiple definitions for the member.
-_To support scenarios where multiple generators may replace the same method, it will
-be necessary to determine an order for the chain of replacements. One possibility is
-to use the order of the assemblies containing the generators in the `Compilation`. Another possibility is
-to require the ambiguous `replace` members to have explicit ```[Order(...)]``` attributes that indicate the
-relative order._
-Code Generation
-The replacing methods will have the signature in metadata of the original method,
-including the `virtual` and `final` metadata attributes and `override` clause.
-The original methods will be emitted with mangled names to avoid multiple definitions with the same
-name and signature when the containing type is loaded from metadata.
-The mangled name is `v__I` where M is the original method name, qualified by namespace and
-type name if an explicit interface implementation, and where I is an index since there may be multiple
-overloads that are replaced. (Since the compiler disallows methods and property or event accessors
-with the same signatures, the same name mangling can be used for methods and accessors.)
-To ensure the mangled names are deterministic, the index is from the original overloads sorted by syntax location.
-Since the original methods will have mangled names, the methods are not callable
-from source and are therefore emitted as `private`.
-In the EE and REPL, which evaluate expressions in the context of methods loaded from metadata (even for projects from source),
-the `Binder` implementations for those scenarios will bind `original` to the method with the mangled name.
-Since there may be several methods named `v__I` for a given M, with distinct signatures,
-the Binder compares method signatures to find the actual original method.
-The original methods in metadata will not override any base class or interface members so original
-methods will be emitted without `virtual` and with no `override` clause.
-If the replacing method does not call the original method (in scenarios where methods are rewritten
-completely), the original method will be unused. And since it has a mangled name, the method is not
-callable. To avoid bloating the assembly, the compiler should drop those unused
-uncallable methods in optimized builds.
-Original property and events will be dropped from metadata although the original accessors will be emitted.
-The EE and REPL will need to recognize that certain mangled names map to accessors rather than oridinary methods.
-CodeAnalysis API
-`SyntaxKind` includes `ReplaceKeyword` and `OriginalKeyword`.
-`DeclarationModifiers` includes a `Replace` member.
-`IMethodSymbol`, `IPopertySymbol`, `IEventSymbol` include `Replaced` and `ReplacedBy` properties.
-Member lookup in expressions in the `SemanticModel` returns the replacing definition.
-The semantic model for `original` will return the replaced symbol.
-The IDE deals with `Workspace`, `Solution`, `Project`, and `Document`.
-Generated source is exposed as `Documents` added to the `Project`.
-The generated source is updated in the `Project` on load and on explicit build. At other times, the generated source is potentially stale.
-The generated source are files on disk although the IDE does not persist the generated source, only the command-line compiler does.
-On load and on build, the IDE will invoke `GenerateSource()` with a `Compilation` from the original source and use
-the `FilePath` from each generated `SyntaxTree` to update the `Solution` in the `Workspace` to point to the new set of source files.
-`Document.IsGenerated` indicates whether the source was generated. Generated source will be readonly in the IDE
-and certain tools such as Rename treat generated source specially.
+This proposal has been deprecated in favor of the newer [Source Generators](source-generators.md) proposal.
diff --git a/docs/features/generators.work.md b/docs/features/generators.work.md
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-## Checklist of work for Source Generators:
-- [ ] GenerateSource
- - [ ] Return errors to caller
- - [ ] Catch exceptions and return to caller as errors
- - [ ] Execute generators in parallel using same concurrent policy as analyzers (P2)
-- [ ] `AddCompilationUnit`
- - [ ] Create `GeneratedSource` directory (on demand) in `$OutputPath`
- - [ ] Create separate directories for each generator (on demand), using generator assembly file name. e.g.: `$OutputPath/GeneratedSource/MyGenerator.dll/MySource.cs`
- - [ ] `AddCompilation` should take `SourceText` and `ParseOptions` rather than `SyntaxTree`: ```AddCompilation(string name, SourceText text, ParseOptions options)```
-- [ ] Add `IsGenerated` property to `SyntaxTree`. See `DocumentInfo.IsGenerated` and ```AnalyzerDriver.IsGeneratedCode(SyntaxTree tree)```.
-- [ ] Incremental parsing when adding/removing `replace`. See `src/Compilers/CSharp/Test/Syntax/IncrementalParsing/ReplaceOriginalTests.cs`
-- [ ] Match signature on replace/original
- - [ ] Compare parameter names
- - [ ] Compare default values
- - [ ] Compare type parameter names and constraints
- - [ ] Inherit type parameter constraints from original definition if absent in `replace`
- - [ ] Compare set of property/event accessors
- - [ ] Compare modifiers: `sealed`, `static`, `virtual`, `new`, and `override`
-- [ ] `replace` members
- - [ ] `replace` for explicit implementation
- - [ ] `replace` for user-defined operators
- - [ ] `replace` for static and instance constructors
- - [ ] Allow calling `base` constructor in original constructor
- - [ ] Allow writing to `readonly` fields in original constructor
- - [ ] `replace` for destructors
- - [ ] `replace` for field-like events
- - [ ] `replace` for extension methods
- - [ ] `replace` partial methods
- - [ ] `replace` external method
-- [ ] Add `Replaced` and `ReplacedBy` to `ISymbol`
-- [ ] Report diagnostics
- - [ ] Report error for multiple `replace`
- - [ ] Report error for signature mismatch
- - [ ] Report error for `replace` with no original
- - [ ] Report error for a `replace` member with `extern` or `abstract`
-- [ ] Allow a member to be replaced multiple times (P2)
- - [ ] Use ```[Order]``` attributes to determine chain
-- [ ] Emit metadata
- - [ ] Include namespace and type name in mangled name of original explicit interface implementation
- - [ ] Include (deterministic) unique id in mangled name of original overloaded methods: ```v__0```, ```v__1```, ...
- - [ ] Drop original methods that are not called in optimized builds (P2)
-- [ ] IDE
- - [ ] Include diagnostics from `SourceGenerator.Execute` in Errors list (P2)
-- [ ] EnC
- - [ ] Changes that add/remove `replace` are considered rude edits
-- [ ] EE
- - [ ] Bind `original` to mangled method or accessor
-- [ ] VB
- - [ ] `Replace` keyword in parser and syntax
- - [ ] Implement `Replaced` and `ReplacedBy` on `Symbol`