This directory contains all the Project Reactor source code examples from my LiveTraining webinars and courses at Vanderbilt. Here's an overview of what's included:
. Mono - These examples show how to reduce and/or multiply big fractions asynchronously and concurrently using many Mono features in the Project Reactor framework.
. Flux - These examples show how to reduce and/or multiply big fractions asynchronously and concurrently using many Flux features in the Project Reactor framework.
. Single - These examples show how to reduce and/or multiply big fractions asynchronously and concurrently using many Single features in the RxJava framework.
. Obserable - These examples show how to reduce and/or multiply big fractions asynchronously and concurrently using many Observable features in the RxJava framework.
. ImageCounter - This example shows how to asynchronously and concurrently count the number of images in a recursively- defined folder structure using a range of Project Reactor features, including Mono features and Flux features. The root folder can either reside locally (filesystem-based) or remotely (web-based).