Frontend build for the website.
If you'd like to get started with front end development quickly, and don't mind relying on CI server deploys, you can follow the no environment guide
Inside the /packages/website
folder create a file called .env.local
with the following content.
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAGIC=<magic test mode publishable key>
SENTRY_ORG=<sentry org name>
SENTRY_PROJECT=<sentry project name>
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=<sentry auth token>
Production vars should set in Cloudflare Pages settings.
cd packages/website
yarn install
yarn dev
This guide should only be used if your environment isn't set up correctly, and you don't mind the ~10m turnaround time for Github CI.
If you choose to use this method, use your browsers devtools on the deployed code as much as possible, so you don't have to wait for CI to redeploy your code.